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Items tagged with: UsPol

For the sake of balance, because I criticized liberal civility so much, I just wanted to say that it is refreshing to see the Harris campaign drop that bullshit.

Trump IS old and quite weird. We've kept people from the White House for less.

#LikeRonDeSantis #AmericaWasntReadyForItsFirstGooberPresident #CeasefireNow #Ceasefire #Harris #Harris2024 #Election2024 #Elections2024 #Politics #USPol #USPolitics

"Do you think it ever occurred to Trump that if he wasn't such a big asshat, that he wouldn't have been shot at and Corey never would have died?"
- Aure

Donald Trump says he will go back to Butler, Pennsylvania and do a rally again in honor of 'hero' firefighter Corey Comperatore
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump

Concern over Trump saying you won't need elections in four years misses the way things are done by would-be dictators.

One of the reasons right-wingers admire Hungary's dictator Orbán is how he changed the rules so that elections still happen, but the opposition simply can't win. #uspol #USPolitics #2024election

#trump Backers Are Talking Up Possible #CivilWar – Mother Jones

“I believe wholeheartedly donald trump and Butler County’s #jdvance are the last chance to save our country politically. I’m afraid if we lose this one, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country, and it will be saved,” Lang said, as the crowd erupted in raucous applause.

#Kamala2024 #VoteBlue #Kamala #Harris #USPol #USPolitics


Insights into JD Vance:

After briefly turning away from fundamentalism, Vance has returned to it with a vengeance.

It was inevitable he'd gravitate toward "a party of religious fanatics run by a rapist sociopath.

"Most young people loathe the tyrannical ideas of Project 2025." But some enjoy them.

"No one like him should come within a 1,000 miles of the White House. & you don’t have to be a 'cat lady' to understand that."

#TrumpVance #USPol .... 2

Ok, let's do this. The Harris campaign should not be on mastodon. It would be bad for both the campaign, and mastodon.


#UsPol #FediMeta #MastodonForHarris, for muting purposes

So now he’s just screaming the quiet part aloud.

“Christians. I love you, Christians! You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”

~Trump tells Christians to vote “Just this time.” After, he will have it “fixed” so they won’t have to vote again. ~

(embedded video in article)

#ChristoFascism #USA #USPol #USPolitics

This has been pretty obvious for some time now, and it's been totally crazy for me how people have not been talking about it.

But finally he just out and out said it, so now people seem to take it seriously. Let's hope this doesn't just go away with the news cycle. We have to keep reminding people that if Trump wins this one time, the most powerful country in the world will be a fascistic theocratic dictatorship forever!

#uspol #trump #dictatorship #DictatorDon

#USpol #JDVance #TempVeepCandidate

Good point.

As #Scaramucci said, how many Scaramuccis will he last?

#Vance seems to be in self-destruct mode, despite having written a bestselling book and being politically experienced.

Whatever staffer came up with “We’re Not Going Back” as a slogan should never pay for a drink again. #uspol #kamalaharris

Hahahaha 😂
(If it's fake, it's still funny)

#Trump #USPol


Michigan pollsters discovered this week that NOT A SINGLE PERSON of color they polled, would vote for Donald Trump in a Trump vs. Harris presidential matchup!

The poll included 100 people of color.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump

#USpol #TrustBusting #FTC #LinaKhan

...revamping the US economy and devolving power back from the #BigBusiness #plutocrats back to the people. 6)



Psychologically speaking, this period of US politics is a tug of war of what they call psychological reactance, which is that when a perceived freedom is being taken away, people tend to get extremely upset and will go to extremes to protect the freedom, as opposed to little reaction if they never had that freedom, it feels normal.

As the arc of history bent towards justice, increasingly in recent decades, the right perceived their freedoms (to discriminate, to rule, to be rewarded more highly for mediocrity, to be deferred to, etc), which led to them taking political power as their base became fired up.

And with that power, they increasingly took from us OUR hard won freedoms, many of them only recently won. (Freedom of expression, racial equities, sexual freedom, women’s rights, ending Roe, etc.)

Time will tell, but it sure seems like they took enough freedom from us to trigger *our* reactance, and that it’s going to be greater than theirs.

#USPol #psychology #AbuseCulture

It begins... Texas federal court rules on behalf of Trumpist billionaire Elon Musk that the NLRB is unconstitutional based on the Trump Supremes' Jarkesy decision
#uspol #musk #trump #scotus #nlrb #project2025 #jarkesy

So I heard Biden mention that he's big into reforming the Supreme Court. My reaction to that is "If the next words out of your mouth aren't 'I'm appointing five new justices and I expect the legislation enabling it and their appointments to be confirmed by congress before the election' then I have no idea why the fuck you're still talking."

#USPol #Biden #SCOTUS

This might cheer you up a bit:

#USpol #Humor

Found this here the other day and saved it. It fits so well and might become THE meme for the next 5 years:

Vice President #Harris immediately opens up a 20 point lead among young voters, an expansion of a 6 point lead by #Biden which had been narrowing.

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #election #election2024



Dept of Predictions Based on Vibes, not Knowledge of Any Kind:

Vance will withdraw as VP nominee next month.

#Biden moments away from addressing the nation on his decision to stand down from the 2024 #election.

If you think he has earned a beer for ~50 years of public service, donate $5 to help elect VP #Harris (and show #Mastodon is worth looking at)!

Or, you know, a six-pack for $30. 😇

@heidilifeldman has started this #MastodonForHarris ActBlue fundraiser and it is blowing past expectations, approaching $200,000 as we speak!

#uspol #politics #uspolitics

Content warning: Statement from Doug Emhoff's ex-wife on "childless cat ladies" attack

Our top story: Two years after the constitutional right to #abortion was eliminated, what’s left of Texans’ reproductive rights is ambiguous.

#photography #news #women #politics #USpol #Texas #RoeVWade

Content warning: US Politics, Tech, VC

Content warning: Trump

Content warning: How to donate to Kamala Harris AND promote Mastodon

If you haven't already, or perhaps if you want to again, @heidilifeldman has a #MastodonForHarris #actblue campaign to raise funds for VP Harris's presidential campaign to defeat #Trump.

I think the goal was $1,000 (lol) but we're going to the moon.
🚀 🚀 🚀

Donate whatever you can, here:

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #kamala #election #election2024

It’s kinda rich claiming Kamala Harris is a DEI candidate when your guy’s a septuagenarian trust fund baby.

#USPol #trump #harris #DEI #fascism #racism #misogyny

This is well reasoned.
Democrats are poised to win. But only if they make the election about Trump | Michael Podhorzer | The Guardian


Climate folks, @leahstokes is helping organize a phone bank for Kamala Harris. Sign up here if you want to join!

#ClimateCrisis #climate #cleanenergy #uspol #uspolitics

Trump could do the funniest thing right now and sue Elon for that money the same way Elon was forced to pay $44 billion for Twitter.


#Kamala #Harris » "Building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency."

#USPol #USPolitics #VoteBlue #Project2025

“JD Vance is making history as the least liked VP nominee (non-incumbent) since 1980 following his/her party's convention. He's the first to have a net negative favorable rating.

Not surprising given how weak he ran in Ohio in 2022. Far worse than the average Ohio Republican.” @ ForcasterEnten
#USPOL #uspolitics