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Items tagged with: racism

This week's comic: Many white Americans fail to assimilate
#cartoon #comic #race #immigration #racism #uspol

Today in Michigan, a Nazi was sentenced for conspiring with other Nazis to threaten Black and Jewish people and desecrate a synagogue with swastikas.

He was prosecuted by DOJ's Civil Rights Division. If Trump wins, the GOP promises to turn the Civil Rights Division into its opposite, prosecuting any institution that has DEI programs.

If you're voting third-party, you're saying you're okay with that.

#USPol #racism #antisemitism

Today in Labor History May 31, 1927: Fred Trump, father Donald Trump, was arrested at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Queens, New York. The Long Island Daily Press reported that all the arrestees, including Trump, were wearing Klan robes. During his presidential campaign, Journalists asked Donald Trump about his father's arrest. He claimed "it never happened."

#trump #kkk #fascism #racism #memorialday

On 25th May 2020 George Floyd Jr was murdered by Derek Chauvin, a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during an arrest made after a store clerk suspected Floyd may have used a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill. Chauvin was subsequently sentenced to 22 1⁄2 years in prison for the murder.

#GeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter #Racism #OnThisDay

The flags outside of #SCOTUS Justice Alito's homes are symbols that fuel white nationalism.

Throughout U.S. history, Americans have been warned that anti-Black #racism is deeply embedded in the fabric of our society and institutions... and has always been a threat to #democracy. Real progress will require racism to be confronted within Americans' minds, homes, and communities first, not just Washington D.C.