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Items tagged with: VoteBlue

Look, I totally get it. Israel, tariffs, student loans, or his age might make you angry at Joe Biden.

All I'm suggesting is that unless you think he's doing whatever makes you angry is because he's doing only because he's evil than it's worth the effort to assume that for some reason(s) you may not understand forced him to make an unpopular decision because attacking him only helps the political party that seems at this point to actually be supporting evil imo anyways.
#VoteBlue #VoteClimate

What the fuck have Americans got to “make up their minds” about?

It’s democracy or dictatorship.


It’s not that hard…. SMH

#vote #voteblue

When you threaten not to vote, you aren’t threatening Joe Biden. You’re threatening your neighbor. #Vote #VoteBlue #Biden #Trump

Proposed "MOMS" bill: The Handmaid's Tale. A national register of pregnant women; big brother totalitarianism.

#abortion #gqp #gop #VoteBlue

#PaulManafort, poised to rejoin #Trump world, aided Chinese media deal

After pleading #guilty to #MoneyLaundering & #obstruction of #justice, Paul #Manafort, the globe-trotting #political consultant & former campaign chairman for #Trump, asked for leniency in his sentencing, telling a federal judge 5 yrs ago that he was nearly 70, struggling w/health concerns & remorseful for his actions.

#law #criminal #pardon #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024

One major climate message that we've really got to elevate above all others is that addressing global warming is way, way, way, way less expensive than ignoring it!

The cost of solar power has dropped around 90% over the past decade, and battery storage costs dropped 85% during the same period.

#ClimateSolutions #WeCanDoThis #VoteBlue #VoteClimate #Solar #Batteries #EnergyTransition

The difference between Project 2025 and Trump’s usual authoritarian ravings is that Project 2025 isn’t an empty threat, it’s a concrete plan that will roll back your rights and put the government in your life. We’ve been warned.
#NeverAgainTrump #VoteBlue #TrumpMustLose2024 #NoRepublicansEverAgain #Project2025 #LincolnProject #GOP

I can’t get over #Trump saying watching students & police clash


Yesterday Trump said talking about the #protests:

"[#Biden] said he ran because of #Charlottesville.… Well, if the people that know Charlottesville, when you extend that statement, it’s a big hoax. Charlottesville is peanuts compared to what you’re looking at now."

#WhiteChristianNationalism #Israel #Gaza #Palestinians #FreedomOfAssembly #FirstAmendment #law #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024

#Trump Suggests #Student #Protests Are as Bad as #Jan6

He also, again, described 2017’s deadly neo-#Nazi rally in #Charlottesville, Virginia as “peanuts” compared to pro-#Palestinian student protests across the country

#VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024

Another reminder that everyone that supports doing something to address our #ClimateCrisis is supporting Democrats and trying to convince everyone they know that should be supporting Biden-Harris reelection.

As part of the Biden administration’s efforts to tackle climate change Virginia’s new program will focus on helping low-income and disadvantaged communities access solar infrastructure like home panels and battery storage.

#VoteBlue #BidenIsAClimateHawk #Climate

Thanks to President Biden, airlines will now be required to give automatic cash refunds for canceled and delayed flights.

#DemocratsDeliver #BidenHarris2024 #VoteBlue #VoteBlueEveryTime


Just as a side note:

In a representative democracy, like the #US, and unlike #Switzerland, you have empowered the TX government to make the decisions for you until the next election. You don't like what's going on (and I'm NOT saying I do!!!) you need to vote them out.
