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steve mookie kong reshared this.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

Yep, we all know that despite his contributions to the feddiverse, which are good and valid, mark zuckerberg is still VERY SUS and his true motives are unclear 🤔

Let's wait and see

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.

in reply to Owl!🦉

@lonelyowl yep. I have a very nuanced take. It's not a good place for LGBTQ community, which I fully support. The only other major issue they have is their data selling practices but that doesn't effect Fedi for the most part. The thing I'm MOST concerned about is EEE. (Embrace, Extend, Extenguish) which at the first sign, I'll be fully defederating. For now though, it's definitely a "wait and see" situation.
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

> It's not a good place for LGBTQ community



Yeah, that's personally the thing that bothers me the most. What makes it especially dangerous is that we need to somehow define what would be the "red line" after crossing which it would be safe to say that the meta is trying to EEE feddiverse.

in reply to Owl!🦉

@lonelyowl there's LOTS of TERFs there, including LibsOfTikTok...🤦‍♂️
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

On twitter there are even more terfs or right-wing folks in general who hate them, yet they are still using it 🤔
in reply to Owl!🦉

@lonelyowl well they're irrelevant because they aren't federating🤷‍♂️the folks on Fedi are the ones that would be effected by it, not folks on Twitter.
in reply to C.W. Smith

@CWSmith I haven't gotten asked yet because I didn't even make a Threads account until after they enabled it.🤷‍♂️ This is a screenshot from another user. I really hope this isn't in bad faith....😬
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

And here it is, the dark pattern at work....this threads integration is starting to go badly already....🤦‍♂️🙄

edit: and here's a threads engineer purposefully misconstruing the definition of dark patterns in a reply to me. 🤬

#Fedi #Fediverse #Threads #EEE #Meta #ActivityPub

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.

in reply to Vivi Nella Verita

@npub1x0r5gflnk2mn6h3c70nvnywpy2j46gzqwg6k7uw6fxswyz0md9qqnhshtn Because you're on Nostr. Nostr doesn't officially support ActivityPub which is what Threads is using to "federate". You are seeing my post through an ActivityPub-Nostr bridge called Momostr.👍
in reply to Vivi Nella Verita

@npub1x0r5gflnk2mn6h3c70nvnywpy2j46gzqwg6k7uw6fxswyz0md9qqnhshtn ah, okay. Not sure then. They're federated with my Mastodon instance. One-way only for now. With this revelation though, I have doubts that it'll ever get fully integrated.
in reply to Vivi Nella Verita

@npub1x0r5gflnk2mn6h3c70nvnywpy2j46gzqwg6k7uw6fxswyz0md9qqnhshtn oh, yeah. Probably. Most instance admins do use it as a "guide". Though, I'd hope nobody uses it as a 100% truthful way to find instances to block...
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

Dude’s delusional, that’s the same as my iPhone going “App XYZ has been using your location for whatever. Do you wish to allow it to continue?” <options>

it’s designed to make you think or second guess it.

The question is if they are going to do that, then why federate at all?

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.

in reply to Patrick

@ppb1701 Facts. After this interaction, I'm done advocating for them. I'll probably delete my account and defederate because this is arguing in completely bad faith.
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

Yeah, it seems like they are doing it as a pr stunt mostly since a) most people won’t hit the toggle initially, b) by putting this scary prompt you’ll freak them out into toggling off, and c) by not giving an explanation that yes it is sending things out past Meta’s controlled environment….the fediverse is not some evil entity….many don’t even trust it.

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.

in reply to Patrick

@ppb1701 yep. also hoping that there's some Fedi users that just switch due to the "federated" news, even if they don't have plans to fully integrate like they say.
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@ppb1701 I'm shocked meta would act in bad faith. Utterly baffled, I tell you. The company that suborned genocide? Nah. No way.
in reply to Oliver D. Reithmaier

@odr_k4tana Oh I figured they’d <bleep> it up or do something dastardly/shady….I just was hoping to be wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️

It’d be nice to actually have them or google, etc not wreck something potentially good for once you know?

in reply to Patrick

@ppb1701 sure. I guess it's as they say: hope dies last, but it dies.
Methinks mine perished a long time ago.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Oliver D. Reithmaier

@odr_k4tana @ppb1701 When there's very little personal risk, hope is easy for me. There's nothing that they can do "negatively" TO me, just crappily "integrate" AP, but that's just annoying. So at best, I was hoping that I wouldn't be annoyed, now I am. They can still fix it by federating completely, but I am annoyed.

Others have a lot more at stake, like the LGBTQ community and such communities that get ridiculous attacks towards them. I acknowledge that they need to be protected from that and that's fine. For me, I don't have those problems to face.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

Which account is the Threads engineer you mention? I saw that original conversation on Threads and found it outrages and the first reply, a bit weird.
in reply to David Boles

@david Simon blackstein thinks it's totally normal to tell someone about all the bad things about something and none of the good things. That's a dark pattern, is it not? 🤦‍♂️planned obsolescence at the very least...
in reply to David Boles

@david it's the link in my 2nd post. This one....

And here it is, the dark pattern at work....this threads integration is starting to go badly already....🤦‍♂️🙄

edit: and here's a threads engineer purposefully misconstruing the definition of dark patterns in a reply to me. 🤬

#Fedi #Fediverse #Threads #EEE #Meta #ActivityPub

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

"when they federate and their data is shared across the internet where we can't promise deletion, retention, usage, etc." is written as this shouldn't be standard knowledge or isn't a feature of the fediverse and couldn't still be done when they don't federate. It's pathetic.
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

what's even the benefit for a normal threads user to keep it on, if they can't get back interactions.

I simply don't get who ever can have a use case for this one way thing

in reply to Luca Sironi

@luca they get likes but yeah....that's the dark pattern, they implement a shitty version that's a shell of it's actual use case, then ask their users if they're "sure they still want ActivityPub on, because nothing you post ever gets deleted!!!! Is there anything good about it? Who knows?!?"🤦‍♂️

If someone is told the negatives and never the positives while getting lied to about the actual full interoperability that Fediverse should have, then yeah, I'd feel it was useless too....good thing I'm not learning from Meta.🤬

Unknown parent

BeAware :veriweed:
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:


That's an interesting conversation! Threads has to be all in on Fediverse or they lose all companion authority.

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@AAKL @david Oh yes, that could be the less nefarious reason behind it, to create reasonable, legal deniability if some unlawful things get into their platforms. Don't see how that could make them look better so.
Unknown parent

BeAware :veriweed:
@david @SomeAnoTooter @AAKL they don't have Fediverse on in Europe though so I'm pretty sure the only other law would be California and it shows up everywhere, not just California🤷‍♂️
in reply to SomeAnoTooter

@SomeAnoTooter @AAKL

There was a big discussion on Threads a day or two ago about these "30 Day Popup" warnings and the people who know say they're a legal requirement in Europe. They're just following the law in providing those access warnings.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@SomeAnoTooter @AAKL

The 30 Day Pop Up isn't a big deal. Ads are coming to threads in a couple of months. Threads can be a good Twitter killer.

Reading threads and interacting there is dead -- I have no idea how some people have 130K followers.

One woman joked this morning that without the Bots, she'd have no followers. She was posting posed butt photos, and I wanted to ask if she mean "Bots" or "Butts!" but I didn't.

I don't think you can BUY Threads followers right now anyway.

Unknown parent

BeAware :veriweed:

@AAKL @david @SomeAnoTooter I have about 30 followers there but I was only there to push Fediverse. My big issue was that they have been going "Fedi bad, we have to tell people Fedi bad because it's bad!" And saying nothing about the GOOD of it. It's liked planned obsolescence or something else that I don't have the specific term but it's not in good faith.

Everything I usually saw there that wasn't from direct searches I did, was from the For You feed which tbh, isn't that bad of an algorithm.

in reply to David Boles

@david @SomeAnoTooter It was launched as an alternative after Twitter went to hell. But what you just described looks a lot like Twitter. I wouldn't touch either with or without ads.
Unknown parent

David Boles

@AAKL @SomeAnoTooter
The problem is how will Mastodon catch the hive mind and grow? They want that and they need that but the disbursement of ideas across thousands of servers hurts that coalition, especially with politically active server admins.

If you need to verify your identity -- for say, getting access to an Artist account -- you have to use one of the major social media companies. Mastodon isn't even an option. That was a hard, stinging, reality for me to accept last week.

Unknown parent

Aida Akl
@david @SomeAnoTooter It's not really the same thing because a lot of people come to Mastodon to escape those services. But if you don't mind the algorithms, then those are the services you want.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
Unknown parent

David Boles
@AAKL @SomeAnoTooter
After 18 months of being exclusively on Mastodon; I was sort of forced back into the mainstream social media platforms because of my music distribution. I've turned on all the old sites again and the interaction there: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Threads (new!), Instagram, TikTok just slaughter any sort of interactive community in the Fediverse. There's a reason those social media services are hard to kill -- they work! That's where the people are!
Unknown parent

Aida Akl
@SomeAnoTooter @david Yes, but there are a lot of reasons why people like open source, especially when it's not tied to a dominant commercial player. Wouldn't adoption suffer if there was a trust issue?
Unknown parent

@AAKL @david trust is an important factor, that is not an essential part about #foss , which is a feature.
in reply to David Boles

@david @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter well...

You're trying to sell stuff. Nothing wrong with that, it's not a criticism.

Have your sales gone up for your effort?

(Yes: Great! The people on there buying your stuff is good, and I sincerely congratulate you because, yes.

No: well, that's awkward.)

I'm not selling anything. I share ideas and learn from others. I have thousands of followers on other networks, I have few here. I prefer it here because less people are trying to sell me stuff.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@AAKL @SomeAnoTooter

Threads really seem to be pushing how much more action they have now than Twitter.

in reply to David Boles

@david @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter I've never had an issue finding decent people and discussion there, it's a pretty good mainstream Fedi alternative for non-LGBTQ folks I think. If you don't care about their data selling stuff😬

I can say good stuff about it, but none of the good stuff has to do with Fedi, which is where my disconnect is, because this is my platform. I want Fedi to succeed, which is why I LOVE Flipboard and Mike's transparency on their integration and issues along the way. They are THE example of how a company should be when embracing the Fediverse.

Unknown parent

BeAware :veriweed:
@AAKL @david @SomeAnoTooter to be fair, I've had more "viral" posts here than I ever did on Twitter or my short time on Threads.🤣🤷‍♂️
Unknown parent

Aida Akl
@david @SomeAnoTooter By mainstream mind, you are referring to algorithms, which will get you more followers and stuff you want and don't want. There are no algorithms here. Some people like it, some don't. If you're looking for viral trends, this is not the place. If you're looking for conversation and a level of user agency, this is a good place. I don't think there is a perfect catch-all platform.
in reply to Aida Akl

@AAKL @SomeAnoTooter

I understand. It all depends on features and wants and needs. If you have any desire to find the mainstream mind, you won't find it on Mastodon. That doesn't mean smart or stupid -- it only means people who are on social media are settled, and of a certain age, they know what they like, and getting them to move takes more than the Mastodon ideal that we are are seeking here together. They want frictionless friends and predictability. Mastodon does not offer that.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@AAKL @SomeAnoTooter

I completely agree with you. I just wish you hadn't left Threads. You can't change what you don't control.

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@AAKL @SomeAnoTooter

Threads is shouting into the abyss. It's sad, really. Unless, of course, you're one of the cool kids who works for Threads. Then people won't leave you alone!

BeAware :veriweed: reshared this.

in reply to David Boles

@david @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter it's my direct interaction with the Threads employee completely dismissing the issue instead of doing what Mike did, that made me leave. If he had simply said it's a legal issue, I might not have even left. He was a complete and total dick on the issue.
Unknown parent

Taran Rampersad

@david @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter good for you. I'm glad you found what you wanted. 🙂

I found what I wanted here. Good luck to you! 🙂

in reply to Taran Rampersad

@knowprose @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter
For me, it's more about accountability. People should be who they are, and own what they say online -- wherever that might be. A lot of the mainstream social services offer/require ID in order to take full advantage of their services.

Plus, I worked on my Facebook Page for years. Got it verified the old fashioned way -- I earned it! (Ha! John Houseman) -- and now that my page is turned on again a flood of all the old people like me are electrified!

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@AAKL @SomeAnoTooter

It's okay for people to dismiss you. You win if you stay. We all lose when their effort to brush you off, is successful.

in reply to David Boles

@david @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter nah, it's not worth it for me, is my point. I'm here, this is where I want to be and the place I want to succeed. If they turn it on eventually in good faith then fine, I'll be able to interact with their users from here, but that interaction just made me not care.

I have my people here. I love it here, but if they don't federate, it won't do me any good to be there anyway🤷‍♂️

in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@AAKL @SomeAnoTooter

Make sure you delete your Threads account! I keep getting prompted to follow you even though I know you quit.

Unknown parent

BeAware :veriweed:
@david @hackerfactor @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter you can go to a Sharkey instance, but yep, I agree.🤦‍♂️
Unknown parent

David Boles
@hackerfactor @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter
You have to start all over again when you change Mastodon servers. Your previous messages don't travel with you and they never will. Few people know that when they sign up. That's a problem!
Unknown parent

Hacker Factor

@david @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter If you don't like how your mastodon admin manages the system, then you can always switch to a different mastodon service operated by a better admin. (There's a simple "click to move" button.) Or you can run your own and be your own admin.

In contrast, if you don't like the TikTok admin (and their ties to China's government), well, suck it up. And if you want to use Twitter/X, then you must accept Musk and his spontaneous mood swings.

Unknown parent

David Boles
@AAKL @SomeAnoTooter
But Mastodon is run by one person. Your server Admin. Get on the wrong server, you might now see half the stuff available because it's being blocked.
in reply to David Boles

@david @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter I won't delete it for now, just in case they turn things around somewhat and I have a reason to advocate again. They can fix it, but they haven't yet.🤷‍♂️plus, when they do fully federate, if I immediately follow my Fedi account on Threads, I'll be instantly federated.👍
in reply to David Boles

@david @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter according to #Mastodon is run by 22.000 admins. "Threads" being only one of them...

Found 7 new servers and 10 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,783 servers checked. 14,015,824 Total Users with 1,583,406 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #misskey server from Japan a #mastodon server from United States a #mastodon server from Canada a #gotosocial server from Private a #akkoma server from Belize a #writefreely server from Brazil a #akkoma server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to

in reply to David Boles

Do you often revisit your own old posts from, say, 4 months ago? Or 7 months ago? Or 15 months ago? I don’t, so for me it isn’t much of a problem. Just trying to understand the use cases for going back to your own old posts.

Edit: clicked send too early.

@hackerfactor @AAKL @SomeAnoTooter @BeAware

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

@m @SomeAnoTooter @AAKL @hackerfactor

I feel the same way. As an author and a publisher, I like to keep what I wrote. On the majors, that's easy! I can search and find out what I sad on what day -- years ago!

On Mastodon, running my own instance, but managed by someone else -- I'm close to my storage limits. So, either I delete old content, and the length of Federation, or I pay double a month what I'm paying now if I want to keep my history alive. More retention = more money!

Unknown parent

BeAware :veriweed:
@AAKL @david i think they're specifically speaking on keeping it online for others to access.
in reply to BeAware :veriweed:

I’m just thinking that me knowing you’d like to move away from Mastodon to a more usab…feature-rich Fediverse service, but you don’t due to not being able to bring all your old posts, and making that important because of a possible theoretical benefit to unknown others, basically means you punish yourself for no real reason. 😆

If you on the other hand took the leap today it wouldn’t take long to both re-publish (and pin) the posts that link to your other assets/online stuff, and it also wouldn’t take long to have filled the new place with enough content that it would end up higher in any search result for those topics.

Go on. Come to the dark side. We have cookies! 🤣

@david @SomeAnoTooter @AAKL @hackerfactor

in reply to :verified-skull:

@m @david @SomeAnoTooter @AAKL @hackerfactor for myself, there is no content elsewhere, this is my platform. That's where the issue is. All my content would be lost. Which is why I'm gonna do a Sharkey instance tomorrow, I think. Just to try it out for awhile at least.🤷‍♂️