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Items tagged with: climateCrisis

"I don't say this lightly - but the floods in #PortoAlegre, #Brazil, are looking comparable to what Katrina did to New Orleans in 2005 -- massive evacuations, water & power outages, key infrastructure damaged, parts of city, possible long-term consequences."—Brian Winter

Background heating +1.3ºC



#Biden crackdown on #PowerPlants expected to speed shift away from coal

"experts say that instead of trying to meet these requirements, more #coal plants may just retire — and some power companies may opt to invest in #renewables... the rule could increase the amount of coal power that comes offline between 2028 and 2035 by nearly 25%"

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #RenewableEnergy #EnergyTransition #USpol #Climate #FossilFuels

The world that capitalism and conservatives have created/destroyed:

"almost a fifth of the female climate experts who responded have chosen to have no children, or fewer children, due to the environmental crises afflicting the world."

#capitalism #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

343 US Tornadoes in the Past 14 Days!

Man-Made climate change is changing the world - today!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GlobalWarming #climatecrisis #climatechange #BreakingNews #Breaking #tornado

“Billions of people are using different kinds of energy each day and 2023 was a record-breaking year for renewable energy sources — ones that don’t emit planet-warming pollutants like carbon dioxide and methane…

For the first time, 30% of electricity produced worldwide was from clean energy sources as the number of solar and wind farms continued to grow fast.” #ClimateCrisis

⚠️Hundreds of the world’s leading climate scientists expect global temperatures to rise to at least 2.5C (4.5F) this century, blasting past internationally agreed targets and causing catastrophic consequences for humanity and the planet, an exclusive Guardian survey has revealed. #ClimateCrisis

Nothing else matters.

Almost 80% of IPCC climate scientists believe we're heading for 2.5ºC of warming this century; 50% say 3ºC.

These are objectively disastrous numbers.

Over 70% say that lack of political will is to blame; 60% also blame vested corporate interests.

I'd add the demagogues, populists, & their cronies, weaponising denialism for their own short-term selfish gains.

History will judge our generation very harshly.


IPCC scientists talk about the future:

“The big difference [with the most recent IPCC report] was that all of the scientists I worked with were incredibly frustrated. Everyone was at the end of their rope, asking: what the fuck do we have to do to get through to people how bad this really is?”

“We did our science, we put this really good report together and – wow – it really didn’t make a difference on the policy. It’s very difficult to see that, every time.”

“1.5C is a political game – we were never going to reach this target.”

Asked what individual action would be effective, he said: “Civil disobedience.”

“Fight for a fairer world.”

#Climate #ClimateCrisis

This is so annoying. 😡

Have you noticed that whenever corporate media decides to publish one of their rare articles about global warming, they almost always will headline it with a cheerful photo of people at the beach, or happily enjoying the sun?

It's a subliminal message.

Yes, the words you're reading might be alarming, but that's okay. We've got this. Business and industry and government will work together to solve the problem. There's nothing to worry about.

As you see here, these three young women are smiling as they relax by a fountain. Life is good!

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

Climate scientists and climate activists know this in their bones. But it's remarkable how many of the world's elites (politicians, business leaders, technologists, public intellectuals, etc) remain stubbornly ignorant of the depth, urgency, and irreversibility of the #ClimateCrisis

Science finally catching up with what I've been raving about for years.

From the article:

"At $190 a ton, the utility industry averaged damages more than twice its profits. Materials manufacturing, energy and transportation industries all had average damages that exceeded their profits."

There is no profit when we account for negative externalities -- all of capitalism is premised on an accounting lie that doesn't work if, you know, we *actually account* for the pollution. Capitalist economics have always been premised on destroying our biosphere for free.

If you can't destroy the biosphere by using it as your own free cesspool -- you can't profit.

It's fucking physics. Balance the equations.

#climate #ClimateCrisis #Accounting #economics


Weather forecasters issued dire warnings Monday for a significant tornado outbreak that's expected in the central U.S. on Monday that could impact millions of people from Texas to the Dakotas!

STAY TUNED to your local weather source if in the affected areas!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GlobalWarming #climatecrisis #climatechange #weather #BreakingNews #Breaking

Great, another source of emissions that has been underestimated.

The US obviously tops the charts, but other notable mentions are China, Australia and Norway.

Direct link to study:

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateDiary #climate #aviation #USA #China #Australia #Norway

The Tories will just write a new law saying 'climate change is safe, actually', just like they did with Rwanda, despite also there being told, internally, the opposite.

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Tories #ukpol