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Items tagged with: Prison

A Judge Ruled a #Louisiana Prison’s #HealthCare System Has Failed Inmates for Decades. A Federal #Law Could Block Reforms.

The #Prison Litigation Reform Act was passed to curtail the number of lawsuits filed by inmates over conditions behind bars. It has kept courts from forcing Louisiana to overhaul the medical system in its largest prison.

#News #CriminalJustice #CivilRights #HumanRights #Health #Government

So a #UK judge has sentenced five peaceful #climate protestors to 4-5 years in #prison each for "intentionally causing a public nuisance", which is of course literally the entire idea of #protesting.

If they can do this to them, they will do this to you as well next time you protest to defend your rights or make your opinion heard in public.

Also, the protestors were spied on and betrayed by a Sun "journalist".
#democracy #climatecrisis #juststopoil

Today in Labor History July 6, 1918: Uprising against the Bolsheviks by the Left Socialist Revolutionary Party (SR) during the Russian Civil War. One of their goals was to restart the war against Germany, which was helping suppress revolutionary activity in neighboring Ukraine and Finland. They also were frustrated by Bolsheviks’ move away from Revolutionary Socialism and toward “opportunistic service to the state." Maria Spiridonova, who spent years in prison under the Czar, and later under the Bolsheviks, was one of the leaders of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries. She was also a member of the Shesterka ("Six")—6 women SR terrorists who were sent to Siberia. The failure of the SR Uprising facilitated the Bolsheviks consolidation of power and contributed to their creation of a one-party state in the USSR.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #socialism #ussr #soviet #russia #uprising #rebellion #civilwar #ukraine #finland #Revolutionary #siberia #MariaSpiridonova #prison