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Items tagged with: cats

I don't know how, but Lilac is still holding out on us. I can tell she's getting more uncomfortable by the day. And the kittens are really kicking around in there. Last night we thought we noticed a few minor contractions, but it was probably just her body reacting to all the kitten activity. We are on high alert. But as the saying goes, a watched pregnant cat never delivers.

#kittens #cats #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday

Happy Caturday!

It's that day of the week again, the day even more cat pics and videos are appearing on the web!

#Cats #cats #Caturday

Just a few of the places Bobby has chosen as appropriate places to nap. Including me. #cats #catsofmastodon #orangecats

Joey, pictured here, invented a ritual for when I Ieave the house. There used to be a lot of stress and he would try to get out the door with me. Now, we have a routine, and he invented it: Whenever he sees I'm about to leave (I put my laptop in my backpack, put on a coat or just say goodbye), he goes to the front door and lies on the mat. I then drag it to the middle of the room, a ride he enjoys, and he stays there looking at me like this while I leave. #catsofmatsodon #cats #CatsOfFediverse