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Items tagged with: London

An investigation found 36 Facebook groups posing as separate grassroots movements opposing the expansion of London's ultra-low emission zone schemes to reduce air pollution. They were set up by the Conservatives as part of a coordinated political campaign.
#airpollution #london #ukpolitics #democracy

even in the London Mayoral elections this year, candidates are still whining about 'woke'

The majority of this fine city will ignore them, as we're exactly the sorts of people they whine about or fear.


For the #London and #UK crew:

Never talk to cops, journos or anything in between.

:aaaa_trans: :acabkitty: :anarcha_boost: :anartrans_symbol:

‘What would Britain do if a hostile nation flattened one of our consulates?’

Foreign Secretary David Cameron after condemning Iran: ‘We would take very strong action.’

One set of rules for the global south, another set of rules for the US and Europe.

In fact, the West's track record shows they'd bomb to oblivion civilian infrastructure and population.

#Israel #Palestine #Palestina #Gaza #Rafah #UK #UnitedKingdom #Britain #London #Cameron #politics #press #breaking #news #Iran

Fin dag i #London idag, här på promenad i Notting Hill.

This is a #DigitalArt #Painting of #WestminsterAbbey that I did a little over three years ago. Time is flying!
#London #rain #night #architecture #LondonArt #BritishArt #MastoArt #FediArt #ArtMatters #MarkOnArt
On my site here: