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Items tagged with: CatsOfMastodon

Yes, you love your pets and yes, they are good for you – but it's okay to acknowledge for your own mental health that pets can create stress and that some animals are more work than others.
PS: that doesn’t mean it’s ok to take that dog out and shoot it
#pets #health #mentalhealth #CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon

I'm working on my book but my assistant has gone unconscious. #catsofmastodon #today

Gör som Morris - säg nej till Chat Control!

Och så kan du passa på att komma på vår picknick-manifestation lördag den 8 juni!

#StoppaChatControl #ChatControl #StopScanningMe #CatsOfMastodon

This summer, watch out for the unassuming grass seed pod known as a foxtail. Its segment's stickiness can burrow into the skin, eyes, and ears of pets, be inhaled into the nose or even make its way into the lungs.

Symptoms to look out for:
🌱 Frequent shaking of your pet's head
🌱 Drainage or discharge from the eye
🌱 Sneezing or pawing at the nose
🌱 Coughing or hacking
Learn more from a vet:
#CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon #Pets

Självklart pratar man med katten :)


We are looking for people who live with a Sphinx cat for a research study. Interested?

#Sphinx #cats #catsofMastodon

My tortie loves to tell me what she feels. Other people owned by torties know what’s up

#CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Torties

"No, you can't use this to dry your clothes. Not until I've had a chance to barf on everything, anyway."

#caturday #cat #cats #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #humor #humour

Bruno doesn’t get out much. Largely because he’s jumpy AF. But today my wife and I were sitting outside and he wouldn’t stop crying and pawing at the door to join us. Today, was a breakthrough. I have never seen him this chill before.

#catsofmastodon #Caturday #cats

Pippin found a loophole in the No jumping up on “counters” rule.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Cats

Google told me to feed him human fingers, so far, so good

#Cats #CatsOfMastodon #BlackCatsOfMastodon

So three and half days after having five kittens (two of which have survived so far although it's a little sketchy right now) our cat had a sixth who looks a lot different than the others.

#catsofmastodon #kittens

Made a cake to celebrate my cat's birthday.

Happy six years Coco. 💙

#CatsOfMastodon #cats #cat #catstodon

Als ich gestern abend im Halbschlaf auf dem Sofa gedöst hab, hat #Phips mich beobachtet 😸

#catsofmastodon #fedicats #Katzenquote

RIP Tuppence, 8/15/08 - 5/21/24. Thank you for your daily light, my sweet girl.

#cats #CatsOfMastodon #OrangeCat #Tuppence

Mila is turning 18 and has severe arthritis. She can’t sleep on our heads upstairs in the bed anymore (ramps don’t help, due to the layout of our apartment). A few nights a week I pull out a mattress and sleep with her downstairs. And when I don’t.. she starts screaming at 6am until I come down and get sat on. I love her so much

#CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Torties

Being an adult means realizing that while you love cat-sitting, having an actual cat will not work for you, because OMG, a week and there is so much cat hair! Everywhere!

#AboutToday #CatsOfMastodon