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Items tagged with: WebDev

Finally had a proper look at @eleventy.

I really like that it can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be.

I'm not quite sold on it for hosting blogs (yet), but I've migrated a few of my smaller projects for which I've used a simple node app (mainly to take advantage of templating).

Huge improvement in memory consumption! For example, went from 67.89MB down to just 6.07MB.


#webdev #11ty #eleventy

This short history of web development is a useful overview for me as I haven't kept close tabs on the field. The post seems to cover all the main frameworks but a notable omission is Tailwind CSS.

#retrocomputing #WebDev

React Three Fiber Browser Games For Desktop & Mobile

A little while ago I started my adventure in React Three Fiber and I have created some browser based games and flashy sites in the meanwhile.

#WebDev #R3F #ReactThreeFiber

#tinySVGtip Better gooey effect with no matrix filter!

Each particle can get its own CSS blur filter with a value that may be any unit (SVG doesn't support this).

The assembly containing them gets an SVG filter as below.

Heavily commented on @codepen:

#CSS #SVG #filter #cssFilter #svgFilter #goo #gooey #blob #blobby #blur #alpha #code #coding #frontend #webDev #web #dev #webDevelopment

7⃣ 545 ❤️ Cycling gradient glow - no text duplication

A simple #SVG filter trick.

We create the gradient text.

The filter creates a blurred copy of it and places it underneath.

We then animate the gradient stops... magic! 🪄✨

#css #svgFilter #filter #filterEffect #glow #text #textEffect #textGlow #cssGradient #code #coding #frontend #web #webDev #dev #webDevelopment

6⃣ 688 ❤️ Pure #CSS 1 div card patterns (no SVG, no images other than CSS gradients)

A variation on the pure CSS halftone technique

#halftone #pattern #gradient #cssGradient #blendMode #blending #fliter #cssFilter #code #coding #frontend #web #webDev #dev #webDevelopment

5⃣ 723 ❤️ No SVG, no image fluid slider with input[type=range]

JS used only for
a) feature support detection
b) updating slider value in a --val

Uses only
1 × input[type=range] for actual slider
1 × output for current value display
1 × datalist for ruler

#css #slider #code #coding #frontend #control #web #webDev #dev #webDevelopment

4⃣ 736 ❤️ Pure #CSS Möbius 6hedrons

The how behind I live coded it in 30 minutes

Could be improved with CSS variables nowadays, see as well as by using CSS trigonometric functions.

#3D #transform #css3D #code #coding #looping #animation #cssAnimation #frontend #web #webDev #dev #webDevelopment

3⃣ 747 ❤️ no sprite, no JS twitter 🤍 animation

Behind demo

Now twitter uses an SVG heart 👍 (that path data though 😵) and upon clicking, inserts a div with the sparks. There are better ways to do it... still better than sprites!

#css #svg #code #coding #frontend #web #webDev #webDevelopment #dev

2⃣ 841 ❤️ neon hex

Most people know my CSS stuff, but this was my most hearted Pen for some three quarters of a decade... and it's a #canvas one! The JS feels dated nowadays, but oh, well... still my favourite out of this top 3.

#js #javascript #code #coding #frontend #web #dev #webDev #webDevelopment

I turn 12 on @codepen in less than a month, so here are my most hearted demos ever:

1️⃣ 955 ❤️ Pure CSS gravity button

My only demo to ever pass 850 ❤️ - a bit mixed about it, it was just an exercise in getting a certain result - please don't use it in the wild!

#css #pureCSS #gravity #button #code #coding #frontend #web #dev #webDevelopment #webDev

8⃣ 496 ❤️ Pure #CSS 3D toggle with only input[type=checkbox] + label

(awfully hacky, but cool-looking result... which nowadays I'd probably try to get with an SVG filter 🤔)

#3d #toggle #checkbox #css3D #code #coding #frontend #web #webDev #webDevelopment #dev -- use case no. 2 for my #Eleventy `customFilter` shortcode that's already been used for the /whisky page.

I did half an hour of refactoring last night, replaced an event handler with an IIFE and that was it pretty much. I ended up with code that's perfectly composable, takes a minimal configuration object and processes both collections and data files - nice 🤤

Reminder for self: good topic for a longer article.


The more I think about #accessibility in #WebDev, the more obsessed I become about contrast.

Been watching/listening to the #11ty International Symposium off and on all day today. I probably would not appreciate it as much as I do if I hadn't learned and used #React back in 2022. There are definitely a lot of use cases for statically generated sites, and the benefits of performance are definitely appealing.

#webdev #webdevelopment #frameworks

📝: Building pages from data in Eleventy #Tech #WebDev #Eleventy

Main motivation: catching up on the @eleventy #Conference talks yesterday and listening to @zachleat talking about the projects future.

Next steps: playing with the eleventy-img plugin and figuring out a caching on CF pages.


Hey, #Webdev, you've heard of Vite. But have you heard of

🚨🚨🚨 new blog post alert 🚨🚨🚨

I did a little write up about a prototype browser-based visual scripting language I made

Take a look!!!!!!

#webdev #indiedev #typescript

🚀 Excited to share my latest article detailing the step-by-step process of creating a high-performance blog site with @eleventy and @storyblok!

Read the full article here:

#WebDev #Eleventy #11ty #Storyblok #CMS #StaticSiteGenerator

BBC World Service - lite

My pals in BBC World Service have been doing some awesome work on "lite" versions of their news articles (other page types to follow).
They essentially skip the Server-Side React hydration which means you end up with a simpler HTML+CSS page, no JS.
Page sizes drop significantly:
* Transferred: ~600KB -> 30KB
* Total: 1.65MB -> 135KB
Just append `.lite` on a URL e.g.
There's no on/off UX at the moment but they're working on that too.
#WebDev #WebPerf #WebPerformance #BBC

#tinySVGtip How do you create an *inset* shadow on an `img` element?

You might think inset `box-shadow`, but it doesn't work! Really, there are tons of articles & questions on StackOveflow on this very topic.

SVG filters to the rescue for an elegant solution!

✨ offset & blur image
✨ subtract it out of original image alpha ⇒ get black inner shadow
✨ paint it 🍊
✨ place it on top of img

#SVG #filter #inset #shadow #image #svgFilter #code #coding #frontend #webDev #webDevelopment

Eleventy is an act of rebellion against the dark forces driving today’s internet, said its creator @zachleat at #11tyConf. Also at the lively event, we discovered that @eleventy does scale! #WebDev

🍦 New Article: Learn how to make websites real good #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie

📣 We’re hiring for a DevRel position!

Love teaching about web development, traveling to conferences, and working with a small, remote team? You might just be who we’re looking for. #CraftCMS #WebDev #DevRel

Today I optimized with a new image scheme.

Up until now I've downloaded an original image from the deveoper and made 2 smaller versions of it in the same format.

Now I make 3 copies and instead use the webp format ( which is much smaller and optimized.

The results in a faster and better site!

#linuxdaw #linuxaudio #webdev #webp

Service overview and uptime page with Kuma Uptime

With a bunch of free web services a status or uptime page is also a must. Luckily there are beautiful self-hosted solutions like Cachet and Kuma Uptime.

#WebDev #KumaUptime #service