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Items tagged with: juneteenth

Here's a #Juneteenth poll for my #BlackFedi USA sisters & brothers: Did you grow up with Juneteenth?

Please boost! :boost_ok:​
#BlackFediverse #BlackMastodon

Edited to add: Thanks for participating! The results kinda align with my expectations, but, you know, small sample size.

  • Yes, in the South (2%, 2 votes)
  • Yes, outside the South (3%, 3 votes)
  • No, in the South (3%, 3 votes)
  • No, outside the South (40%, 38 votes)
  • 🍿 (50%, 47 votes)
93 voters. Poll end: 5 days ago

I say this semi-cynically: celebrate #Juneteenth today by giving Black people money. Ways to give Black people money:

1. Directly (PayPal, ko-fi, etc.)
2. Buy something from an online or in-person shop.
3. Buy an artistic creation (books, visual art, songs) that pays royalties. Buy indie if you can.
4. Back a crowdfunding campaign AND promote it.

If you see someone boosting Black people's asks for money, boost them as well.

Tell all your friends about #GiveBlackPeopleMoneyForJuneteenth

good afternoon and happy Juneteenth!

if you’re a whitey it’s a great idea to show your support by sending some Black folks some cash. We need it. Many are posting mutual aid requests but struggle to meet their goals for months or years. There’s also threads of them. edit: linked thread in post.

If you have a disposable income or even a few dollars to spare I highly recommend to donate to the fundraisers, buy the art/wishlist items/etc. of those most marginalized and in need rather than large charities and corporations.

Black people do not have generational wealth because of centuries of slavery. Asking for money is not greedy and giving it to us is not unnecessary. Say that again til you understand.

#Juneteenth #Juneteenth2024

For those interested: I love setlists. So I’m making the #KendrickLamar #Juneteenth #ThePopOut #Setlist. In advance: There is no defederated way of pulling this off. For now. I checked. But if you have #songshift, I put it into every option possible. Will add to the thread. Please enjoy.

When the mainstream media says something like "Trump is reaching out to Black voters" I don't know how the majority of their audience takes it since they're not a news junkie like me since they don't give it context like:

1) his Trump bible leaves out the amendment that freed the slaves

2) Trump has endorsed 12 out of the 14 senators that voted against #Juneteenth

Slavery might be over but we sure ain't got equality!!
Segregation carried on thru 1960's/70s.
Stop and frisk still targets black men . White folk still want us behind bars. My brother got 6 month jail time fo resisting police brutality last year he did nothing wrong . He just argued coz the police stopped him driving for nothing. They just laid that shit on his ass and got banged up fo being black. #juneteenth #blacklivesmatter

End legal slavery in the US.

β€œAnd though members of Congress denounce imported goods made with prison labor in places like China’s Xinjiang province, the offices of many government agencies in Washington and elsewhere are stocked with furniture and supplies made by prisoners in this country.”

β€œLabor that people have no meaningful right to refuse and that is enforced under conditions of total control is, unquestionably, slavery.”

Gift link:

#Juneteenth #PrisonLabor

Here's your #juneteenth reminder that slavery is still legal in the United States and codified in the 13th, and while all y'all white people are up in your happy neoliberal vacation feels, the vast majority of people incarcerated in a for-profit system of so-called justice are Black and brown not only due to continued institutional racism but also an FBI documented infiltration of police forces by white suprematists and a GOP goal of running the courts but y'all have a nice day off taking a hike and drinking a latte.

Juneteenth is a federal holiday.

"But in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas; Republicans have passed laws to prevent teachers from teaching kids why."
M D'Arrigo

#Juneteenth #GOPRacism

(1/)Juneteenth? That’s a great excuse to help me out! I paid my phone bill before my loan payment come out. I MEANT to take the money out again and use it for my phone. It’s a lot, about $160 so anything is welcome. anything more is needed for food πŸ™πŸΎπŸ₯Ή

#MutualAidRequest #Disability #poverty #Juneteenth #CanadaDisabilityBenefit #BlackMutualAid #crowdfunding #PWD #DisabilityCrowdFund
#BlackMastodon #actuallyautistic #autism #HelpFolksLive2024 @mutualaid @mutual_aid

It's #Juneteenth! if you're white & have the day off or getting holiday pay you ought to donate to Black American Descendants of Slavery. Find some #MutualAid & #fundraiser & pay reparations, bcuz it's not a holiday for most of us. Most of us still work in forced poverty jobs like retail, home health, etc, jobs that often don't close on federal holidays or have PTO & denigrate us. White ppl shouldn't profit off a holiday that wouldn't exist if they didn't enslave us in the first place

Happy Juneteenth,

I am almost half way to completing my fundraiser. The purpose of raising funds is to help with necessities of rent, groceries, as I continue my field practicum in healthcare. 

Thanks to folks such as yourself, it has been possible to complete my PRN position and my internship. By redistributing funds, it allows me to continue my academic journey toward my masters in social work.
Thank you ❀️


#Juneteenth #mutualaid

$165.99/250 - July expenses (thank you lovelies!)

It’s Juneteenth and I know some of yall got today fucking off and shit. If you ain’t giving to any Black folks fundraisers then you should be taking those BLM hashtags off your profiles and stop pretending you care about Black
Folks, period

Help out a Black disabled queer person who def needs money to get food when I get back home. Can’t find work and I’m still in a shit abusive household that refuses to respect me and my dad continues to steal from me

If you can’t, that’s cool, I understand,boosting helps, but if you are well off, you got no excuses, you can chuck $50 at me and mines and be on your way

Happy #Juneteenth, pay up or shut up πŸ’…πŸΎ

Full List of Links:
(you may have to copy & paste the link!)

@mutualaid @mutual_aid

#TransCrowdFund #BlackMutualAid #DisabilityCrowdfund #MutualAid #BlackMastodon

It's Junteenth and I'm still on my game of breaking e-girl clichΓ©s and queering them up!

For either the sake of sorely-needed reparations that not even the State of Oklahoma could be bothered to possibly do, to help me defray monthly costs -- *or just because I'm so damn cute* -- please support your Friendly Neighborhood Black Catgirl at the links below:

Support me at Ko-Fi --
Support me at Venmo --
Thanks so much!! And keep giving the Patriarchy a rash
#Juneteenth #CatGirlWednesday #MutualAid #Reparations #Selfie #Cute

Juneteenth has #Indigenous history. When Black people who escaped slavery in Florida joined the Seminole Tribe, they became Black Seminoles. They're also called Mascogos b/c they migrated to Mexico, where slavery was already abolished. The Mascogos built the town El Nacimiento in 1852, but still interacted with Seminoles in Texas who brought them Juneteenth in the 1870s. Black Seminoles in Mexico had to survive slavery, the Trail of Tears, & the US-Mexico Border to celebrate #juneteenth #history

Happy #Juneteenth Everyone!

So, Juneteenth is today & I would be super excited about barbecuing, tasting new foods & drinking delicious (non-alcoholic) beverages. However, I must go to work later tonight (my boss gave me Sunday off instead), so I must skip most of the festivities. Although this holiday commemorates the liberation of my African ancestors on American soil, it is also a time of solemn reflection on the struggle involved in achieving freedom (which was…

Hey y'all! We're a coupla weeks into June and Biden got his white hand kissed by Billy Porter at a #Juneteenth celebration for some reason. Weird how the federal recognition of a holiday with Black self-actualizing origins gets us to a moment like that but I think it truly calls for another Juneteenth reparations thread!

Procedure: Black ppl, post your cashapp, gofundmes, ko-fis, etc Others--especially if you're getting Juneteenth off at your work--pls boost, and donate if you have the means!

Here is the first #Juneteenth #reparations #MutualAid thread. Lots of folk in these threads have $$ needs that are still unmet and there is also a post with Sudanese mutual aid links.

*Please boost this and the og threadposts as well! I want this place smothered and covered with opportunities to support Black people.*

Happy Juneteenth to all #mastodon, much love and shared resolve to my African American brothers and sisters out there. Shoutout to the diaspora as well #Juneteenth #BlackMastodon

I'd like to see the fediverse celebrate this year's #juneteenth by lifting up Black voices, and making Black people feel more welcome here.

To people who feel really strongly about quote boosts, putting content warnings on people's lived experience, and denying all the evidence of racism being prevalent here, maybe take a break for just one day.

#fediverse #BlackFedi #BlackMastodon

Teaching about slavery in schools and doing it well isn’t just about teaching the harshness of slavery. And educators can make #Juneteenth about so much more than the end of slavery.

Today’s holiday offers abundant opportunities to teach about what it means to fight for freedom and maintain a sense of self-determination in the face of oppression.
#BlackMastodon #Education #K12education #Histodons @histodons

So #juneteenth Tommorow June 19 celebrating the freedom of slaves. Hell yeah we should be all celebrating that no cap. But my grampa was born and raised in mississippi in the 1960's and he ain't had no freedom then ! So yeah end of slavery but it ain no end of persecuting black folk. That shit carried on fo decades. Fck we ain free now !!

Tombstones that used 'Mr.' and 'Mrs.' restored a sense of dignity to people who had been denied it in life.
#BlackHistory #History @blackmastodon #Juneteenth
