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Items tagged with: catsOfMastodon

Två ofantligt myströtta katter idag. Oklart om jag matchar deras energi eller de min, men gosigt har vi det. #finncleo #cats #catsofmastodon

This one’s new (Frodo) and found asylum with me… #CatsOFMastodon Still very shy, but for the human hand… Love bites galore.

Finn caught his squeaky plush mouse and brought it outside. He is now playing like a maniac, being fiercely protective of his prey. #finncleo #caturday #catsofmastodon

We were trying to throw these very old bedsheets away, but Boxcat rival decided they made a good bed.

Browsing the catsOfMastodon hashtag is a better use of your time than reading posts about some useless debate.

Cats are better.

#cats #catsOfMastodon #debate2024

Sooooo... Did you follow my advice and browse #catsOfMastodon or did you pay attention to that debate?


  • Browsed CatsOfMastodon and my heart is full of joy (9%, 1 vote)
  • I should have browsed CatsOfMastodon. I haz a sad. (90%, 10 votes)
11 voters. Poll end: 5 days ago

There's perfectly good black tail not being put to use. I think I shall play with it. he won't mind. #CatsOfMastodon #catfun #catlife

... and we sat eating at the kitchen table, overlooking my mother's back porch, while behind us, Joey the cat flew about the room in complete disregard of gravity. #CatsOfMastodon #cat #blackcats #void #fedicats

Don’t forget the critters on these scorching days. I fill the water bowl 2x a day and I see finches, cardinals, blue jays, titmice, opossums and of course squirrels drinking from it.
These pics are from this morning.
#SquirrelsOfMastodon #BirdsOfMastodon
#CatsOfMastodon #Today

“Listen, primate boy. I don’t mean to judge, but I’m 72 in your years and *I* still look magnificent.” 😼🙈

#Tigger 😽
#Bengals 🐅
#Photography 📷
#CatsOfMastodon 🐈

For #caturday here's our orange bad boy who decided to eat another bee this week which got him a trip to the emergency vet. He's fine now and can't wait to eat another bee soon 🙄

His big bro, our tuxedo #CatsOfMastodon , tolerates his love.

This photo is over 12 years old. In the evenings of June, I used to relax in the garden to enjoy the sunset. He would come and keep me company. He from the wall, me from the deckchair, we silently enjoyed the peaceful countryside sunset together. Once the sun disappeared, he would come to say goodbye and leave. It was an almost daily ritual that went on for years.

#Caturday #Cat #Cats #Friendship #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse

If you ever see Pippin sprawled out on the hardwood floor you know it’s a heatwave. Or as we like to call it -

Cat on a hot tin floof.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

Für den #Caturday musste wieder eins der innerfamiliären Modelle herhalten - aber talentiert genug sind sie ja 😊

#photography #CatsOfMastodon #blackandwhite