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Items tagged with: OpenAI

After watching OpenAI's presentation and, even more, an excerpt from Google's presentation yesterday, I asked myself: is this AI, according to the big tech companies (especially Google - for OpenAI it's their core business, so I understand their perspective), truly what users want and need, or is it just another method to lock people into using their technologies, which are not easily self-hostable?

I'm not arguing for or against it, but I noticed that (almost) the entire Google I/O yesterday was focused on this...

#AI #BigTech #GoogleIO #OpenAI #Technology #Innovation #UserNeeds #SelfHosting #TechIndustry #FutureTech

Friendly reminder: Everything that this new #OpenAI camera assistant / modell can recognize and diagnose will be in shortterm future in all #cameras in public spaces everywhere …

Apple and OpenAI closing in on deal for ChatGPT in iOS

"According to a trusted industry analyst, Apple and OpenAI could be finalizing a deal to bring ChatGPT features to iOS."

I'm so sick of ChatGPT 😩

#AI #OpenAI #tech #technology #Apple #iOS #press #news

Das war eine sehr unterhaltsame Recherche, bei der ich Sepp Hochreiter getroffen habe - ein Pionier des maschinellen Lernens, der mit seiner alten Idee (#lstm) jetzt OpenAi „vom Markt fegen“ will.

Ob dieser alte Algorithmus wirklich das Zeug dazu hat, große Sprachmodelle zu revolutionieren, kann ich schwer einschätzen. Was mir aber immer klarer wurde in letzter Zeit: Transformermodelle sind an ihrer Grenze. Von daher wird sich was bewegen müssen.

#chatGPT #openAi

Interesting | Forth

#AI #OpenAI #Google

Somebody has filed a #GDPR complaint against #OpenAI, because they are unable to correct false personal data that is produced by #ChatGPT.
This should be interesting to watch.

For those not keeping tabs on this story, there was an audio file released with the voice of a #BaltimoreCounty high school teacher making racist and #antisemitic comments.

Most people quickly came to the conclusion that this was an AI-generated impersonation but also just assumed (as I 100% did) it was some tech-savvy high school students playing a tone-deaf prank.

Today the former GYM TEACHER was arrested by Baltimore County police after they found that he had used the school network to search for #OpenAI tools and linked him to the email address used to distribute the recording.

Justin Fenton and Kristen Griffith, as usual, bring the tea: