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Items tagged with: LongCovid

Honesty About Covid is Essential for Progress

"Unfortunately, the newest widely circulating pathogen in the human population uses a broadly expressed ACE2 receptor to infect cells, meaning it can damage almost any part of the body."

"They want your ignorance and incur no cost if you are harmed by being repeatedly infected by COVID-19 or any other pathogen that might be surging in its wake."

#COVID #COVID19 #Corona #CovidIsNotOver #LongCOVID

I cant believe this bill is about to get passed!

It would criminalize mask-wearing in public even for medical reasons ... It's just unacceptable.. there's a change petition and people we need to email tonight/before 9am Wed morning (5-15), this endangers us / violates rights!;;;;

#covid #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #LongCOVID

Following up on a side chat, what are folks doing for lazy food hacks when yer too tired to cook but don't want to eat junk?

Share yer ideas so others can steal 'em!

#spoonies #chronicIllness #longCovid #chronicPain #mentalHealth #selfcare

“We must have this national conversation. How are we going to deal with long #COVID?”

Featured post: Medical experts and those suffering from this challenging condition are demanding better—more research and healthier air to breathe.

(Edit: adjusted word choice based on reader feedback 🤠)

#LongCovid #Health #news #politics #USpol #science #healthcare #research #CovidIsNotOver #Austin #Texas

So it looks like #LongCOVID appears to still be a live replicating virus that the immune system detects and prevents from spreading but can't get to it (tissue reservoirs, surrounding nerves, brain, some parts of the GI tract and lungs) and so the immune system stays active causing damage to those areas of the body.