Items tagged with: responsibility
How slow warnings, poor defences left #Spain exposed to deadly floods
I always find it particularly bitter when corrupt politicians are so lazy that they don't even care about human lives and prefer to blame others after the disaster in order to keep their lucrative office for which they are obviously unsuitable.
#crisis #flood #responsibility #weather #disaster #politics #crime #humanrights #Problem #justice
It is our #mistake. We should double check it. Not only double, but triple check it. One more thing I want to add is that people should not consider Google as the standard. #Google is just a search engine, and any person can post anything on it. Don't just believe it. Just cross check!
And at the end it's your mistake that Google is full of #fake so don't blame the search engine for it!
#responsibility #ai #check #journalism #Press #messenger #Problem #Software #news #technology #future #Trust #Halloween