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Items tagged with: defenseunion


Items tagged with: defenseunion

#EUpol #DefenseUnion #France


...provide great‐power status, respect, national independence, and political influence.2)

2)… @proscience



...He demanded and got a new #French constitution with a strong executive, which established the β€œFifth Republic” that has endured to the present."1)

"πŸ‘‰Charles #deGaulle recognized from the beginning that nuclear bomb would have immense consequences...πŸ‘ˆ
By the end of his two‐decade ’nuclear learning process’, he was convinced that the #bomb would have profound effects on how statesmen...



(3/n) and strong #Europe, led by #France, that would be β€œ1st in the world”;πŸ‘‰ a Europe β€œnot dominated by either the Russians or the Americans.β€πŸ‘ˆ

And he was one of the early thinkers of a #EuropeOfRegions:
He envisioned a β€œEurope of fatherlands,” and specifically denounced a β€œhybrid” #Europe that would not recognize and seek to preserve the distinctive national characters and cultural contributions of Italy, France, Germany and the other European nations." 1)


#EUpol #DefenseUnion #France
#History #DeGaulle


Again, agreed.

Alas, #Macron is no visionary, precognitive leader like PrΓ©sident #CharlesDeGaulle was. With today's hindsight, he rightly distrusted the #Americans:

"In May 1944, de Gaulle told a Soviet official β€œ regarding his view of the #US, "As for #America, it wanted a β€œdocile France to make it a base for their #European policy.”1)

"β€œAfter the war,” he said in 1942, πŸ‘‰β€œit will be necessary to give...


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


...though international trade integration has proven to be a great success, it has not stopped the polarization of the globe. In contrast, it has given rise to another dimension in antagonism, that if multinational corporations .


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol

[2/3] it was never seriously developed.

Lastly, in my view, even though the #DefenseUnion seems to have been the most difficult dimension for #EU to integrate, this mustn't be the case for the #EU and the non-US #NATO members.

In fact, #NATO proves that a Defense Union can be pursued independently from all other dimension.




#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


Agree on both points.

It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.

Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


Agree on both points.

It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.

Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..


#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


Agree on both points.

It is very hard in Mastodon to amend a thread due to the quite severe character limit.
I tried anyway, though.

Also, I think the defense dimension is included now, as I'm talking about a #DefenseUnion.
This neglected foster child of #EU integration, due to the #US' #NuclearUmbrella and #NATO had made all members non-American members too complacent for decades,..

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol

You are very welcome.

Do you think such a Euro-North-American #FreeTradeArea, omitting the #MAGAmerica, would get a majority in #Canada?

My idea is to start deepening it towards a #DefenseUnion and other areas, similar to precursors of the #EU.…

#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


... security wise deteriorating global environment.

πŸ‘‰How to integrate swiftly: #CEUNπŸ‘ˆ

A new #FreeTradeArea (#FTA) encompassing #Canada, #Europe, and #Mexico could offset the #TrumpTradeWars induced #Recession going forward.

Time is of the essence.
It might be an idea to ratify #CETA and the newly renegotiated #GlobalAgreementWithMexico ASAP.
Then, a deepening of this FTA, similar to...

#GeoPol #UKpol


... certain, the #UK surely does not want to be left out alone in the cold when the remaining 27 #EU members (26?--#HUN) all regroup under #France's #NuclearUmbrella to
finally form a #EuropeanDefenseForce.

That must be equipped and financed. A "#DefenseUnion' is indispensable now.

Also, in economic terms, as I don't disagree with your current #UKpol assessment, and as I do believe that πŸ‘‰ALL European countries...

#CETA #Turkey
#GeoPol #TrumpCoup #TrumpTariffs
#USpol #CANpoli #EUpol


...precursors to the #EuropeanUnion, like the #EC, as well as (finally!) a #DefenseUnion, should be on the table. Non-EU neighbors, such as the #UK and #Turkey should be considered as further partners. Too many different treaties are red tape slowing down decision-making processes and thus resilience in a chaotic environment.

Concurrently, the project of a #EuropeanArmy...
