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Items tagged with: chatgpt

OpenAI : Edward Snowden est écœuré
#OpenAI #NSA #Snowden #Surveillance #ChatGPT

#ChatGPT is putting a lot of creative writers out of business for all the wrong reasons

Mediocre managers and bean counters are going with the cheap option because they don't see the value in a skilled human writing for you

Not my horse
Not my race
Just disappointed

Hard to argue the conclusion of this paper isn't right.

#ChatGPT does not hallucinate (non-standard perception experience unrelated to the world), and does not confabulate (fill in a memory gap). Instead, it soft bullshits:

"Bullshit produced without the intention to mislead the hearer regarding the utterer’s agenda."

"ChatGPT is bullshit", Hicks et al. 2024

I love it. An academic paper with a straightforward title.

ChatGPT is bullshit

#ChatGPT #Bullshit

Scientific paper of the year.

(NB - not my screengrab). #llm #chatgpt #bullshit

@mustikkasoppa & @rolle -- This might be strange and out of the blue (or maybe not). I asked #ChatGPT to generate a TUI IRC-style client for something I'm testing and it generated some "sample" messages. Except it might not be so sample and I think it might be you two?

It's time to call a spade a spade. ChatGPT isn't just hallucinating. It's a bullshit machine.

From TFA (thanks @mxtiffanyleigh for sharing):

"Bullshit is 'any utterance produced where a speaker has indifference towards the truth of the utterance'. That explanation, in turn, is divided into two "species": hard bullshit, which occurs when there is an agenda to mislead, or soft bullshit, which is uttered without agenda.

"ChatGPT is at minimum a soft bullshitter or a bullshit machine, because if it is not an agent then it can neither hold any attitudes towards truth nor towards deceiving hearers about its (or, perhaps more properly, its users') agenda."

@technology #technology #chatGPT #LLM #LargeLanguageModels

The fact that Apple's implementation of #ChatGPT includes a rather prominent "Check important info for mistakes." warning at the bottom of each output adequately sums up my issues with LLMs. Why use, let alone rely, on a tool that is so prone to fail? I wouldn't eat a meal that was labelled with "Check food of edibility". There are uses for this tech, for example the proofreading feature they demoed. But as an information source the #LLM still lacks trust.

#apple #wwdc #wwdc24 #ai

We have a short summary of our argument about #ChatGPT/generative AI and its potential uses in political propaganda here:

Basically, we argue things won't be structurally or procedurally different than past #SocialEngineering -- but they will be much more intense.


NYTimes reporting about an #Israel influence operation, using fake X accounts with #ChatGPT-powered talking points, to influence US legislators, public opinion:

[sorry, it's paywalled]

@seanlawson and I are publishing articles about this exact sort of masspersonal #socialEngineering right now. It's only going to get worse.


Despite the bluster of the past few years, it is also worth noting that only 23 per cent of US adults have ever used ChatGPT, according to surveys by the Pew Research Center. “It’s still very unclear to what extent [this technology] matters,” says Véliz. “The majority of people haven’t actually used generative AI tools, and there are some reasons to think that it might end up being less helpful than some people thought it would be.”

#chatgpt #genai #llm

Just found out that DuckDuckGo now has an "AI Chat" tab, allowing to converse with one of two mainstream AI models (GPT-3.5 Turbo or Claude 3 Haiku) in a privacy-friendly manner.

#DuckDuckGo #AI #LLM #ChatGPT #claude3 #privacy

#ChatGPT är nere. Vad har jag ställt till med? 😱

Mein Senf zur Scarlett-Johansson-ChatGPT-Chatbot-Saga: Abgesehen von dem, was schon schön in dem unten verlinkten Artikel zusammengefasst ist, finde ich das Verhalten von Altman auch so entlarvend übergriffig. Das ist ein Mann, der offensichtlich das "Nein" einer Frau nicht akzeptiert und die Grenze dann ohne ihre Zuwilligung überschreitet. Und ich komme nicht umher, zu vermuten, dass er beim "Nein" eines Mannes mehr Respekt zeigen würde... #chatgpt #Johansson #sexismus

#ScarlettJohansson is kicking butt and taking names while standing up for creatives.

#SamAltman of #OpenAI apparently thought he could bulldoze over the wishes and creative talents of the #BlackWidow and not face the consequences. #FAFO

This shows how corporate #AI will gladly steal from any creative who can't afford the lawyers to fight them. #AILawsNow

#Actors #Voiceover #VoiceActors #VO #VoiceCloning #VoiceActing #OpenAI #Her #ActingCommunity #AItheft #ChatGPT #ChatGPT4o #4o #GPT4o #Sky

Stuff posted on #Reddit is getting incorporated into #ChatGPT, Reddit and #OpenAI announced on Thursday. The new partnership grants OpenAI access to Reddit’s #DataAPI, giving the generative AI firm real-time access to Reddit posts. #AI #GenerativeAi

OpenAI will use Reddit posts to train ChatGPT under new deal