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Items tagged with: Mastoadmin

Need to setup Automated backup (to s3) for this Akkoma Instance. How do you do it?

#akkoma #pleroma #sysadmin #mastodon #fediverse #fediadmin #mastoadmin

I had a dream about Sidekiq queues last night. I've really lost it.


Nice quality of life improvement added to the latest #Mastodon code: account cards on hover!

A perfect companion to the upcoming grouped notifications 😃

We need to tune the behaviour a bit, but I am already missing them when using another instance.

All of this will be in 4.3, which we plan to release soon!

#mastodev #mastoadmin

I wrote a little Python script that downloads domain blocks from a specified Mastodon server and saves them as a CSV file that can be imported to your own server. In case this is something you need.

#mastodon #MastoAdmin #MastoAdmins #DomainBlocks #fediblock

I love when Fediverse scrapers get Fediblocked MULTIPLE times then start making new instances under obscure domain names to hide their data stealing...🤬

Awakari created a new instance on on June 24. 4 days after I called for Fediblock on their other attempt at ban evasion ( seems to be down at the moment. However, given their track record, this is a required block if you value your data not being sold.

#Fedi #Fediverse #Fediblock #FediScraper #ActivityPub #MastoAdmin #FediAdmin

Has this been fixed since the article came out in December?

Former Truth Social developer behind Soapbox and Rebased has come up with a sneaky workaround to how Authorized Fetch functions: if your domain is blocked for a fetch, just sign it with a different domain name instead, using an A record that points back to the receiving instance. #MastoAdmin

@jan I think, funnily enough, that this is Facebook following ActivityPub more closely than Mastodon - specifically the parts around Inbox Forwarding, which Mastodon doesn't do.

It's the reason people invent things like #FediFetcher

#MastoAdmin #Fediverse #ActivityPub

2a03:2880:3ff::face:b00c - - [25/Jun/2024:11:45:09 +0000] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 202 5 "-" "facebookexternalua"

My logs are actually rammed with entries like the above. It's not a helpful UA, so what is it doing? Being a POST I'm pretty certain it's not crawling but I'm also not following all that many (if any in fact) Threads users?

#MastoAdmin #Fediverse #SelfHost

I put a Limit block on because myself and a few of my users have been getting follows and DMs from suspicious and pretty obvious spam accounts on that instance. This has been happening for quite some time now.

#fediblock #mastoadmin