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Items tagged with: USPOL

#Faschismus #DEpol #USpol #History


...Falls #KamelaHarris nicht die nächste #US-Präsidentin werden, wird das #Project2025 1)--ein über 800-Seiten starker Detailplan zur umfassenden #Machtergreifung--umgesetzt werden. Die Weichen dafür sind gestellt.




#Longtermism #TESCREAL
#Gesellschaft #Politik
#Faschismus #Klimakrise


[...und andere Posts von mir mit diesem Hashtag]


So apparently the #Trump supporters are shooting at #Harris campaign offices now, and I think it really underlines something about the #violence that Trump has inspired this election cycle, and how there is this clear split in how it's being carried out.

Trump has inspired two people to shoot at him this summer: an anti-election anarchist, and an elderly man with a criminal record. While this is obviously really bad for reasons that have already been enumerated, it's also targeted entirely at a single person with power.

Trump has also inspired numerous people to shoot up schools, churches, synagogues, Walmarts, and now a Harris campaign office. These pro-Trump shooters aren't even targeting people who might have the power to do something, they're just targeting bystanders.

I hope this doesn't scare people away from publicly showing support for Harris, and that people remember that, if nothing else, they can't see who you vote for.

#shooting #USpol

Content warning: USPol social media

“Our #LGBTQ+ loved ones need both our compassion and our action to make our communities safe and our laws inclusive, so every LGBTQ+ person can be safe, celebrated, affirmed and loved everywhere in the U.S.”

Hate crimes, particularly against LGBTQ community, on the rise: FBI data - ABC News

(corrected URL)

#news #homophobia #transphobia #politics #USpol #extremism #CriminalJustice

MASSIVE news that we all missed:

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that he will NOT engage in any cease fire talks for the next 45 days.

In other words, until just AFTER the US election.

After Trump and Netanyahu had an ILLEGAL SUMMIT last month,

Do the math.

#Trump #Gaza #Israel #Netanyahu #uspol #uspolitics

"The man behind #Project2025 ... told university colleagues about two decades ago that he had killed a neighborhood #dog with a shovel...

Kevin Roberts, now the president of the #HeritageFoundation... told colleagues & dinner guests that he killed a neighbor’s #pitbull around 2004 while he was working as a still relatively unknown #history professor at #NewMexico State University."

#Republicans #Kill #Dogs #GOP #Politics #USPol #USA #News

“The suggestion that the blame for a prospective loss should lay at the feet of less than 2% of the electorate… puts the Jewish people in danger. Grave danger. This was more than a dog whistle. It is a form of preemptive scapegoating, aimed to scare Jews into voting for Trump…. Donald Trump has endangered the Jewish people.”

- Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove

#antisemitism #USPol

Also, a ham-handed attempt to intimidate Jews into voting for him in an effort to avoid being murdered in retaliation for his loss.

#antisemitism #USPol

Trump's Disrespect of Women

Trump Rages at Female Voters in Epic Rants Amid Sudden New Poll Drop

As an NBC survey shows Trump slipping further with women, a writer who closely covers the abortion debate explains how Trump may be driving them away more aggressively than we thought.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump


Gives Immigrants 'numbers' like Jews in holocaust concentration camps!

Immigrants are no longer welcome in Donald Trump’s America. Instead, the Republican presidential nominee posited that under his potential second administration, he would round up and mass-deport noncitizens based on their “serial numbers.”
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump


After a MAGA generated high of $79 per share, Donald Trump's DJT stock continues its free fall as stocks fell to $12.18 per share Monday.

With quarterly losses of tens of millions of dollars, the real value of DJT should be labeled as a penny stock.

Actually, the stock should be de-listed!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #MAGA #BreakingNews #Breaking

Just a reminder, the exploding pagers is another in a long line of terrorist campaigns by Israel. It is counter to international law, and further highlights their complete disregard for the safety of innocent people.

#Israel #Palestine #USPol

“Sometimes they say it’s illegal [for prisoners to unionize], but it’s not. It’s just frowned upon. But it works.”

New today from Michelle Pitcher: Texans are organizing inside and outside of prisons to empower incarcerated workers, who labor in dangerous conditions without pay.

#politics #prison #WorkersRights #labor #HumanRights #Texas #USpol #news

‪If you're worried sick about Trump winning, and want to do something, but don't know what needs to be done -- this website has options!

Find a canvass nearby, learn how to post online more persuasively, send texts to voters (through an app), make phone calls, deliver yard signs,...

#harriswalz2024 #uspol

Don’t miss this charming short video of Kamala Harris answering the internet’s most-asked questions about her. She’s candid, funny and likable.
Everyone should have a chance to see it!
So, let’s boost the heck out of it, ‘K? Thanks.
#HarrisWalz #KamalaHarris #uspol

Stuff like this (and plenty in my own #usa #USpol ) makes cynical me wonder if “center-left” is just a #marketing ploy used by a subset of conservatives

This week's top story: He’s one of Ken Paxton’s “best friends.” Angela Paxton served on his corporate board. And he stands accused of sprawling financial malfeasance.

#KenPaxton #news #politics #USpol #corruption #TXlege #Texas #fraud

One candidate has spent her career as a dedicated public servant, who believes government exists to serve the people, the other has divided the nation for his own personal gain.

Kamala Harris Is the Clear Choice for President

#USPol #HarrisWalz2024 #KamalaBringsUsJoy #NeverAgainTrump #VoteBlue #TrumpWillLose2024 #NoRepublicansEverAgain

The Great American Comeback with Biden-Harris:

• Nearly 16 million jobs added
• Stock market keeps hitting record highs
• Strongest post-pandemic GDP growth in the world
• Much lower unemployment & inflation than Reagan in 1984
• Employment for prime-working-age Americans at a 23-year high

#Economy #Jobs #USPol #USPolitics #Harris #Trump #Inflation

Just months after Trump took office, the loan balance appears to have dropped by $15.5 million, and the Trump Organization seems to have quietly paid off the remainder, never reporting any of this on his financial disclosures—either as a candidate or as president.

The curious case of Trump’s disappearing $15 million South Korean debt

#DangerousDonald #DonaldArlingtonTrump #GOPWeirdos #TrumpWillLose2024 #NoRepublicansEverAgain #VoteBlue #USPol #DonaldTrump

#USpol #Elections2024


...would certainly buy a few,” he wrote in October 2010. In March 2012, during the Obama administration, it was claimed he wrote: 👉“I’d take Hitler over any of the shit that’s in Washington right now!”👈

s/:I'd thought that after former British PM #RishiSunak set a benchmark for #BIPOC, this lowpoint would be hard to beat. It seems that #GQP candidate Mark Robinson does so effortlessly. /s



#USpol #Elections2024


IMO, the more interesting news is that "the #NorthCarolina #Republican party is standing by..."a probably self-accaimed "#BlackNazi" and would-be #Slaveholder as gubernatorial candidate!

"...He also allegedly 👉expressed support for reinstating #slavery👈. “Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be #slaves. I wish they would bring it [slavery] back...

Report: "Rashida Tlaib submits names of children [identified as] killed in Gaza into US Congressional record.

“The first 14 pages alone are names of babies under the age of one... That’s 710 babies that the Israeli government has murdered. I wish my colleagues would look at it.”

While the 649-page document names every identified Palestinian killed in Gaza, many of those killed cannot be identified.

#IsraeliAtrocities #USEnablement #GazaGenocide #USPol

"Robinson’s campaign has been weighted by his long history of incendiary rhetoric, including about a top issue this election cycle, #abortion.[He wants to ban abortion & limit #BirthControl]

More recently, though, he has faced increased scrutiny over his personal life... he regularly visited #porn shops in Greensboro in the 1990s and 2000s, long after he said he became a devoted #Christian"

#MarkRobinson #GOP #Republicans #NorthCarolina #Politics #USPol #USA #News

'#Nebraska may change its electoral system at the last second to help #Trump win -'

'It goes without saying that the nightmare I’ve described here – which could absolutely happen – is only one of several glitches in the electoral system which could undo the #UnitedStates.'