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Items tagged with: Mangane

FediTip of the day:

If your profile and posts are set to "public" and you can read this very post, you should have no sense of "privacy" here on Fedi. That means ANYONE can reply.

There's 20,000+ instances and new ones every day, there's NO WAY to tell who is accessing your posts or what they're doing with them.

Fediverse is not some kinda "bastion for privacy" nor is there any sort of "consent" required to see your posts if they are public.

The only way you can be 100% sure that your followers are the only ones that directly see your posts is to make your profile and posts private. Even then, screenshots exist.

Remember, you're on the internet. Once you post it, it's probably not going away. This is true everywhere.

#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Sharkey #GoToSocial #IceShrimp #FireFish #Lemmy #Kbin #Misskey #Akkoma #Pleroma #Mangane #MastoTips #FediTips
