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Items tagged with: dogs

I bought a $25 shower head that holds dog shampoo in a container and has three spray settings: Off, Water, Shampoo-Water.

It is such a time saver.

I have a second bathroom so I never need to take it off unless I have company. Mayhem goes in and out in under 10 minutes like it’s a car wash.

(Which given how much she likes to roll around on the ground…)

#dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogstodon

Got down to the beach before it got too hot or too busy. #dogsOfMastodon #gsp #dogs

One thing about Moxxi is that she has zero chill when we're at the cabin. There's always so much to do and so much to see that she stays up until she crashes at about 8pm.

So let's just say that this photo is a maaaassive win.

#Dogs #Dog #DogsOfMastodon #Corgi #CorgisOfMastodon #Mastodogs #Mastodog #DogsOfFediverse #FediDogs #PetsOfMastodon

Finally we have nice weather in #Boise! Tali and I hit the Miller Gulch Trail to see the unique "polychrome" lupines blooming now. The color difference, especially on the same plant, is how the plant communicates with its pollinators (mostly bees); the flowers change color when they are ready for pollinating, and then change again to a different color when the have already been pollinated. #wildflowers #dogs

Cookie: still recovering from vet scare but still wants to climb stairs as fast as she can manage

#DogsOfMastodon #dogs

I lost my best friend on earth today
Suddenly and unexpectedly. A cardiac event it appears. She was almost 11 years old. A special creature, so filled with pure love and joy and a healthy mix of anxiety and curiosity.

She helped me through some really difficult times and also helped me train for a marathon. It's hard to imagine day to day life without her. She comes and gets me from my office every day and sleeps in my armpit...

Life can be cruel and unfair. Hold your loved ones close and focus on what is really important. Cherish the time we have together.

She was a gift to our lives and changed every room she entered with her personality and her energy.

Still in shock. Please send dog pics.

#dog #dogs #doggo #bff #grief

Cookie was banned from the bed because she snores so loudly it sounds like a trumpet and flugelhorn section in your ears (even with custom earplugs on). Then she was allowed on again coz I was sad that she was sick. Now she’s better and I guess I’m never getting her off the bed again (her loud snores are the rhythm of my dreams ahahaha)

They permeate my skull, my dreams, my soul

Video: (this is a level 3 out of 10. Most nights she’s at 8)

#DogsOfMastodon #dogs

Cookie’s vet just called back with her new test results. Everything she had which was previously 2-5x more than normal (all liver related) have all come back to well within normal. The vet now recommends keeping her on this medication and routine for as long as possible (instead of euthanasia)! There was a moment a few weeks ago when we didn’t know if she’d make it, or what her quality of life would be. She’s really surprised everyone with her will to live well.

#DogsOfMastodon #Dogs
