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Items tagged with: openAi

When Sam Altman was ousted as CEO, Kara Swisher pushed a story that framed him as the victim of a board captured by AI doomers.

But as more detail has emerged about Altman’s lies and “toxic” conduct, it’s become clear she was a conduit for his narrative.

#tech #ai #openai #samaltman #journalism

#OpenAI is a #cult.

The company's obsession with #AGI doom is a deliberate distraction from the real evils of their work:
• promoting bias
• presenting misinformation masquerading as authoritative truth
• appropriating the value of others' work for its eventual profit, and
• consuming massive amounts of energy contributing to environmental degradation.

Movie star Scarlett Johansson said Monday she was "shocked" by an OpenAI synthetic voice that sounds like her, which was released after she declined to work with the ChatGPT-maker on such a project. The artificial intelligence powerhouse headed by Sam Altman said it was working on temporarily muting the Johannson-sounding voice it calls "Sky." Monte Francis reports.
#OpenAI #AI #Hollywood

A female computational neuroscience and machine learning expert took to X at the weekend to describe a “dark side” of the startup culture in Silicon Valley.

Sonia Joseph alleged that a culture of sexual coercion has taken hold of San Francisco’s community housing tech scene, with “heavy LSD use” and “sex parties held by mainly male tech and entrepreneurial elites that involve mock-violent role playing with female participants.”

In particular, “early OpenAI employees” were referenced by Joseph, as well as their friends and “adjacent entrepreneurs.” Salon has more.

#AI #OpenAI #SiliconValley #Tech

#ScarlettJohansson is kicking butt and taking names while standing up for creatives.

#SamAltman of #OpenAI apparently thought he could bulldoze over the wishes and creative talents of the #BlackWidow and not face the consequences. #FAFO

This shows how corporate #AI will gladly steal from any creative who can't afford the lawyers to fight them. #AILawsNow

#Actors #Voiceover #VoiceActors #VO #VoiceCloning #VoiceActing #OpenAI #Her #ActingCommunity #AItheft #ChatGPT #ChatGPT4o #4o #GPT4o #Sky

Scarlett Johansson's letter about #OpenAI and the voice "Sky".

#ai #deepfake #deepfakes

Stuff posted on #Reddit is getting incorporated into #ChatGPT, Reddit and #OpenAI announced on Thursday. The new partnership grants OpenAI access to Reddit’s #DataAPI, giving the generative AI firm real-time access to Reddit posts. #AI #GenerativeAi

OpenAI will use Reddit posts to train ChatGPT under new deal

#NetBSD #openai #chatgpt

"Code generated by a large language model or similar technology, such as GitHub/Microsoft's Copilot, OpenAI's ChatGPT, or Facebook/Meta's Code Llama, is presumed to be tainted code, and must not be committed without prior written approval by core."

Friendly reminder: Everything that this new #OpenAI camera assistant / modell can recognize and diagnose will be in shortterm future in all #cameras in public spaces everywhere …

Apple and OpenAI closing in on deal for ChatGPT in iOS

"According to a trusted industry analyst, Apple and OpenAI could be finalizing a deal to bring ChatGPT features to iOS."

I'm so sick of ChatGPT 😩

#AI #OpenAI #tech #technology #Apple #iOS #press #news

Das war eine sehr unterhaltsame Recherche, bei der ich Sepp Hochreiter getroffen habe - ein Pionier des maschinellen Lernens, der mit seiner alten Idee (#lstm) jetzt OpenAi „vom Markt fegen“ will.

Ob dieser alte Algorithmus wirklich das Zeug dazu hat, große Sprachmodelle zu revolutionieren, kann ich schwer einschätzen. Was mir aber immer klarer wurde in letzter Zeit: Transformermodelle sind an ihrer Grenze. Von daher wird sich was bewegen müssen.

#chatGPT #openAi

Interesting | Forth

#AI #OpenAI #Google