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Vice President #KamalaHarris has told allies that he she has chosen #Minnesota Gov. #TimWalz to be her running mate, opting for a former high school #teacher & Midwestern Democrat to complete a newly assembled presidential ticket following, according to 2 people familiar with the pick, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a decision that is not yet public.


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In picking #Minnesota Gov. #TimWalz, MVP #KamalaHarris has selected an experienced politician w/executive governing experience & signaled the importance of Midwestern battleground states such as Wisconsin & Michigan.

#Walz is scheduled to appear w/ #Harris in coming days in each of the 7 most competitive states — #Pennsylvania, #Wisconsin, #Michigan, #NorthCarolina, #Georgia, #Arizona & #Nevada.

#VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024 #Harris2024

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#TimWalz, a second-term governor & chair of the Democratic Governors Assn, does not hail from a traditional battleground state — #Minnesota has supported a Republican presidential candidate only once since 1960. But his credentials as a #veteran & #gun owner [👎🏻] who previously represented a #Republican-leaning, rural part of Minnesota in #Congress could help #Harris appeal to working-class #White voters who have turned away from Democrats & helped fuel #Trump’s political rise.


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It’s not every day a former #PublicSchool #teacher ends up on a presidential ticket. But for the students & teachers who crossed paths w/ #TimWalz during his decade teaching in #Mankato — a midsize city south of #Minneapolis — it’s easy to look back now & see the signs that he could find himself in exactly that position.

#VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024 #Harris2024

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#Walz arrived in #Minnesota in 1996, from his home state of #Nebraska, along w/his wife, Gwen, who got a job #teaching English at the same school. At #Mankato West, Mrs & Mr Walz were seen as powerhouse #teachers who balanced out each other’s energy-levels: she was more reserved, & he was a boisterous ball of energy.

…Walz quickly earned the reputation as a guy who could get the most out of people.

#VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024 #Harris2024

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#Walz’s love of #history was infectious in the classroom where he would host “Jeopardy!”tournaments & invite other teachers to #debate current events.

“Sometimes he would remind me of the Chris Farley character Matt Foley from SNL. Our school didn’t have AC, & he would get all sweaty & really #passionate about whatever he was talking about.…his shirt would get disheveled, but the passion would transfer over to us” says Blake Frink, who became a geography #teacher bc he had been in Walz’s class.
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Fmr students say they don’t remember #Walz ever being overly ideological…, & yet, none were particularly surprised when he first made the jump into #PublicService. The idea to run for office first came to Walz in 2004, …after he & several of his students were blocked from entering a #political rally for fmr president George W. Bush bc one of the kids was spotted w/a John Kerry sticker. He won a congressional seat in 2006, & served in the US #House of Reps until he won the governorship in 2018.
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Before that, #Walz was the linebacker #coach who helped turn around a winless #football squad into state champs,while earning the trust of his players.
“I don’t want to be dramatic about it, but he maybe saved my life. I was devoted to him,like, ‘Fine, I’ll keep going to school so I can play for you. I’ll keep training hard so I can try & win for you.’”says Daniel Clement,a fmr linebacker who…hung out w/the wrong crowd before Walz showed him a kind of attn…he’d never experienced from a #teacher.
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In the mid-’90s, it was #Walz who offered to be the first faculty adviser to the newly formed #gay-straight alliance.

“The fact that he took on that role while also being the #FootballCoach was so important,” says Jacob Reitan, who was the first openly gay student at #Mankato West. “He set an example not just for #LGTBQ students but for football players in the locker room at a time where gay people were not well understood. He made the school a #safe place for everybody.”


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Reitan says, it was an early indication of 1 of #Walz’s greatest strengths: his ability to “sell seemingly progressive ideas to seemingly not progressive crowds.”
“He is sort of all things to all people in the best way possible” he says.
…He is a relatively young politician (60) who looks old (“You don’t leave that job w/a full head of hair,” he once tweeted about supervising lunch rooms for 20yrs). His agenda in #Minnesota includes #TuitionFree #college & universal #SchoolMeals,
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he’s also a fmr US #Army noncommissioned officer who can pull off a camo hat at a news conference. & he’s the #teacher given the “Most #Inspiring” superlative in the #Mankato yearbook, who can effectively deliver an attack on #Republican opponents.

“When he said #Republicans were ‘#weird’ it struck me like, this works from Walz,” says Jake Jagdfeld, who played linebacker under Walz in the ’90s. “In politics he’s good at calling out BS w/o getting nasty or too down in the dirt.


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“He’s just saying, ‘That’s #weird’ & everyone gets that. It’s the kind of common sense he showed as a coach: practical & kinda goofy,” Jagdfeld added.

#VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024 #Harris2024

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From MVP #KamalaHarris’s IG:

“I am proud to announce that l've asked #TimWalz to be my running mate.

“One of the things that stood out to me about Tim is how his convictions on fighting for middle class families run deep. It's personal.

“He grew up in a small town in Nebraska, spending summers working on his family's farm. His father died of cancer when he was 19, & his family relied on SocialSecurity survivor benefit checks to make ends meet. At 17, he enlisted in the National Guard….

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“serving for 24yrs. He used his #Gl Bill benefits to go to college,& become a #teacher. He served as both the #FootballCoach & the advisor of the #GayStraightAlliance.
“I share this background both because it's impressive in its own right,& because you see in no uncertain terms how it informs his record. He worked w/ #Republicans to pass #infrastructure investments.He cut #taxes for working #families. He passed a #law to provide #PaidFamily & #medical leave to Minnesota families.
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“He made #Minnesota the first state in the country to pass a #law providing constitutional #abortion protections after the #SupremeCourt overturned #RoeVWade, & as an avid hunter, he passed a bill requiring #UniversalBackgroundChecks for #gun purchases.

“But what impressed me most about Tim is his deep commitment to his family: Gwen, Gus, & Hope. Doug & I look forward to working w/him & Gwen to build an administration that reflects our shared values.

#VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

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“Whether you are a supporter, a volunteer, a donor, a member of our staff, or your name is on the ticket: you are part of the #people-powered campaign that is going to defeat Donald #Trump.

“We are going to build a great partnership. We are going to build a great team. We are going to #win this #election.

“So let's get to work.“

#VoteBlue #Harris2024 #HarrisWalz2024

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While #TimWalz might not be a household name, his political star has been on the rise….

#Walz was also credited w/helping launch the "#weird" movement….

He has also been applauded & condemned for several #progressive laws passed while in #Minnesota's highest office, especially in his 2nd term when the #DFL Party took total control of state govt following the 2022 elections.…


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Here are several of #TimWalz's accomplishments — w/an unusual number of legislative successes scored in March 2023 alone — & setbacks during his tenure as governor.

Walz's use of #EmergencyPowers during the #pandemic — including the institution of a #MaskMandate, business #shutdowns & a #hotline number established to report people violating #SocialDistancing guidelines — outraged his critics.
#VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024 #Harris2024

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Several lawsuits followed, including one filed in 2020 by the #conservative Upper Midwest #Law Ctr alleging #TimWalz misinterpreted the #Minnesota Emergency Management Act & illegally bypassed state lawmakers….

The case, which focused on the #COVID #pandemic #MaskMandate, eventually made its way to the MN Supreme Court, which sent it back to the MN Court of Appeals. In July 2023, that court ruled that #Walz indeed had the authority.👏🏻

#PublicHealth #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024 #Harris2024

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#Conservatives lashed out at #Walz for his delay in the historic activation of the Minnesota #NationalGuard, which helped restore order on Twin Cities streets during the unrest in May 2020 following the murder of #GeorgeFloyd.

The delay drew the ire of then-Pres #Trump, who went on to falsely claim he ultimately made the call. Months after the chaos, Democratic Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said he asked Walz for troops 3 days before he gave the green light.

#Restraint #Ally #HarrisWalz2024

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#Walz, who served in the #Army #NationalGuard for nearly a quarter of a century, clapped back at Frey.

"I don't think the mayor knew what he was asking for," Walz said. "I think the mayor said, 'I request the National Guard, this is great. We're going to have massively-trained troops.' No, you're going to have 19-yr-olds who are cooks!"

#Restraint #Ally #HarrisWalz2024

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In a recent interview w/ #FauxNews, #Minnesota #Republican Party Chair David Hann accused Walz of delaying guard activation because "he was fearful of alienating his progressive base, who were supporting the riots…. [Walz]…is by far the most partisan governor that I can remember having. He displayed a remarkable lack of leadership in dealing w/the riot …& the aftermath of which is still affecting the quality of life & the business climate in Minneapolis." 🙄

#Restraint #Ally #HarrisWalz2024

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In a 1995 ruling, the #Minnesota #SupremeCourt upheld #AbortionRights in MN. In Jan 2023, #Walz signed the #PROAct (#ProtectReproductiveOptions Act) into #law, making #abortion a "fundamental right," as well as #access to #contraception, #fertility treatments, #sterilization & other #ReproductiveHealthCare.

The law made MN the 1st state to #codify #AbortionRights in the aftermath of #SCOTUS' 2022 ruling in… #Dobbs…, which nullified #RoeVWade….

#ReproductiveRights #WomensRights #HarrisWalz2024

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"Your access to #ReproductiveHealth & your right to make your own #HealthCare decisions are preserved & protected," #Walz said during the signing ceremony. "And because of this #law, that won't change w/the #political wins or makeup of the #SupremeCourt. This is a bill for #Minnesota today & all #future generations."
In April 2023, Walz signed the #ReproductiveFreedom Defense Act into law, shielding #women & #providers from any #legal action originating from the patient's state.


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#Walz has a long history of supporting #LGBTQIA+ rights. While teaching at #Mankato West High School in the 90s, he helped found its first #GayStraightAlliance group.

"You have an older, #White, #straight, #married, male #football coach who's deeply concerned that these students are treated fairly & that there is no #bullying," Walz said in a 2018 campaign ad.

#Ally #HarrisWalz2024

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In March 2023, #Walz signed an exec order to the right of residents to have access to #GenderAffirming #HealthCare. Weeks later, he signed the "#TransRefuge" bill, banning the enforcement of arrest warrants, extradition requests & out-of-state subpoenas for those who traveled to Minnesota for care.

"When someone else is given basic rights, others don't lose theirs," Walz said. "We aren't cutting a pie here. We're giving basic rights to every single Minnesotan."

#Ally #HarrisWalz2024

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The practice of putting #LGBTQIA+ youths into "conversion therapy," which aims to change a person's #SexualOrientation or #gender #identity, was also formally banned in early 2023, although #Walz issued an executive order 2 yrs earlier to restrict the practice.

#Ally #HarrisWalz2024

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#Walz signed a #PublicSafety package including a "#RedFlag" #law that allows family members, roommates or law enforcement to petition the courts to remove #firearms from the possession of anyone deemed a danger to themselves or others.

Another law in the package required private gun transfers to be subject to #BackgroundChecks.

"This is NOT about the #SecondAmendment," Walz said. "This is about the #safety & #security of our communities. That's what's happening here today."


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In May 2023, #Walz signed a #law creating astate-run program to provide paid #family & #medical leave for #Minnesota #workers, funded by a 0.7% payroll #tax on #employers, by 2026.

While proponents say the #law is an "equalizer" that provides a road map for a similar federal effort, critics claim it would cost much more than estimated & devastate small businesses.

#PaidFamilyLeave #PaidMedicalLeave #PaidSickLeave #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

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In May 2023, #Minnesota became the 23rd state in the nation to legalize recreational #cannabis use. 3 months later, people 21 & older could start to possess certain amounts of #marijuana at home & on their person, in addition to legally #growing up to 8 plants at a time.

Minnesotans w/minor #MarijuanaConvictions are also eligible to have their #CriminalRecords #expunged,

#CommonSense #law #Walz #HarrisWalz2024

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& residents from #CommunitiesOfColor — which were disproportionately targeted for arrests & convictions for possession for decades — are given preferential status in applying for #cannabis-related #business licenses.

#Marijuana #CommonSense #law #Walz #HarrisWalz2024

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#Walz also signed a bill into #law in March 2023 that allows #Minnesota residents of any #immigration status the ability to obtain a driver's license.

Advocates for the bill, which had strong backing from #law enforcement, #business & #religious groups, said it would lead to safer #roads & a stronger #economy.

#WhoCaresForUs #undocumented #ally #CommonSense #law #Walz #HarrisWalz2024

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In that same watershed month, #Walz signed a bill that restored the right to #vote to >50k convicted #felons who had already served their time.

"We are in a country of second chances, we're a country of welcoming people back in. And the idea of not allowing those voices to have a say in the very #governing of the communities they live in is simply unacceptable," Walz said.

#VotingRights #CommonSense #law #HarrisWalz2024

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Amid the increase in #FoodInsecurity during the #pandemic, & subsequent strain on the #food shelves that remains to this day, #Walz signed a bill in March 2023 that ensures all #K12 students in the state have access to free breakfast & lunch on #school days.

"As a fmr #teacher, I know that providing free breakfast & lunch for our students is one of the best investments we can make to lower costs, support #Minnesota's working #families, & care for our young learners & the future of our state”

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#JoshShapiro on stage now to announce MVP #KamalaHarris & #TimWalz!

A huge standing ovation and roars of enthusiasm erupted in Philadelphia as Gov. Josh Shapiro took the stage. He clasped his hands to his heart & took several bows.

“I love being your governor,” he said. “You all fill my heart & I love you so much.”




#HumanRights #ReproductiveRights #WomensRights #LGBTQIA #BLM #Ally #Veterans #democracy #HarrisWalz2024

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Supporters in #Philadelphia are holding up #HarrisWalz signs w/the slogans “When we vote, we win” & “When we fight, we win” -a change in tone & energy from the Biden-Harrris rallying cry: “Let’s finish the job.”

My favorite:

Crowd chants “#WeAreNotGoingBack

#JoshShapiro immediately brings up Trump packing #SCOTUS




#HumanRights #ReproductiveRights #WomensRights #LGBTQIA #BLM #Ally #Veterans #CommonSense #law #LetsDoThis

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#JoshShapiro delivers a full-throated #endorsement of #TimWalz as the #Democrats’ VP nominee. “Tim Walz is a great man,” #Shapiro said. “Tim #Walz is an outstanding governor. Tim Walz is a teacher. Tim Walz is a Guardsman. Tim Walz is a great patriot. And I tell you what else, Tim Walz is a dear friend.”

#HumanRights #ReproductiveRights #WomensRights #LGBTQIA #BLM #Ally #Veterans #democracy #freedom #WeAreNotGoingBack

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Loving this; rub TFG’s nose in it [BTWs never rub a dog’s nose in their stuff, it is useless; anyway…]

Hundreds of people who want to get into the #HarrisWalz rally in #Philadelphia are being denied entry to the #LiacourasCenter, which organizers say is now #AtCapacity. Others are directed to an “overflow” site to watch the rally from another location.

#SRO #CrowdSize [umm obvi someone has size issues. Something something about hand size & what not. Ask Stormy, she verified. #JusSayin]

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MVP #KamalaHarris is expected to deliver a speech that will highlight the shared experiences of her & her running mate — “2 middle-class kids … & a hope of #unity for Americans,” per excerpts of prepared remarks.

“From red states to blue states. From the heartland to the coasts. We are running a campaign on behalf of all #Americans.”

#HumanRights #ReproductiveRights #WomensRights #LGBTQIA #BLM #Ally #Veterans #democracy #freedom #WeAreNotGoingBack

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#JoshShapiro, speaking at the #HarrisWalz rally in #Philadelphia, stressed that the #election is about #freedom arguing #Republicans aren’t committed to it as they claim to be.

#Shapiro said it isn’t “freedom” to tell #children what #books they are allowed to read, to tell #workers whether they can join a #union & to tell #women what to do w/their #bodies.

[sidebar — Shapiro, in response to 2 wks of attacks on his Judaism: “I lean on my faith which calls me to serve & I am proud of my faith.”]

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Umm, sorry, personal side note, i just found out #TimWalz named a road after #Prince.

I am, have been, & always will be a Prince fan forever.

I have his stuff on #vinyl. Like as in I bought it on vinyl when it came out & never got rid of it.


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#TimWalz on #JDVance: “I can’t wait to debate him… if he can get off the couch”



#Walz: “Make no mistake, violent #crime was up under Donald #Trump & that’s not even counting the crimes he committed”

#HumanRights #ReproductiveRights #WomensRights #LGBTQIA #BLM #Ally #Veterans #democracy #freedom #WeAreNotGoingBack

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