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Items tagged with: Poll

Some fediverse platforms* let you add links to your profile in dedicated fields, and also verify them. Do you have/use this feature?

* eg: Mastodon:
and Friendica:

#fediverse #mastodon #VerifiedLinks #verified #SocialMedia #poll

  • Yes, I have a few verified links (38%, 50 votes)
  • I have one verified link (40%, 52 votes)
  • I have this feature, but don't use it (18%, 24 votes)
  • I don't have this feature (2%, 3 votes)
129 voters. Poll end: 2 days ago

Follow-up question. Which approach do you prefer?

#fediverse #mastodon #verification #verified #SocialMedia #poll

  • Verify which domains you own (100%, 4 votes)
  • Let the platform verify who you are (0%, 0 votes)
  • There's a better way! (leave a comment) (0%, 0 votes)
  • Not sure (0%, 0 votes)
4 voters. Poll end: in 38 minutes

Will you be watching the Olympics at all over the course of the next few weeks?

Please BOOST for maximum exposure to the #Fediverse

#Poll #Polls #POTD #Question #QOTD #Olympics #Sports #Tech #AllThingsTech

  • Yes, I'll watch the Olympics (20%, 9 votes)
  • No, I won't watch the Olympics (55%, 24 votes)
  • Not sure if I'll watch any of the Olympics (23%, 10 votes)
43 voters. Poll end: 1 hour ago

Alright, poll time. Is it true no one likes their own voice? How do you feel about yours? Please boost! #Poll #Polls

  • I like it a lot! (17%, 8 votes)
  • It's alright, I guess. (26%, 12 votes)
  • I don't think 1 way or another about it. (4%, 2 votes)
  • No way, yuck! (52%, 24 votes)
46 voters. Poll end: in 5 days

Is there any way to search for polls? Sometimes I’m bored and want to be amused. Info can find all the current polls, it will be like playing a quiz game🥰 #gamer Maybe if we all start tagging polls with #poll?

Unpopular (?) opinion about follower-only posts on #Mastodon: Replies should get the exact same visibility:

1. Your followers should be shown all replies. Currently, only those who follow everyone in the discussion can actually read it in full, which is confusing & not obvious.

2. The discussion should be fully hidden from the followers of those replying. Currently, replies may indirectly leak contents that only concern your own followers & no one else's.

#poll #umfrage @umfragen @umfrage

  • I agree entirely. (42%, 3 votes)
  • I agree with 1 only. (28%, 2 votes)
  • I agree with 2 only. (28%, 2 votes)
  • I disagree entirely. (0%, 0 votes)
7 voters. Poll end: in 2 days

Given what is currently at stake in this country, would you vote for a woman of color for President?
✅ ✔️ ☑️
#poll #Polls #PollOfTheDay
#Election2024 #Election

Please Boost ♻️ to get the largest sample size for this important poll on #Mastodon.

  • 100% YES (97%, 489 votes)
  • Reluctantly (0%, 4 votes)
  • I would stay home (0%, 4 votes)
  • Hell to the NO (0%, 4 votes)
501 voters. Poll end: 4 days ago

How's your day going? #vibe #VibeCheck #poll

  • Great! (0 votes)
  • Could be better. (0 votes)
Poll end: 4 days ago

"FiveThirtyEight's poll tracker, which was originally published on July 8 and updated on July 16, shows Joe #Biden has a 53 percent chance of winning the election, while #Trump has a 46 percent chance."

No charge or swing to #Democrats post #Trump ear injury and during #RNC

#poll on a scale of 1-4 how sapphic is this music video?

  • 4 - maximum gayyyyy (0%, 0 votes)
  • 3 - sapphic vibes (87%, 7 votes)
  • 2 - maybe not het (12%, 1 vote)
  • 1 - hetero (0%, 0 votes)
8 voters. Poll end: 2 weeks ago


Curious to see how things changed over the past year.

"Do you use any third party content discovery tools for Mastodon/fediverse?"

Results from last year:

And here are some links that I'd recommend today:


(Feel free to share your favorites!)

#fediverse #poll #mastodon #SocialMedia #discovery

  • Yes! (0%, 0 votes)
  • No, not really (100%, 3 votes)
3 voters. Poll end: 3 weeks ago