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Items tagged with: pollinators

8/ snip "Bill Rees is one of a number of #climate scientists who portray #climatechange as one symptom of a larger planetary problem of ecological #overshoot. In this excellent lecture ( he briefly touches on: ocean acidification, freshwater contamination, #deforestation, soil #erosion, #desertification, overfishing and species #extinctions."

Key quotes:

“It’s not just mammals. Wild bird populations are also tumbling. Domestic poultry now constitute 70% of the world’s avian biomass. Average populations of thousands of monitored species of wild vertebrates, birds, fish, mammals, amphibians, have declined ~60% since 1970. Populations of #invertebrates, including essential #pollinators, are also in free-fall: Butterflies down 53%; beetles down 49%, bumblebees down 46%… All species monitored by WWF are down 68–70% in just 50 years.”"

The Mason Bee (Blue Orchard Bee) House is fully occupied. They were extremely active building nests until a few days ago. Now they mature, and we'll see how many emerge next spring.

Went out to feed the birds this a.m. & saw something "mounted" to a back porch support beam. Closer inspection revealed it was a very large #moth. My ID app suggests Polyphemus moth (Antheraea polyphemus) with an average wingspan of 6". It was just chilling during the a.m. storms. I hoped it would open up but it just stayed motionless. It was quite dark so the pics aren't the best. Antennae are very cool!

#pollinators #insects #nature #MacroPhotography #MastoArt #photography #AltText