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Items tagged with: presidentialDebate

Content warning: I'm not voting for Joe Biden.

Content warning: US Politics

Watching this debate (I'm in Australia), I have no confidence either of these guys will be any good.

Yes Trump is bad but Biden is hopeless too.

The system is broken!

#uspolitics #PresidentialDebate #election2024 #auspol

For everyone who says, "I'd vote for a potted plant over Trump," do that. Live up to that. Ask other people to do that. Because that will be better than allowing Trump in.

Trump is seriously the most evil person that has ever been in the Oval Office, and if reelected, would be the most evil person WITH A GRUDGE in the Oval Office. No lack of enthusiasm, no "lesser of two evils" talk, VOTE BLUE. #PresidentialDebate #debate2024 #Debate #VoteBlue #VoteBlue2024

Gavin Newsome just said β€œworry less and do more” and I think that’s the answer for the next 4+ months #PresidentialDebate

It frustrates me that this election will likely come down to bluster-filled lies vs. good policies delivered weakly.

#debate #presidentialdebate

Why are they calling it a presidential debate?

There’s only one President on stage and the other guy is a convicted criminal who has never once been presidential in his life.


Yo Canada.. πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Are you tuning into the Presidential debate tonight?

*Boost if ya care for a wider audience*

#Canada #mstdnca #presidentialdebate #debate #Biden #Trump

  • My eyes are glued πŸ‘€ (16%, 6 votes)
  • In the background πŸ“Ί (10%, 4 votes)
  • Huh? πŸ€” (8%, 3 votes)
  • Gotta wash my hair 🚿 (13%, 5 votes)
  • Why would I? 🀨 (51%, 19 votes)
37 voters. Poll end: 6 days ago

I am forcing myself to watch this shitshow of a #debate because it is truly historic! Hopefully no nightmares when I go to bed!

#trump #debate #PresidentialDebate #cnn #cbc #usa #canada #uspol #cdnpoli

Trying to ignore this #presidentialdebate would be like trying to forget you have shit on your collar.

#CNN bans WH pool #reporters from #debate

The WH Correspondents' Assn said CNN rejected multiple requests to let WH pool reporters inside the studio during the 1st #PresidentialDebate between President Joe #Biden & Republican #criminal #Trump.

The press pool, made up of reps of major #news orgs, accompanies #POTUS on foreign & domestic trips & normally has access to any event where he speaks or appears in public, to keep the public informed.
