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#Israel has enacted laws that give the appearance of a legal framework for arrests, but in reality allow total arbitrariness. For example, the "Incarceration of Unlawful Combatants Law" allows the military to imprison Palestinians it deems dangerous for as long as "hostile acts against the State of Israel persist." #OHCHR correctly notes that in the context of decades of occupation and armed #resistance, this amounts to a free pass for the #military.


#news #gaza #humanrights #crime #torture #conflict #law #politics #justice #war #terror #palestine

in reply to anonymiss

IL acts in self defense. They have a long history of to do everything possible that seems to be suitable. From outside this looks sometimes a bit crude. But in basic: they do what is needed. They are in current process are not the aggressors.
in reply to anonymiss

Short question: what IL wants with some Hamas-occupied areas? Nothing. What wants Hamas with IL state areas? Remove it from landscape as IL. IL has all rights to do things to keep it's own state on a living.
in reply to anonymiss

@Moritoki Mochizuki 'A bit crude'... The invasion and colonization of palestine in 1948, with bloody bombin and land spoliation for an ethnic cleansin since then. For your info, as you don't seem to be well versed in history, hamas has been created in 1982 as a movement of resistance to it.
in reply to anonymiss

The Colonialist and Racist State of israel must be extinct. Zionists are much worse than their younger brothers, the nazists.
in reply to anonymiss

Great post to make all the haters come out of the woodwork.
in reply to anonymiss

@Syl: Mhm, Hamas has its roots far before 1982. These people as a kind of political Islam are based around beginning of the 20th century.
Best friends of Adolf Hitler. Just same time, same ideology. Say at start of the 1930s. It remains till that time. What you call "movement" is existing since a longer time as a kind of "hate religion". Why people need this as religion never was explained by the haters.
in reply to anonymiss

Every decent people hates colonialism, racism, apartheid, land grabbing, mass murdering and thief. That is why zionism is not acceptable at all.
in reply to anonymiss

@Moritoki Mochizuki Don't think you wanna discuss the roots of 'hate religion', debatin about zionism... Do you?
in reply to anonymiss

@Syl I could. But it's a problem if I want to do it with you. There is a state Israel. Zionism in this regard is only to keep Israel. Who/How/Why there is Israel you can read in Wikipedia... BTW, this landscape there is fighted for since inventing of the concept of "ownership" of land. Who had this land had to face hate - one can say, that the landscape there looks for people as something ideal, good and a thing you want to own yourself.
in reply to anonymiss

@Moritoki Mochizuki Ooook, so now, to indulge in the worst atrocities and in the name of god then, is actually the norm. Everybody's doin it, that's what you're implyin right?

Cause, if you wanna go back to the roots of 'hate religion', let me remind you that zionism is foremost the conquest of 'the promised land' for 'the chosen people', by the slaughter of an impure race... That, is exactly the ideology of nazism.

in reply to anonymiss

@Syl Oh, I see we need some basic ideas at all. I hope you've seen Wikipedia. This is a premise I make.
Jews are the basic religion for Christians or later Muslims. They are not open. That first make Christians - about same religion with extensions. But you did not have to be a Jew. Then later there was a special crafted religion. Still keeping things from the two others. Both later religions in their history did hate Jews. Christians did for example by "Nathan the Wise" some other thinkings. Nazis did fight the Jews. You know that? Today some muslim (as they call itself) fight the Jews. And the global left wing of politics. No "Nazi" as you would think.
I think: please read Wikipedia again.
in reply to anonymiss

@Moritoki Mochizuki Yes, we're speakin of the roots of it, as you mentioned them, and that zionist colonialism is nazi per se, as its racial purity implies it. All your verbiage can't deny it. And no, not all christians and muslims are hateful of the jews, and likewise, not all jews are are those fascists warmongers.
in reply to anonymiss

@Syl Sure not all of them. From all sides. And "Nazi" - well, you think it's only own "Volk"? In this case there is some misinterpretation. Nazi is more of it. Their fight against Jews was a bit of the bad actions they did. There is a lot more bad and they even invented things that was good up to now. I say "hollidays" in german. Or protecting dogs or cats - or animals at all... There is a lot of things that remains since that time. They where all bad with what they did against people. They have still things that where never changed - as (sorry german) "Professoren sind verbeamtet". Last thing to keep them on system line - still not changed today.
in reply to anonymiss

Zionists are living examples of Banality of Evil.

“israel” has no “right to defense” against people they exploit and kill on lands they colonize. Palestinian resistence acts are supported by the international law and Human Rights.

in reply to anonymiss

No, that's not what Zionism means. And, no, if you're not Jewish you don't get to decide what it means. If you actually want to know what Jews mean by it, rather than throw it around like a swearword, read this for an idea.

in reply to anonymiss

@Hudson Lacerda* Tell me where you live, and I will tell you, who should live there. Here I am a pretty local kind of man - living here since about 2000 BC in this kind. You can see on hair and all over shining.... Do you know, what bullshit you are providing here?
in reply to anonymiss

@M6G No, that's not what Zionism means, and not what Zionists are. You are deliberately erasing left-wing Zionists to confirm your simplistic narrative. Sorry, the world isn't that simple. Read the link I posted.
in reply to Noam Bergman

@Noam Bergman

My #world is that simple.

who is the author of your linked post? israel or pro israel group? not interested... don't need more israel #propaganda spewing out and I will not allow you to control my narrative. I control my narrative. It's a pattern I notice, israel and pro-israel groups always always always want to control the #narrative. it bugs the shit, when they can't control the narrative of others #independent #thinking.

Am I deliberately erasing stuff? like israel deliberately targeting #UN personnel, #humanitarian #aid workers, #global #medical workers, #non-combatant men, #womyn, #children to murder and erase them from this earth?

From current events, israel #genocide #campaign (enabled by #hypocrite #usa) against Palestinians is to wipe #Palestinians and #Palestine from this #earth and global #map.

#fediverse #friendica #diaspora #hubzilla #mastodon

in reply to anonymiss

in reply to anonymiss

@Hudson Lacerda* No, you do not get to define Zionism. And you don't get to erase people who identify as Zionists who have been fighting to end the occupation for decades. They are there doing the work (right now, they are protesting against the war or building bridges between Jew and Palestinians), not being keyboard warriors. Good bye.
in reply to anonymiss