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Asking the right questions are key to student learning.

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50 Learning Reflection Questions For Students -

Today in Labor History May 22, 1968: New York police broke through the barricades at Columbia University, busting the student occupations there. As a result, 998 were arrested and over 200 injured. Students were demanding a black studies program and an end to military recruitment and ROTC on campus. Sound familiar? However, today’s student protests are bringing back the worst of 1960s-‘70s police brutality and university intolerance for Free Speech along with McCarthy era firing, blacklisting and doxing of academics for the crime of criticizing the Israeli government, under bogus claims of antisemitism.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #columbia #policebrutality #acab #antiwar #antiracism #student #protest #antisemitism #mccarthyism #freespeech #academicfreedom #studentprotest #freepalestine #EndTheOccupation #EndTheSiege #gaza