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Items tagged with: harrisWalz2024

#Trump supported the #Republican #Congress’s effort to roll back most of Obamacare, including undoing some of the regulations for #PreexistingConditions & making major #cuts to #Medicaid. It failed because of #JohnMcCain.

Trump dramatically cut funding for #enrollment outreach. He tried to introduce Medicaid work requirements for people covered by the #ACA’s expansion (but was stopped by the courts).

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

One of #JDVance’s more remarkable #lies of the night was this: #Trump saved #Obamacare.

He said the #law “was crushing under the weight of its own regulatory burden in health care costs” before TFG took office in 2017 & started loosening some of its rules.

“I think he can make a good argument that it salvaged Obamacare, which was doing disastrously until Donald Trump came along,” #Vance said.

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

Vance didn’t engage in bomb-throwing; he wasn’t an attack dog or an edgelord. He assured viewers that he felt their pain and that their pain was all Kamala Harris’s fault. (He solved the problem of how to hold Harris responsible for Biden’s record by simply rebranding the Biden-Harris administration as the “Kamala Harris administration,” pretending she was in charge of everything all along.)

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

So, on points, #JDVance may have won by a nose. But he did so in a way that is unlikely to matter very much, if at all, for the presidential contest. In general, vice presidential debates very rarely impact the polls. And this particular debate lacked any breakout moment likely to dominate headlines for days in what’s become a very crowded October news environment (Middle East escalation, Hurricane Helene, the port strike).

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

#Trump deregulated short-term #insurance plans that left people vulnerable to thousands of dollars in #bills if they had a serious #medical emergency.

In 2016, when Trump was elected, the #ACA marketplaces covered 12.7 million people. In 2020, when he lost the election to Joe #Biden, they covered 11.4M. After 4 years of Biden, 21.4M Americans are getting their insurance through or one of its state counterparts.

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

This fucking bullshut about forcing #CatholicHospitals to perform #abortions? THEY ARE PRIVATELY OWNED!!! #Catholic Hospitals — ANY #RELIGIOUS BUSINESS — is not publicly funded!!! Not subject to federally funded institution regulations!!!!

#Lies!!!! #TimWalz #JDVance #VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

#TimWalz killed it on the #healthcare #debate!!!

I mean really.

Killed it.

#JDVance actually tried to sell us that “#Trump saved #Obamacare” 🤣😂😆

Are you kidding me?????

Do you know how many times that jackass tried to overturn the #ACA?? I can’t even count the number!

#VPdebate #Election2024 #Vote #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

#crypto bros love to talk about how they're beating the SEC in the courts. the reality is actually exactly the opposite; out of some 200 cases the bros have beaten the SEC in one (#bitcoin ETFs, unfortunately, where the court forced the SEC to accept the fraudulent data the #CFTC had accepted before it was known to be fraudulent) and "won" half of another one (#Ripple / #XRP), where the part they lost resulted in one of the largest fines in SEC history.

today they lost two more big cases. they will keep losing unless (as they hope) they can bribe congress into changing the laws, which is why crypto is the industry responsible for half of all donations to the 2024 election.

John Reed Stark has the breakdown:

#cryptocurrency #uspol #uspolitics #Election2024 #2024Election #Trump #DonaldTrump #JDVance #uspol #uspolitics #politics #Kamala2024 #KamalaHarris #GOP #MAGA #MAGAts #Vote #Republicans #RVAT #Democrats #HarrisWalz2024 #VoteBlue #HarrisForPresident

"“If you abstain or vote for somebody other than Kamala Harris, you effectively vote for Trump. Consider the consequences for our country. Don’t do something you’ll regret."

#HarrisWalz #Harris #KamalaHarris2024 #Harris2024 #HarrisWalz2024

The #NewYorkTimes editorial board has #endorsed #KamalaHarris for president. In an editorial published Monday, the editorial board called #Trump #unfit for office & declared the VP the “only patriotic choice for president.” While the editorial board was harshly critical of Trump, it also suggested #Harris should offer more policy details [🙄] in her campaign & take part in more media interviews [🙄🙄].

[she has done both, which the NYT has barely covered]

I don't think the people at NYT see their coverage as favorable to Trump or hostile to Harris; they think of it as "honest".

A very common delusion and pathology in legacy media in self bondage to an outdated consesus.


I got my mail-in ballot today so I thought it a perfect time to start posting this message.

If you have an LGBTQ person in your life, consider how your vote will affect them.

As of September 5th, the ACLU is tracking 530 anti-LGBTQ bills in the U.S., all led by republicans.


#HarrisWalz2024 #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #vote #election2024 #Harris2024

Always read the Onion!


Gen. #StanleyMcChrystal, a retired four-star Army general & the former commander of U.S. & allied forces in Afghanistan, just endorsed MVP #KamalaHarris:

"Ms. Harris has the strength, the temperament &, importantly, the values to serve as commander in chief."

"I would urge others to vote as I have."

#NationalSecurity #HarrisWalz2024

#KamalaHarris also appeared to take a swipe at #Trump & his running mate #JDVance who've floated #Ukraine ceding territory to #Russia as part of negotiations to end the #war.

"However, in candor, I share with you Mr. President, there are some in my country who would, instead, force Ukraine to give up large parts of its #sovereign territory, who would demand that Ukraine accept neutrality & would require Ukraine to forego #security relationships w/other nations," #Harris said.


"We also know that other would-be aggressors around the world are watching to see what happens in #Ukraine," #Harris said. "If #Putin is allowed to win, they will become emboldened, & history reminds us, & history is so clear in reminding us, the #UnitedStates cannot & should not isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. Isolation is not insulation."

#Russia #Ukraine #autocracy #democracy #tyranny #leadership #ForeignPolicy #NationalSecurity #HarrisWalz2024 #StandWithUkraine

“The U.S. cannot & should not isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. #Isolation is not #insulation," MVP #KamalaHarris added.

#Zelenskyy spoke after #Harris, telling reporters, "We have to end this #war, we need a just #peace. We must protect our people: Ukrainian families, Ukrainian #children & everyone from #Putin's evil. We are grateful to America for supporting #Ukraine all along."

#geopolitics #ForeignPolicy #Russia #Imperialism #tyranny #autocracy #democracy #HarrisWalz2024

MVP #KamalaHarris said, "The American people know well the meaning of #freedom, of #independence, & the importance of rule of #law. These ideals are central to who we are as Americans & some of the most important moments in our history have come when we stood up to aggressors like #Putin.”
"If we allow aggressors like Putin to take land w/impunity, they keep going & Putin could set his sights on #Poland, the #Baltic states & other #NATO allies”

#Russia #Ukraine #NationalSecurity #HarrisWalz2024

"These proposals are the same of those of #Putin. And let us be clear, they are not proposals for #peace. Instead, they are proposals for #surrender, which is dangerous & unacceptable," MVP #KamalaHarris said.

#Russia #Ukraine #autocracy #democracy #tyranny #leadership #ForeignPolicy #NationalSecurity #HarrisWalz2024 #StandWithUkraine

#KamalaHarris’s recent remarks on the #economy have focused on aiding the ambitions of young #families, first-time #homeowners & #SmallBusiness owners. Today, Harris is expanding that vision, to people who are struggling to make ends meet.

“I am a #capitalist,” #Harris said, directly countering #Trump’s BS attack #lies that she is a left-wing socialist.

#OpportunityEconomy #economy #KamalaHarris #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“I want Americans & families to be able to not just get by, but be able to get ahead, to #thrive. I don’t want you to have to worry about making your monthly #rent if your #car breaks down. I want you to be able to save up for your child’s #education, to take a nice vacation from time to time. I want you to be able to buy Christmas presents for your loved ones w/o feeling anxious when you’re looking at your bank statement.” - MVP #KamalaHarris

#OpportunityEconomy #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

“I want you to be able to build some #wealth, not just for yourself, but also for your children & your grandchildren, #IntergenerationalWealth.”

“I will engage in what #FranklinRoosevelt called bold, persistent experimentation, because I believe we shouldn’t be constrained by ideology, & instead, should seek practical solutions to problems, realistic assessments of what is working…, applying metrics to our analysis, applying facts to our analysis…

- #KamalaHarris

#economy #HarrisWalz2024

#KamalaHarris noted that the #FederalReserve lowered interest rates last week, saying that the move would “make it just a little easier for #families to buy a home or a car or just pay down a credit card.”

#Harris started the speech by acknowledging that the cost of living is too high, but saying those costs rose well before the pandemic. before #Biden & she took office.

#OpportunityEconomy #economy #KamalaHarris #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

The #Harris campaign distributed a ~80-pg white paper called "A New Way Forward for the #MiddleClass," on #economic #policy, to the VIPs & reporters. There are 13 chapters, including “Cut Taxes for #WorkingPeople” & “Invest in #SmallBusinesses That Drive #Growth #Innovation & #Jobs.”

#OpportunityEconomy #economy #KamalaHarris #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

MVP #KamalaHarris speaking soon in #Pittsburgh, #Pennsylvania about building an #economy that will work for all Americans.

#OpportunityEconomy #MiddleClass #labor #unions #protection #security #education #training #infrastructure

#Vote for #KamalaHarris & Gov #TimWalz to protect our fundamental freedoms & defeat #Trump & the #MAGA #Republicans this #election.


#KamalaHarris on #Trump’s #economic agenda: “You see, for Donald Trump, our #economy works best if it works for those who own the big skyscrapers, not those who actually build them, not those who wire them, not those who mop the floor.”
Harris is presenting herself as a #pragmatist unbound by ideology.”We shouldn’t be constrained by ideology, & instead should seek #practical solutions to problems,”she says, offering herself as a #technocrat – #qualified & #capable.
#unions #labor

"Kamala Harris plans to sell herself as a pragmatic capitalist to business leaders in Pittsburgh on Wednesday in a speech designed to crush Donald Trump on the economy and rob him of undecided middle-class voters.


#HarrisWalz #Harris #KamalaHarris2024 #Harris2024 #HarrisWalz2024

#Trump Says People Who Criticize #SCOTUS Justices Should Be #Jailed

Trump praised the #SupremeCourt for allowing states to ban abortion during his Pennsylvania campaign rally, & said it should be "illegal" to criticize the justices

Trump, who earlier this month threatened to #jail his political opponents, upped his #authoritarian rhetoric during a campaign rally at Indiana University of PA.

#authoritarianism #autocracy #tyranny
#law #democracy #HarrisWalz2024

As the #AntiAbortion movement grows increasingly frustrated w/ #Trump, they are turning to his No. 2, Sen #JDVance, for help.
Trump’s criticism of 6-week #AbortionBans, his support for #IVF (w/a #weird promise to make IVF coverage free), & his public stance that #abortion is now a settled issue left to the states have made some anti-abortion advocates urge their followers not to vote for the #GOP ticket.

#ReproductiveRights #AbortionIsHealthcare #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz2024

In case anyone needs to be reminded, tRump is a convicted FELON and is the leader of the republican party!


Harris shows some gains and economic views brighten a bit — CBS News poll

"The 2024 presidential race clearly remains a contest ...

But with interest rates and gas prices coming down, the number of voters saying the economy is good has ticked up. That, along with a debate voters say was net positive for her, has helped Harris a bit. "

Stay positive ... keep fighting!!


‪If you're worried sick about Trump winning, and want to do something, but don't know what needs to be done -- this website has options!

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#harriswalz2024 #uspol