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Items tagged with: Diversity

Major corporations, including Mastercard, Meta, and Coca-Cola, are quietly sponsoring a Canadian conference headlined by Christopher Rufo, a far-right activist and crusader against diversity initiatives. Many of these same companies, however, champion diversity in their public communications.

#Canada #FarRight #ChristopherRufo #Diversity #CocaCola #Mastercard #Meta #DoorDash #SunLife

Gender-sensible Sprache in #Stellenanzeigen hat Einfluss auf die Wahrnehmung und das Interesse von weiblichen Nutzern. #Anzeigen mit weiblicher Endung („-in“) ziehen signifikant mehr weibliche Klicks an, insbesondere im Vergleich zu generischen Maskulinformen wie „(m/w/d)“. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Sichtbarkeit von Frauen durch spezifische sprachliche Anpassungen gesteigert wird.

#GendergerechteSprache #Recruiting #Diversity #Inklusion #HumanRessources

Know what that is in that photo?
It's a dumpster full of books —mostly LGBT stuff but others too— heading to the landfill.

Know what *that* is?
It's goddamned fascism.

This is what hate looks like.
This is what hate does.

#USpol #USnews #DeSantis #Republicans #GOP #ChristianNationalism #Fascism #BookBurning #LGBTQIA
#NewCollege of #Florida tosses hundreds of #library #books, empties #gender #diversity library

h/t to @alexwild and @futurebird


The flags of #prideAmsterdam2024 are brilliant, I really like how the design disintegrates the current cluttered #pride flag and reintegrates it into complex textures of #diversity.
#Amsterdam #Pride #GraphicDesign