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Items tagged with: HIstodons

Labor disputes today inevitably lead to someone getting called a scab – an insult used to smear people who cross picket lines, break up strikes, or refuse to join a union.

The UAW president called Trump a “scab” this month after the president suggested to Elon Musk that striking workers ought to be illegally fired.

Labor’s ‘scabs’ were among the first Americans identified as sellouts for betraying their own.
#Histodons @histodons #LaborDay #Unions

Few Americans know what happened 75 years ago today in the small town of Peekskill, NY. The KKK and anti-communists teamed up to try to silence a folk concert fundraiser for the Civil Rights movement.

It marked a significant turning point in the post-World War II era, raised the stakes in the coming anti-communist Red Scare, and showed how the destructive power of hatred can gain legitimacy in a time of political turmoil.

#Histodons @histodons #politics #music

#OnThisDay, 25 Aug 1932, Amelia Earhart successfully lands in Newark, New Jersey, to become the first woman to fly solo across the USA.

Earhart records a series of first flights by a woman, before disappearing during an attempt to fly around the world in 1937.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #AmericanHistory #WomenPilots #Histodons

#OnThisDay, 24 Aug 1896, an unknown woman cyclist has a beer at the bar in New Jersey - making headlines in the New York Times.


#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #Cycling #AmericanHistory #Histodons

The #Holocaust decimated not only Yiddish cultures of Eastern Europe, but also Ladino cultures of the eastern Mediterranean, which had flourished for centuries.

The 1,700 Jews of Rhodes were deported to Auschwitz 80 years ago, when Allied victory was almost in sight.

Their fate reflects how genocide remained a Nazi priority to the bitter end.
#Histodons @histodons #Jewish

Since the first #DNC in 1932, the convention has had a long and storied #history with headline-grabbing moments, from ‘Yippies’ in 1968 trying to elect a literal pig, to historic political messaging of hope and unity.
#Histodons @histodons #News

“I know I have the body of a weak, feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too.”
#OnThisDay, 19 Aug 1588*, Queen Elizabeth I of England addresses the troops at Tilbury as they prepare to defend England against the Spanish Armada.

Her reported speech is best seen as propaganda establishing her as a symbolic Britannia.

*date converted from OS calendar

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #TudorHistory #EnglishHistory #Histodons

#OnThisDay, 18 Aug 1920, women in the US gain the right to vote when the 19th amendment is ratified by Tennessee, the 36th state to ratify it.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #VotesForWomen #AmericanHistory #Histodons

Here is a fun one, or at least one with more effort put into it than your average coin. @MAJ1 lamented that his coins were unremarkable, and it prompted me to pull this one out. What you see everyday which may seem unremarkable, might be wondrous and new to someone else, so here's a new take on an old threepence from #Britain / #UK:

#SaturdayNightCoinShow #Painting #Art #CoinArt #Numismatics #History #Coins #HIstodons @numismatics @histodons

Most of us will never know our great-grandparents except through glimpses of fading bits of paper: sepia photographs, recipe cards, letters in handwriting traced by a fountain pen dispensing cocoa-colored ink.

What does it take to tell a story from such tantalizing fragments of lives? Here's some tips to think like a historian and make your own "investigative memoir" (from the great-granddaughter of this bride):
#Histodons @histodons #family

The barcode, which completely revolutionized how we shop, work and live, turns 50 this summer.
What it didn't do: Herald the end times, as conspiracy theorists once fretted.
What it did do: Usher in a new age of global commerce.

And fast forward to today, when more than 10 billion product barcodes are scanned every day (not to mention their descendant, the QR code)
#Histodons @histodons #shopping #technology

#OnThisDay, 11 Aug 1942 Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil receive a patent for their radio guidance system – the tech that now underpins wifi.

Learn more about Hedy's remarkable life here:

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #WomenInSTEM #HollywoodHistory #Histodons

#OnThisDay, 10 Aug 1993, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is sworn in as an Associate Justice on the US Supreme Court.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #AmericanHistory #Histodons

#OnThisDay, 9 Aug 1956, more than 20,000 women of all races march through Pretoria, South Africa, to petition against the law forcing women to carry passes in order to move about.

Since 1994, a public holiday on 9 Aug marks National Women's Day in South Africa.

Read more about the women who led the movement here:

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #AfricanHistory #Histodons

10 years ago, Michael Brown Jr. was shot and killed by a white police officer in #Ferguson, Missouri.
His death sparked a global movement calling for police accountability.
Years since have seen continuous misconduct from malice to murder — each one proof of the deep-seated issues that still plague the US and increase the grief of black parents and communities.
#Histodons @histodons #BlackMastodon @blackmastodon

Pierre de Coubertin (seen here), who founded the modern #Olympics, envisioned the Games as a new type of religion.

In this mind, honing an athlete’s body and mind for peak performance was a way of “realizing perfection.” What he could not foresee was the role that money and politics would play – hearkening back to the “vulgar competition” that he believed had undermined the ancient Games.
#Histodons @histodons #Sports

#OnThisDay, 7 Aug 1948, American high jumper Alice Coachman wins Olympic gold, the first Black woman to win gold.

Later in life, she established the Alice Coachman Track and Field Foundation to help support younger athletes and provide assistance to retired Olympic veterans.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #OlympicWomen #Histodons

“The effects of the assassination attempt on Trump are so far in line with authoritarian history. Chief among its aftereffects is a boost to Trump’s victimhood persona.”

More from a historian who explains how past assassination attempts were used to burnish a strongman image:
#News #USpolitics #Histodons @histodons

This is Charlotte Lozier, a well-known physician, lecturer and women’s rights activist. After she died, she was one of the rare 19th-century women to get an obituary in a newspaper.

The Worcester Daily Spy mentioned her profession but emphasized her morality, religion, friendliness and family life.
#WomensHistory #Histodons @histodons

Can we tackle #climatechange without fully believing in it? The medical history of germ theory gives hope that we can.

Many people -- even doctors -- in the 19th century were germ skeptics: they just didn't believe these new theories of tiny, invisible germs that could cause disease, whatever scientists said. But these doctors adopted public health measures because they worked, and reduced deadly diseases like cholera and tuberculosis.
#Histodons @histodons

Like President Biden, Lyndon Johnson opted out of reelection, understanding the odds against him, and getting replaced as the Democratic nominee by his VP. Hubert Humphrey was resoundingly defeated.
And there’s plenty to learn from this #history. It illustrates the high hurdles that #KamalaHarris must clear, “while also sounding a note of hope for the Democratic Party.”
#Histodons @histodons #USpolitics #News