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Items tagged with: Vote

Would you rather never need to eat food again, but always be a little bit hungry, or never need to sleep again, but always be little bit tired?

#poll #vote #survey #polls #eepy #theEeper #hungy #snackpilled #sleepytired #tastyLittleTreat #food #sleep #question #silly

  • No food but hungy (50%, 2 votes)
  • No sleep but eepy (50%, 2 votes)
4 voters. Poll end: in 5 days

“We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."- #Trump, Las Vegas, Sunday, 9 June 2024.

“The press will take that & say, ‘he said a horrible thing.’”

Nah, just an honest thing, for once.

#Vote #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2024

"More than half of #Biden supporters say main reason for backing is to oppose #Trump"

Some people think this is terrible

I consider it ideal

I don't like passion in #politics. That gives us cults like #MAGA. To me every #vote should be a cold calculation. That's an ideal society, to me

If enough people vote tactically, they can move a party in the direction they want, until they get a candidate worthy of love

But even then I will never mix passion and politics

If we had proper news media in the US Americans would be looking at what's going on in Europe right now.
Europeans voted for their equivalent of the House of Representatives today and the first results show, as predicted, that pro-Putin, climate-change deniers, pro-life, anti-LGBTQ+ fascist parties are closer and closer to take control of Europe.
In Germany voters under 30 went "in droves" to the far right.
Same in France.
In short Europe is becoming a deep Red State and that should worry you.

#vote #elections #europe #abortion #climatechange #democracy #abortion #lgbtq+ #voteblue #biden #maga #trump

So, die #Wahl ist vorbei, aber hier könnt ihr noch an meinem #Exitpoll teilnehmen, dieser läuft noch 4 Stunden, also stimmt ab!

Befördert die #Umfrage doch bitte noch ein bisschen durchs Fediverse, damit wir noch ein bisschen repräsentativer werden.

#EUwahl #Europawahl #Vote #EU #Politik

If you are in #Europe and didn't #vote by mail, please take some time out of your day today and go vote.

Every vote not cast is, quite literally, a vote for fascism.

Bitte geh wählen wenn Do noch nicht warst, jede Stimme ist wichtig, auch diese eine einzelne Stimme von Dir!

Unsere #Demokratie ist keine Selbstverständlichkeit, sie lebt von der Unterstützung, die minimal Form der Unterstützung ist die aktive Ausübung des Wahlrechts.

Es gibt zu viele Kräfte die an der Abschaffung der Demokratie arbeiten, diese Kräfte mobilisieren viele Wähler um dieser Tendenzen entgegenzuwirken ist jede Stimme wichtig.

#Wahl #EU #EUwahl #Europa #vote

If you are an #EU-citizen then go #vote! Else the totalitarians and fascists will take over.

Just do it. If you didn't find the perfect party then just vote for one where you see a lot of overlap with your positions. Perfect matches don't exist.

Or have doubts about some structures of the EU, not voting will not make that better, but worse.

Just do it!


Voted! :)

If you’re in Ireland and you haven’t yet, you’ve got three hours so get out there and let’s keep the fascists out of power best we can!


#ireland #eu #elections #vote

Good morning, fellow #Europeans! The Dutch were the first to get to the polls yesterday. The result was far less disastrous than predicted.

Our Green&Social Party is expected to have become largest - larger than the far-right PVV (which was by far the largest in ‘23). In Holland the worst phase of far-rightism appears to be nearing its end.

Let that give you hope and courage. Go #vote, and make that Social&Green will prevail!

#EuropeanParliament #elections #GroenLinks #PvdA #verkiezingen

G’morning, all! And a special shout out to the folks here in Ireland: please go out and vote today in the local and EU elections. As lefty as you can. They’re all imperfect systems but at least we have proportional representation here and that’s way better than what most folks have. And we must fight the rise of fascism here and in the EU. This is one – of many – ways we do that. So please, go out and vote.


#ireland #eu #vote #elections

"A split #Kansas Supreme Court ruling last week found that voting is not a fundamental right listed in the state Constitution’s Bill of Rights"

Hey #Americans: if voting is so lame and pointless, why do they work to take it away?

Hate #plutocracy? Me too. And yet so many of you suppose it's better to roll over and take the abuse? Cosplay revolutionary? Just fucking #vote.

If you say you don't care they'll take it away. Then you'll probably whine about how you want it.

Republicans are not interested in securing the southern U.S. border. Democrats have been tougher on this (specifically on deportation—see the Obama administration’s record deportations.) A brief history by @VICE (story from 2019): #vote #Biden

Prime Minister Narendra Modi claimed victory for his alliance on Tuesday in India’s general election, despite a lacklustre performance from his own party as it faced a stronger than expected challenge from the opposition, which pushed back against the leader’s mixed economic record and polarising politics. FRANCE 24's Leela Jacinto tells us more.
#India #Modi #vote

This week, I will dedicate the last few minutes of all of my classes to remind my students that those who are eligible **should definitely go and vote** this coming Sunday. 🗳️ My slides include graphics from here: (various EU languages available) and information about the option to #vote any time this week in various places in Cologne for those who are away/busy on Sunday ("Direktwahl"): #UseYourVote #europa2024 #wahlen2024

🗳Do you live in #florida or do you know anyone who does? 🗳

Every #florida resident who requested a vote-by-mail ballot before Jan. 1, 2023 will need to request a new one!

Miami-Dade County canceled approximately 438,000 vote-by-mail requests, so if you want to vote by mail, you must RENEW your request.

Go to and follow the steps to submit the form. DO THIS NOW!

If you are not registered to vote or would like to change your party affiliation, you can do so online here:

The deadline to register to vote before the primary election is July 22. The deadline to register to vote before the general election is Oct. 7.

#uspol #uspolitics #vote #election #elections #Elections2024

"That helps explain how #Republicans have held a majority of seats on the #SupremeCourt for 55 consecutive years despite losing the popular #vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections: The #Republican majority on the Supreme Court interceded in an election to put a Republican loser in the White House where he could appoint two more Republican Supreme Court justices, perpetuating the Republican majority on the Court."
- @foser

#SCOTUS #Alito #Corruption #USA

Damning Evidence Blows Up Trump’s Espionage Crimes

Documents with classification markings discovered in Trump’s private quarters months after prosecutors had subpoenaed them and the FBI conducted its own exhaustive search of the property. Investigators had “strong evidence” that the former president “intended” to hide classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort, according to newly released court documents.

He told his staff to avoid security cameras when moving boxes.

And his espionage continues.

#Espionage #treason #election #vote #natsec

What the fuck have Americans got to “make up their minds” about?

It’s democracy or dictatorship.


It’s not that hard…. SMH

#vote #voteblue