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Items tagged with: un

As more countries are recognizing the State of #Palestine, the departing Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, warned that "Israel" was losing the battle over the narrative on the world stage.

Erdan told Newsweek during a media meeting last week at the Israeli Mission to the #UN that "Israel" has to "do more to convince the world," citing that it "always concerns us when our approach is not being accepted, like every normal country."

Erdan also alleged, "Today, the U.N. is being exploited and weaponized against Israel to delegitimize the whole notion of a Jewish state."

He argued that it was crucial to maintain a presence at the UN if "lies are being spread against Israel," otherwise, there would be no way for the #US and #UK ambassadors to retrieve intelligence that is helpful for allies to "continue supporting us."

According to the International Criminal Court, over 100,000 Ukrainian children have been kidnapped by Putin's military, then deported by the Russian military and sent to reeducation camps inside Russia. Estimates of up to 700,000 kids have been forcibly removed or deported from their homes. Russia's plan is to erase Ukrainian identity by creating orphans and kidnapping the children. This is genocide.

This is Oleksandr from Mariupol. Russian soldiers separated boy and his mother in filtration camp in March, 2022. He has not seen his mother since then. Every year on June 4th, the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression acknowledges the pain that children around the world suffer. We must stop this terror now. World must hold Russia accountable for its actions.

Stop Putin's genocide of Ukrainians.

#ArmUkraine #LetUkraineStrikeBack #Ukraine #EU #UN #nato #StandWithUkraine
#StopRussianAggression #arrestputin #RussiaIsATerroristState #DefeatRussia

Hybrid War Fueled by Russian Oil Money.

A Deep Dive into Corruption. MOL oil money comes from Putin, Russia fbs criminals to finance disinformation and propaganda operations in Europe to target freedom and the rule of law. 🚨

What a bastard….article 7 time! Orbáns' Scandalous Propaganda Empire Exposed.

#Ukraine #EU #nato #russianterror #disinformation #hybrid #war #psyop #arrestputin #orban #fascism #ww3 #UN #RussiaIsATerroristState

Journalists from the New York Times have conducted an investigation for many months and conducted over 110 interviews to trace a network of Russian politicians kidnapping Ukrainian children - a war crime.

This is very important for future criminal investigations of Russian war crimes.

Excellent work by yousuralhlou & mashafroliak

Please give this a read:

#Ukraine #EU #nato #UN #RussiIsANaziState #RussiaIsATerroristState #arrestputin #Hague #ICC #arrest #warcrimes


Immediate sanctions required on Israel

UN expert group has called for immediate sanctions & other measures by the international community to pressure Israel to comply with international law.

“The flow of arms into Israel must stop immediately. It is abundantly clear that these weapons are being used to brutally kill and maim Palestinian civilians."

“A staggering five per cent of Gaza’s population has been killed or injured."

#UN #BDS #Gaza #IsraeliWarCrimes .

Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO:

"I think the time has come for [NATO] allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions that are put on the use of weapons they have donated to #Ukraine... This is self-defense. Self-defense is enshrined in the #UN Charter. It’s legal and it’s legitimate and we are helping Ukraine upholding that right, and that should include the ability to also strike targets on Russian territory”

#ArmUkraineToWIN #US

#Myanmar has been caught in a spiral of violence since the #ArakanArmy, last November ended a ceasefire that had largely held since the army took over in a 2021 coup.

#Activists have accused the Arakan Army of targeting the #Rohingya Muslim minority during an offensive in the town of #Buthidaung near the border with #Bangladesh. #MyanmarCrisis

#UN sounds alarm over atrocities as rebels renew fighting with Myanmar’s military junta

Back toot:

UN stellen Lebensmittelverteilung in Rafah vorerst ein

Seit Monaten sind in Gaza die Lebensmittel knapp. Nun teilten die Vereinten Nationen mit, ihre Lieferungen nach Rafah vorerst einzustellen. Es fehle an Nachschub, zudem könnten die Hilfstruppen nicht sicher arbeiten.


#Gazastreifen #Rafah #UN #VereinteNationen

They’ve run out of food.

#UN halts all food distribution in #Rafah after running out of supplies in the southern #Gaza city:



On apartheid Israel

When apartheid South Africa came under growing international pressure at the UN, the General Assembly initiated boycotts.

It suspended South Africa, stripping it of its Member State rights & privileges.

The apartheid regime "could no longer be seated, speak or vote at the General Assembly & other UN organs.

"Apartheid South Africa changed course because it became a pariah & isolated regime"

#ApartheidIsrael #UN #UNGA ....2..

#FarhanHaq, a #UN spokesperson, said the new smaller numbers reflected those bodies which had been fully identified. The bigger figures included corpses for whom identification has so far not been completed.

#UN denies #Gaza death toll of #women and #children has been revised down | #Israel-#Gaza war
UN denies Gaza death toll of women and children has been revised down | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian

The #UN halved the number of female and under-18 Palestinian casualties in the Israel-Hamas war; earlier this month, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs stopped citing #statistics from the Hamas-run Government Media Office in its updates. A U.N. spokesperson blamed “the fog of war” for the office’s previously #inaccurate counts. #hamas #israel Today, under 5,000 women and 8,000 children are now officially listed by the UN as #casualties.

How about: you shred the UN charter, you get booted from the UN. Sound fair?

#UN #UnitedNations #Israel #pariahState #apartheid #ethnicCleansing #genocide

Israel just shredded the UN 🇺🇳 charter at the United Nations and I am not sure if there is a visual more fitting for what that country has done to the world:

#UN General Assembly overwhelmingly votes positively on resolution to accept #Palestine as qualified to join as full member. 143 countries vote yes, 9 no, 25 abstain. (Possibly paywalled)

The UN General Assembly is expected to vote overwhelmingly in favour of enhanced Palestinian membership of the United Nations.

And it could carry far-reaching consequences.

The draft text, co-sponsored by #Ireland among others, will recognise that #Palestine is qualified for full #UN membership and recommend that the Security Council reconsider the matter, after it was blocked by a US veto last month.
#NeverStopTalkingAboutPalestine #PalestineWillBeFree

Plastic, Plastic Everywhere — Even at the UN’s “Plastic Free” Conference

At a conference meant to address the plastic crisis, pro-plastic messaging was inescapable.

Meanwhile, industry insiders — some positioned as government delegates — were given access to vital negotiations.

#News #Plastic #Environment #UN #Ottawa #Pollution

Israeli protesters cover roadway with large stones to prevent aid trucks headed for besieged Gaza passing through Mitzpe Ramon.

#Israel #Gaza #Aid #Palestine #UN #Protest

UN experts decry mass graves in Gaza. Over 390 bodies found at Nasser and Al Shifa hospitals, “including of women and children, with many reportedly showing signs of torture and summary executions, and potential instances of people buried alive.”

#Gaza #Israel #UN