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Items tagged with: terror

Putins Geheimarmee : #Soldaten wider Willen

#Monitor. 23.01.2025. 09:51 Min.. #fuckPutin #Krieg #Terror #Jemen

Seit fast drei Jahren tobt der russische #Angriffskrieg in der #Ukraine , mit Hundertausenden Toten und Verletzten.
Zunehmend setzt das russische #Militär deshalb auf ausländische Kämpfer.

#MONITOR konnte nun exklusiv mit Jemeniten an der Front sprechen, die offenbar mit falschen Versprechungen nach #Russland gelockt wurden. Die Recherchen zeigen ein globales Netzwerk, das ständig #Nachschub für Putins #Kriegsmaschinerie heranschafft.…

Trump’s Jan. 6 pardons immediately upended the biggest single prosecution in U.S. history and signaled a broader reversal that threatens to create a more permissive climate in which extremists could regroup and weaken the FBI’s independence.…

#News #Trump #Jan6 #Terror #Violence #Extremism #Terrorism

"If your history is rusty and this narrative is still too much, remember that in #StarWars, #Palpatine was a senator before being deemed Supreme Chancellor and grated powers under the Emergency Powers Act, and eventually renamed as Emperor. This was meant to be a temporary issuance of powers that he promised to relinquish, Instead, he enacted #terror, #genocide and perpetual #oppression. George Lucas was not being subtle when he created this reference."

#Hasbara #AI goes rogue, calls out 'Israel' for #apartheid, #colonialism


An AI-run X profile developed for hasbara purposes, i.e., spreading pro-Israeli, pro-Zionist #propaganda, flipped on its masters and started spreading nuanced—not pro-Palestinian—takes on the #aggression on #Gaza, as reported by Haaretz.


Finally, the bot mistranslated a pro-Zionist post aimed at showcasing "ethnic diversity" within the Israeli #occupation, responding to the post by calling Israeli #soldiers "white colonizers in apartheid Israel."

#military #idf #israel #war #terror #news #ai #technology #fail #problem #manipulation #politics #zionist

A Line-by-Line Breakdown of #Trump’s #BirthrightCitizenship Executive Order

- #ElieMystal

Like a clogged sewer erupting into the streets, Donald Trump returned to office on Mon, &, as promised, unleashed his filth upon the country. In a flurry of #lawless, #unconstitutional, #racist, #bigoted, #violent, &, in some cases, plainly stupid #ExecutiveOrders & #pardons, Trump set his reign of #terror in motion. The future we feared has officially arrived.

#law #14thAmendment…