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Items tagged with: DogsOfMastodon

Summer and I decided we needed some fresh air and exercise.My husband wasn't home yet, so we left him a note to heat up the hot chocolate and warm the muffins we left for him and that we would be back from the beach soon.
Today is warm with a mild wind, so I didn't even take a jacket.
Summer was so excited that she frolicked until she couldn't frolick any more.
We have a happy and tired dog.
Clean now, too, after her bath.
#Summer #DogsOfMastodon

Yes, you love your pets and yes, they are good for you – but it's okay to acknowledge for your own mental health that pets can create stress and that some animals are more work than others.
PS: that doesn’t mean it’s ok to take that dog out and shoot it
#pets #health #mentalhealth #CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon

Some weirdo brought their ponies to the dog park. #dogsofmastodon

Take me to my peopleeeeeee (the people who eat roast chicken)

#DogsOfMastodon #Dogs

#DogsOfMastodon #BloomScrolling

My sweet, newly adopted dog is recovering from her first treatment for heartworm. The treatment kicked her ass, but now it's 6 days after the first injection and she's feeling much better. She felt well enough to pose in front of the pretty posies for me.

This summer, watch out for the unassuming grass seed pod known as a foxtail. Its segment's stickiness can burrow into the skin, eyes, and ears of pets, be inhaled into the nose or even make its way into the lungs.

Symptoms to look out for:
🌱 Frequent shaking of your pet's head
🌱 Drainage or discharge from the eye
🌱 Sneezing or pawing at the nose
🌱 Coughing or hacking
Learn more from a vet:
#CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon #Pets

A rare sighting of the allotment hippo in its natural habitat...


As it turns out the dog park can still be muddy after dark. I'm working things out for dog science. Expect my paper about this soon.
#dogsofmastodon #corgi #corgisofmastodon

Today's big thought: What if cicadas taste like unshelled pistachios and dogs have chosen not to share this information with us?


I'll start! Here is a picture of our very silly dog helping us solve a crossword #DogsOfMastodon #SmallCheeringThings

After a long morning of loading the POD, stuffing the car, cleaning, scrubbing, double-checking, all on very little sleep… we’re off! #Canada here we come.

#Hammy loves these long road trips.

First night: Sacramento-ish.


Marcy and Ollie had lots of beach fun today. It was cold and foggy, a perfect respite from the heat inland.

Sorry it took so long for a #FosterDog update but these two are a handful when not in a couch coma. We had to empty out our family room because they will get into EVERYTHING. Otherwise they are well behaved little raptors that need a lot of attention.
#Dogs #DogsOfMastodon #Weimaraner

Controversial discussion. Thinking it’s time to switch from #DogsOfMastodon #DogsOfPixelfed to something more generic.

Maybe #DogsOfFedi or #DogsOfSocialWeb as reach begins expanding beyond the known fediverse.

Maddie needs to be known across all platforms!

He loves this chair for some reason. It's like his throne.

#DogsOfMastodon #Dogs

Happy birthday to the handsomest tyrant in the world… my Feargal. Five years (minus a week) ago he was one of this squalling mass of puppies. Now he’s a squalling mass on his own account. #puppies #dogsOfMastodon

I have to put her away at bakeries because she tries to eat all the crumbs. Croissant flakes are her fave

#DogsOfMastodon #Dogs

Almost a month ago we thought we were saying goodbye to Cookie. Cookie was like, not today (if you’re ever in SF needing an emergency vet, Dr Winnie Ybarra at SF AMC is incredible and I believe the reason why Cookie is alive today)

#DogsOfMastodon #Dogs

📷 #NationalRescueDogDay

This is Jack The First (1990-2000) at the flat on Guerrero Street SF, 1991. She was my first rescue and one of three rescue terriers I've named "Jack."

#FediversalPictures #Photography #DogsOfMastodon

One year ago today, I decided to foster a shy little stray pup from the shelter where I volunteer. Figured I'd do some housebreaking and she'd go quickly.

After a few days it turned out that she was a little hellion. Fought my dogs. Bit me a coupla times. And then I realized I couldn't let her go.

She's come such a long way since then. We're still smoothing out some rough edges but she's a really sweet good girl.



Remember, always read the assembly instructions BEFORE you start putting your new pet together!
#Dogs #DogsofMastodon


Best thing I’ve seen in a while. Of course it’s in #SantaFe #NewMexico. At the entrance to a hiking trail. The idea is when you return to your car after a hike, you pour any unused water from your water bottles into Rusty’s mouth and, well, he “pees” it onto the young tree, to water it.

I love the little details, like the hex nuts as Rusty’s toes on his paws.

Bravo. And woof!

#art #sculpture #dogs #hiking #dogsofmastodon