Items tagged with: DefenseUnion
#EUpol #DefenseUnion #France
...provide greatβpower status, respect, national independence, and political influence.2)
The Enduring Legacy of a Great Man: Charles de Gaulle
No figure of modern French history is as honored as Charles de Gaulle. His name has been given to more streets, avenues and monuments in France than to any other man of the nationβs past. The countryβs largest airport bears his name.The Unz Review
...He demanded and got a new #French constitution with a strong executive, which established the βFifth Republicβ that has endured to the present."1)
"πCharles #deGaulle recognized from the beginning that nuclear bomb would have immense consequences...π
By the end of his twoβdecade βnuclear learning processβ, he was convinced that the #bomb would have profound effects on how statesmen...
(3/n) and strong #Europe, led by #France, that would be β1st in the worldβ;π a Europe βnot dominated by either the Russians or the Americans.βπ
And he was one of the early thinkers of a #EuropeOfRegions:
He envisioned a βEurope of fatherlands,β and specifically denounced a βhybridβ #Europe that would not recognize and seek to preserve the distinctive national characters and cultural contributions of Italy, France, Germany and the other European nations." 1)
#EUpol #DefenseUnion #France
#History #DeGaulle
Again, agreed.
Alas, #Macron is no visionary, precognitive leader like PrΓ©sident #CharlesDeGaulle was. With today's hindsight, he rightly distrusted the #Americans:
"In May 1944, de Gaulle told a Soviet official β regarding his view of the #US, "As for #America, it wanted a βdocile France to make it a base for their #European policy.β1)
"βAfter the war,β he said in 1942, πβit will be necessary to give...
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
...though international trade integration has proven to be a great success, it has not stopped the polarization of the globe. In contrast, it has given rise to another dimension in antagonism, that if multinational corporations .
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
[2/3] it was never seriously developed.
Lastly, in my view, even though the #DefenseUnion seems to have been the most difficult dimension for #EU to integrate, this mustn't be the case for the #EU and the non-US #NATO members.
In fact, #NATO proves that a Defense Union can be pursued independently from all other dimension.
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
Agree on both points.
It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.
Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
Agree on both points.
It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.
Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
Agree on both points.
It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.
Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
You are very welcome.
Do you think such a Euro-North-American #FreeTradeArea, omitting the #MAGAmerica, would get a majority in #Canada?
My idea is to start deepening it towards a #DefenseUnion and other areas, similar to precursors of the #EU.
... certain, the #UK surely does not want to be left out alone in the cold when the remaining 27 #EU members (26?--#HUN) all regroup under #France's #NuclearUmbrella to
finally form a #EuropeanDefenseForce.
That must be equipped and financed. A "#DefenseUnion' is indispensable now.
Also, in economic terms, as I don't disagree with your current #UKpol assessment, and as I do believe that πALL European countries...
#CETA #Turkey
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol
...precursors to the #EuropeanUnion, like the #EC, as well as (finally!) a #DefenseUnion, should be on the table. Non-EU neighbors, such as the #UK and #Turkey should be considered as further partners. Too many different treaties are red tape slowing down decision-making processes and thus resilience in a chaotic environment.
Concurrently, the project of a #EuropeanArmy...