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Items tagged with: Capitalism

#USA, #Israel, #GreatBritain, #Canada, #NewZealand and #Australia are a pit of shit. An international formation of colonialism and war. The "dynamic of #capitalism" on its highest point, #imperialism. Now, because of its rot, will grab into the abyss of "competition" all the Western members of this "conspiracy".

The US is investigating an unauthorised release of classified documents that assess Israel's plans to attack Iran, three U.S. officials have said.

PS. Let's see the possibility of voluntary leaking to postpone or to confuse Iranian intelligence.

You can thank Brexit for this shit.

“Pay to reject”

Taking back control indeed.

#surveillance #capitalism #UK #GDPR #brexit

finished reading Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑
Late-stage capitalism has given way to cloud-based fiefs, and we are the serfs. I need convincing on some of the detail (e.g. how effective are they at manipulating our desires?), but mostly agree with his main argument. Pairs well with Cory Doctorow's #enshittification ideas (@pluralistic).

#BookReview #Books #Bookstodon #Economics #Capitalism


New blog post: Optimal automation

This has been on my mind quite a bit recently so I just wrote a little something about it.

#optimalAutomation #automation #technology #economics #society #AI #LLMs #selfDrivingCars #capitalism #growth #degrowth #climateChange #BigTech #postCapitalism

“Businesses often monetize through data collection, leading to privacy compromises. However, it’s possible to build AI systems that prioritize user privacy, but these would likely require different business models—perhaps focusing on subscription fees or donations rather than data exploitation.

So, the privacy trade-off is more about choices in the current economic landscape than a fundamental requirement.”

– Microsoft Copilot

#AI #surveillance #capitalism #peopleFarming #microsoft #copilot

You've heard that "it takes a village to raise a child". Guess what killed "the village"?
It was capitalism. Capitalism killed "the village", forced people into cities, increased the cost of living such that most households require both parents to work (plus all the aunts, uncles and grandparents). Capitalism needs to be reined in (or replaced) if we want to rebuild "villages" of support and community. #capitalism #ItTakesAVillage #RebuildTheVillage

Revenue effects of #Denuvo digital rights management on #PC video #games


• Denuvo #DRM protects total revenue from piracy by a mean of 15% and a median of 20%.
• #Piracy causes mean total revenue to decrease by 20% when Denuvo is cracked quickly.
• Piracy causes zero mean total revenue loss when Denuvo survives for 12 weeks or more.
• The characteristics of a #game cannot explain its likelihood of being cracked.

First of all DRM is not digital rights management, it is digital restrictions management for the #gamer. Often DRM is making performance and installing problems.
It's important to know that DRM must be payed but makes a game #experience worse. DRM costs #money, #energy, #performance, patches and #support but without any positive effect for the consumer.

The question now is: are these costs higher or lower 20% of lost consumer licenses?

#capitalism #profit #entertainment #news #copy #economy #Problem #study #finance #copyright

The people are being consumed by the so called "free" entertainment.

But it is not "free". It is dumb and trade-based. TikTok, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and so forth mandate that you give them your data and attention (watch ads) in order to use their platforms. In return they give you access to a ton of dumbed down content.

Trading stupidity is much easier than trading well made content. Therefore stupidity evolves faster in a trade-based society.

To make a good researched video can take months, to make a dumbed down one can take minutes. To write a good book about real and important things, and research for it, takes months or years. To write bullshit fictional stories takes a lot less. Music, movies, articles, they are all under the influence of trade, allowing simplistic content to thrive while good one to barely breath.

It is this trade based society to be blamed for the vast majority of the destruction, suffering and idiocy we see worldwide.

#trade #TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #money #media #journalism

"Alex Blasdel lays out the case for private equity as a kind of virus that infects economies, parasitically draining them of not just the capacity to provide goods and services, but also of the ability to govern themselves, as politicians and regulators are captured by the unfathomable sums that PE flushes into the political process:"

#Politics #Capitalism

LG Smart TVs, including OLEDs, now show screensaver ads


Do you remember the dystopia of #Bladerunner? You were bombarded by neon #advertising everywhere in a gloomy city. Apparently, this is exactly what the #digital #economy dreams of. Consumers who can no longer save themselves from advertising. Who voluntarily buys such devices?

#tv #business #ad #entertainment #consum #buy #Problem #news #Hardware #future #capitalism

Remember that this is a choice — a choice that has been made for us. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Get ready for another week of BUSINESS AS USUAL, sponsored this time by Shell Oil, Amazon, and McDonald’s.

🎶 "Keep driving, keep flying, keep shopping, keep buying!
We've got this, everything's fine." 🎶 😃

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

Elon #Musk makes his first appearance at a #Trump #rally and casts the #election in dire terms


Before a large crowd Saturday, Musk sought to portray Trump as a champion of free speech, arguing that Democrats want “to take away your #freedom of speech, they want to take away your right to bear arms, they want to take away your right to vote, effectively.” Musk went on to criticize a California effort to ban voter ID requirements.

#usa #news #fake #conspiracy #vote #president #politics #freespeech #maga #democracy #economy #capitalism

Elon Musk is the most successful person under capitalism.

You tell me what that says about capitalism.

#capitalism #musk #fascism

Which one will be worse?

When the dinosaur-killing asteroid struck Earth 65 million years ago, an estimated 425 gigatons of CO₂ were released.

But that’s less than HALF of what our growth-at-any-cost capitalist economy has pumped into the air within the last 30 years.

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

1994: Well, we can’t just stop using fossil fuels tomorrow!

2004: Well, we can’t just stop using fossil fuels tomorrow!

2014: Well, we can’t just stop using fossil fuels tomorrow!


#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

We know — and our rulers certainly know — that if we are to have any hope of preserving even a limited version of today’s complex modern society, greenhouse gas emissions MUST go down, swiftly and urgently.

But instead, emissions continue going up and up and up. It is literally suicidal.

So, WHY haven't we stopped burning fossil fuels?

Because there are profits to be made. Huge, massive, irresistibly tempting profits.

In a sane world, these actions would be seen as criminal.

Perpetrators like fossil fuel executives, their financiers, and the politicians who enable them, would be arrested, charged, tried, and convicted, with assets forfeited to pay for mitigation and reparations.

But we do not live in a sane world.

#Politics #Economics #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #Degrowth

Meta and friends – like Mastodon and Vivaldi – form Social Web Foundation.

May I be the first to say:

Fuck the Social Web Foundation.

I am so fucking sick of this bullshit happening over and over again. I’d say they’re useful idiots but, let’s face it, Mastodon aren’t idiots. Vivaldi aren’t idiots. They’re smart folks. They know full well what Meta is. They clearly just don’t give a shit.

#SocialWebFoundation #Meta #BigTech #surveillance #capitalism #fediverse