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Items tagged with: Gardening

If you want to grow #roses, don't even bother with the whole water and fertiliser thing. Just move to a town with Medieval culture layers, lift a few street cobbles, poke a plant in, and you're done.

#gardening #visby

"Wenn niemand von deinen Pflanzen frisst, ist dein Garten nicht Teil des Ökosystems."

Schöner Spruch. Ich verstehe auch den Sinn dahinter. Aber es gibt so Phasen im Leben eines Gärtners (meistens von Ende Mai bis Mitte Juli, abends zwischen 20:00 und 21:30 - also wenn ich auf Schneckenjagd gehe), da freut man sich nicht darüber. Denn dann ist dein Garten SO SEHR Teil des Ökosystems, dass für dich selbst keine Ernte mehr übrig bleibt. 😉


#garten #garden #gardening #schnecken #snails

Content warning: insect photo

I moved into my social housing flat 5 years ago this week. My garden has gone from this to this ! Also I was finally allows and nhs wheelchair, (can only have one of you live in an accessible property ). My gardens my sanctuary from my illness, pain, extreme exhaustion.. 💚 #gardening

The Mason Bee (Blue Orchard Bee) House is fully occupied. They were extremely active building nests until a few days ago. Now they mature, and we'll see how many emerge next spring.

I’ve got a recurrence again this year of what looks like a fungal disease on my purple sprouting broccoli: anyone know what it is? And can I compost it?


NPR put together this really cool visualization tool for how USDA plant hardiness zones have changed. 🪴

It’s super interesting and does a great job of explaining what the maps and data really mean! 📊

#Gardening #Outside #USDA #Data #NPR #Agriculture #Farming #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #Garden #Plants

#gardening #autumn

Tiny apple tree has produced enormous apples, and ... is flowering. Thanks, climate crisis?

I was having fun prepping my pepper plants for planting today and Heather captured the moment of botanical joy. #gardening

#CatsOfMastodon #cats #gatos #iowa #gardening

The competition for sunlight in an ecosystem. Here: Purple coneflower plants vs. Ronronia the cat.

We should garden for insects as much as we do for plants. #gardening #insects #biodiversity

Never seen anything like this before. Dawn Redwood cuttings from last year are budding this spring. #bloomscrolling #gardening