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Items tagged with: vegan

it makes me so impossibly sad to think that i may only have a couple years of seeing wild birds left with the way #avianFlu is going. but hey, the people have spoken: eating tortured chickens is priority number one, even if it drives an apocalyptic wildlife pandemic (and a human one, too!). healthy, delicious, climate-friendly alternatives be damned.

genuinely, what the actual fuck are we doing???

#H5N1 #birds #birdwatching #birding #vegan

trying to find #science and #vegan person to talk about diets and #climate impact for the pod. Anyone?
please #share

By happy accident we had unplanned #vegan dinner at #RamenImpossible in #Amsterdam. When we entered, the staff guessed (correctly) that we were looking for Tonkotsu Ramen and didn‘t know that they are vegan, so they told us.
But while we’re not vegan, we’re always up for good, different and interesting food, and vegan restaurants often are that bit more … passionate(?) so we stayed.
And we were not let down - It was excellent.

Looks like I'm gonna be spending this weekend eating my way around #Glasgow's #vegan places.
Ticked off Mono and Stereo yesterday, today eyeing up The Alchemy Experiment and Serenity Now 😋

Danke Oma.
Auf dich.
(Auch wenn du gesagt hättest, ich bin doch gar kein Veganer. Ich kann doch Eier und Milch nehmen.)

#Vegan #BlackMetal #Chef

"What are four words I never expected to see together, Alex?"

Veganism Social is a server where vegans can make friends and interact with the wider Fediverse:


Find out more at or contact the admin @nm

(By the way, in case anyone is surprised by the format of the front page, this is a Mastodon server but it's been specially customised so that the front page is more website-like.)

#FeaturedServer #Vegan #Vegans #Veganism #Food #FoodAndDrink #AnimalRights #Mastodon #Fediverse #FreeFediverse

#introduction (en version)

CN image: eye contact

hi, I'm void (they/them), admin of this instance
- adult, white, mostly able-bodied, #neurodivergent, #vegan, #ADHD, #depression, #trans, #NonBinary
- I support #intersectional, anti-racist, anti-ableistic, anti-capitalistic #feminism, #LGBTQIA+ rights, and left-progressive thinking. :progressprideheart:
- #Minecraft, #GenshinImpact, #Anime
- #streamer, #artist, #TechnicalWriter
- I'm hilariously unfunny