Items tagged with: Mastoadmin
New instance build seems to be running normally after catching up with backlog. Also had to recover avatars, custom emojis and other media.
Can you see this? (Testing to make sure rebuild of my instance is working).
My main instance is finally up and running again after the hosting provider the VPS was on had a catastrophic storage failure.
Their VPS servers are still in degraded mode and they have stated that all VPS's need to be rebuild because of storage corruption. I'm not taking the risk of rebuilding on a degraded server and have rebuilt on a VPS at a different hosting provider (along with this instance).
While I love building instances, this wasn't something I wanted to spend tonight doing. Sigh.
Watched the best Doug Liman x Tom Cruise collab while working on rebuilding my #Mastodon instance: Edge of Tomorrow.
Inspired by @mountdiscovery after our discussion about Liman x Cruise collabs.
Sigh. The hosting service I was using for went down this morning and has been down or degraded all day. The notice they gave was that all VPS's will need to be rebuilt.
I've rebuilt on a different hosting service now and things are running. I need to productionize this build though.
We have now successfully upgraded to v4.4.0-alpha.3+mementomods-2025-03-04 @mementomorisocial. This upgrade contains latest and newest version, including the security updates.
The branch is now synced and up-to-date and 101 changes ahead the last version which was v4.4.0-alpha.2+mementomods-2025-02-09.
As usual, please tell me or our other admins about any strange things you may encounter with this Mastodon version. We're running bleeding edge after all.
I hope you enjoy your time here. Feel free to send me a message if you have anything in mind.
Other than the original Mastodon theme in light and dark and TangerineUI, we now also have the beautiful Bird UI theme from @rolle on our instance Also available in a dark and a light variant.
You can see (and switch) the available themes in your settings.
Mastodon admins & mods often deal with spam from their mobiles. Keeping the network spam-free even though the admin/mod is not on their computer but are actually shopping, traveling etc..
The last Mastodon software update v4.3.4 has a bug that severely limits how well the moderation module can be seen on a mobile.
The way to communicate this to the Mastodon devs is by creating a GitHub ticket & if there is enough upvotes the devs will prioritize the ticket & hopefully fix the issue 🙏
If you've a GitHub account please read & consider upvoting the ticket below.
Boosts for reach & awareness appreciated🙏
GitHub link:…
Account moderation list visibility issue on mobile since v4.3.4 · Issue #34030 · mastodon/mastodon
Steps to reproduce the problem 1.Since the upgrade to v4.3.4 the mobile screen display of the moderation module for accounts has a truncated display and does not conform with WCAG accessibility sta...GitHub
Always amazed when I use @rolle ’s mastodon-bird-ui :)
So much improvements with just css.…
#mastodon #mastoadmin #css #frontend
GitHub - ronilaukkarinen/mastodon-bird-ui: 🐘🐦 Mastodon web UI, but strongly inspired by Twitter.
🐘🐦 Mastodon web UI, but strongly inspired by Twitter. - ronilaukkarinen/mastodon-bird-uiGitHub
If you are running Mastodon 4.2: Mastodon 4.2.17 drops support for Ruby 3.0 (which is no longer supported upstream).
If you are using Ruby 3.0, you can update to Mastodon 4.2.16 which contains the latest security fixes, but please note that this version has a known vulnerability if you are using SAML authentication with Mastodon.
If you are running Mastodon 4.2 + Ruby 3.0, we strongly encourage you to update to Ruby 3.2 and Mastodon 4.2.17 or above.
If you are running Mastodon 4.1, note that it only supports Ruby 3.0 (which is no longer supported upstream) and is subject to the above SAML security issue.
Mastodon 4.1 will no longer receive patches (including for security issues) after 2025-04-08 and we strongly encourage you to update to a newer Mastodon version.
We just released Mastodon 4.3.4, 4.2.17 and 4.1.23. They contain bug fixes as well as security fixes (medium severity)
We recommend every instance administrator to update as soon as possible.
If you are using our nightly releases, a container image with the fix has been published with the `nightly.2025-02-28-security` tag.
Full release notes and update instructions are available on our GitHub release page:…
Releases · mastodon/mastodon
Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community - mastodon/mastodonGitHub
#Mastodon is working to add the controversial Quote Posts feature…
#Fediverse #ActivityPub #SocialWeb #OpenWeb #federation #FediTips #MastoAdmin
Bringing Quote Posts to Mastodon
Sharing our thinking and progress on bringing Quote Posts to Mastodon, with a goal to create a safe and respectful space for everyone.Mastodon Blog
Donate to Mastodon
Donate or become a sponsor and help us build the social web for everyone!
For those interested, setting up #ElasticSearch was fairly straightforward. I mostly followed the official instructions at…, with two minor modifications:
1. I installed OpenJDK 21 (latest version in the Ubuntu repository)
2. I installed ElasticSearch 8.
Two things tripped me up:
(a) ES v8 requires TLS by default, even when binding only to localhost. This means that:
• When using curl, you have to use --cacert to specify the path to the self-signed certificate generated by ES & prepend localhost with https://
#MastoAdmin #SingleUserInstance
Configuring full-text search
Setting up Elasticsearch to search for statuses (authored, favourited, or mentioned), public indexable status, and
We have now successfully upgraded to v4.4.0-alpha.2+mementomods-2025-02-09. @mementomorisocial
The branch is now synced and up-to-date and 118 changes ahead the last version which was v4.4.0-alpha.2+mementomods-2025-01-17.
Most notable new features that we have ahead of others:
- New alt text popup modal, refined layout, more text area to write up your alt texts
- A reminder to add alt texts, you can disable this setting in Settings > Appearance
- Lots of small fixes and iprovements under the hood
As usual, please tell me or our other admins about any strange things you may encounter with this Mastodon version. We're running bleeding edge after all.
I hope you enjoy your time here. Feel free to send me a message if you have anything in mind.
We will be updating our servers to the latest versions today between approximately 5 PM and 7 PM (EET / UTC+2).
This should not cause any significant downtime. However, brief interruptions ranging from a few seconds to a minute may occur. We apologize for any inconvenience.
You can check the status at:
#MementomoriSocial #MastoAdmin status
Welcome to status page for real-time and historical data on system
Hm, there appears to be a new Fediverse search thingy around, this time incorporating AI somehow:
Anyone know how it works and how it ingests data?
I've been getting a lot of Mastodon sidekiq errors: ActivityPub:ProcessingWorker "ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::CardinalityViolation: ERROR: ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time HINT: Ensure that no rows proposed for insertion within the same command..."
It always comes back to a post that is from "snac/2.71"
The specific argument starts out with:
post ID (I think), "{\n \"@context\": \"\",\n \"type\": \"Update\",\n \"id\".....redacted
#snac #Snac2 #MastoAdmin
This dude just compared discussing abortion pills to a bomb threat.
What the fuck.
#Fediblock @ for harassing and threatening a Fediverse developer.…
Fucking ridiculous.
Grow up. This is why Fedi usability sucks.
Ginny McQueen :inhaler: (
Listen, : you are a benighted buffoon who should not have access to a computer, you are a danger to the community and society at large, and if you continue down this path only bad things will followGinny.Today