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Items tagged with: Astrophotography

This solar #eclipse happened 5 years ago today, but my memories of it are as vivid as if it had been yesterday. I lived in #Chile back then, so I hopped to ESO's La Silla observatory, which was in the path of totality.

This was my second total solar eclipse, but the fact that we were at high elevation made it unique, as we could see the shadow of the #Moon coming towards us from the Pacific Ocean. My humble pic below doesn't make it justice!

#astrodon #astronomy #astrophotography #science

My latest astrophoto: The Elephants Trunk Nebula Sh2-131 - IC1396A and neighborhood in duo narrowband with RGB Stars. Almost 7h exposure time with my Baader Travel Companion and CANON EOS R(a).
#astronomy #space #deepsky #nature #clearskies #astrophotography #photography

Spiral Galaxy NGC 2403 from Subaru
Credits: Suprime-Cam, Subaru Telescope, NAOJ
#nature #space #astrophotography

✨ My Pillars of Creation ✨

The pillars of creation in the Eagle Nebula - Messier 16.

What a difference a well behaved mount makes. Able to track and guide properly means being able to do long exposures and not smear the light of the target all over the camera sensor. A bit of collimation remains to be done, but this isn't an awful result for four hours of hydrogen alpha light.

:meade_lx200: :zwo_duo_filter: :zwo_294mc: :zwo_am5:

#astrodon #astrophotography #space

The Milky Way Over Monument Valley
Credits: Wally Pacholka,, TWAN
#nature #space #astrophotography

The sun in various lines. I particularly love the H-beta one (blueish). Processed with JSol'Ex 2.4.4.

#Solar #SolEx #astrophotography

The Soul Nebula in Infrared from Herschel
Credits: License, ESA, Herschel Space Obs., #NASA, JPL-Caltech
#nature #space #astrophotography

la lune was being a flirt tonight.

it was already low in the sky, so I got a bit hectic, so this may be a bit blurry.

(thank you friend who told me about it)

Canon 600D: ISO 800, 1/100s exposure

Skywatcher Maksutov: aperture 102mm, focal length 1300mm

#Photography #Astrophotography #Moon