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Items tagged with: Maskup

Content warning: Covid, venting

Content warning: Covid, Heat

Wil Wheaton doesn't take off his mask for fan-selfies. He has a workaround so he can stay #MaskUp and people who want to can still see his full face.



Das sind ja fürchterliche Zahlen. In anderen Großstädten wird es wohl ähnlich aussehen.

Ich meine gelesen zu haben, daß in den USA schon eine neue Variante vorherrschend ist.

Gibt es schon einen neuen Impfstoff? Wirksamkeit?

@SilviaMarton @mina

We did it! We hit the audiobook stretch goal and have the budget to make it! And a superstar voice actor!

NEW REWARDS UNLOCKED! Now you can pre-order the audiobook *or* an ebook + audiobook bundle!


#Covid #Covid19 #Maskup #LongCovid

“North Carolina Shelves Controversial Mask Ban Bill Amid Public Outcry”

“North Carolina's House Bill 237, which aimed to criminalize wearing masks in public, has been temporarily shelved due to widespread online protests and petitions.”

But only temporarily.

#hb237 #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #Covid #CovidIsAirborne