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Items tagged with: TIkTok


Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Inquirer wrote a column we wish all the members of the media had to read word-for-word, out loud, before they could log on to their computer systems.

Since that seems unlikely, we're giving you a multi-post thread that reproduces the column in its entirety.

Why? Because #Democracy is worth protecting.

#Expats: This column has been brought to you by Please #boost it widely.

@journalismandcomment @history #law #tiktok

Ah #tiktok the app that comes with free spies from .cn embedded in it.

An #image needs 40 bytes instead of 196,608


The Chinese company #Bytedance, which includes #TikTok, has developed a series of transform models for image #generation and #compression with up to 307 million parameters in collaboration with the University of Munich. It can reconstruct a square image with a length and width of 256 pixels largely correctly with just 32 tokens. That is 40 bytes of the original 196,608 bytes. The model can be used both for compressing image data and for pure image generation and is said to be up to 410 times faster than conventional diffusion models.

#news #software #ai #technology #picture

SÄ dÄligt av techjÀtten Tiktok att inte svara pÄ journalistfrÄgor. SÄdant som journalister ska kunna frÄga till vettiga företag. (Finns viss kritik mot fler i denna artikel, men fokus hÀr denna gÄng Àr Tiktok).

Med konsumentmakt kan vi bojkotta företag för att de ska bÀttra sig. Men det kÀnns inte som vi Àr tillrÀckligt intresserade av att bojkotta Tiktok. #tiktok


Yes. They were quite high in some countries (#Belgium 89%, Germany 65, ...).

This is why the rise of ult-right parties is doubly-worrying.
It us neither "protest voting 🗳, " nor "low voter participation."
The likes of Putler and Orban have done an excellent job at #InformationWarfare.
They've seem to have been particularly good at winning acolytes among teenagers through #TikTok in some countries.
"#MainstreamMedia" aren't "mainstream" in that age group anymore, I have a hunch.

An open source/self hosted and federated Tik-Tok alternative, made by @pixelfed has just successfully tested federation!

If you applied to join, expect an invite within the next week! ✹

(We will be open sourcing the mobile app and backend later this summer)

#loops #pixelfed #tiktok
