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Items tagged with: USpol

#USpol #Elections #Legal



...beautiful women.

When you're a star, you can do what you want."


#USpol #Elections #Legal


Via #SethAbramson

" @SethAbramson-3m

We are still underestimating the historical gravity--the dark awesomeness--of the last answer #HopeHicks gave under direct examination.
She revealed, in essence, that #Trump admitted to her that he would have lost in 2016 had he not committed 34 felonies.

Sit a moment with that."

A court drawing of the judge, a blond woman, an #TFG w/ notes saying, "I'm automatically attracted...


Fifteen minutes later, while those in the encampment chanted “Free, free Palestine,” counterprotesters organized a rush toward the barricades. During the rush, a counterprotester pulls away a metal barricade from a woman, yelling “You stand no chance, old lady.”
Throughout the intermittent violence, officers were captured on video standing about 300 feet away from the area for roughly an hour, without stepping in.

#UCLA #zionists #israel #uspol #gaza

Truth Social is valued at $9B, yet its daily users have dropped to 113,000!

Truth Social’s average number of daily active US users on iOS and Android dropped by 19% year over year in April to about 113,000, according to data shared exclusively with CNN from Similarweb, a data intelligence company.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump

This post is not a joke.

There are #MAGA proudly talking about #Trump wearing diapers, and wearing Trump branded diapers themselves:

To contextualize, his fixer #MichaelCohen confirms Trump sh**s his pants and journalists at his trial have complained about a certain smell.

Dear World:

I deeply apologize, as a mentally competent American.

This cult demon has a real chance of running our country again.

The stupidity in the #USA is beyond my comprehension.


A good rule of thumb in politics is, you are losing when you have to start issuing statements along the lines of "let me clarify why I shot my dog"


⚕️ Sigh. One step forward, two steps back. Good overview in this short blog:

"The typical non-subsidized health plan for this family would consume over 40 percent of their pre-tax income. Most people would have their mortgage application rejected by a bank if their mortgage payment made up this share of their income. "

#USPol #UniversalHealthCare #M4A #medicaid

Interview with Hala Rharrit...

the third US State Dept official (& first diplomat) to resign publicly over US Gaza policy

"This Militaristic Approach Has Been a Failure"

"I could no longer be a part of the State Department & promote this policy. It’s an inhumane policy. It’s a failed policy that is helping neither Palestinians, neither Israelis"

#USStateDept #USPol #GazaGenocide ..

#USpol #Elections2024

This meme would be even better with *#AltText*!

"The situation in #Israel is
being used as a wedge
to divide the Democrats!
Don't fall for it!
No matter what "side" you
are on, you do NOT want
another 4 years of #Trump!
The only way to prevent
that is to vote #Biden!

Please pass this on!"

RACIST In The White House

Donald Trump telegraphed a dramatic shift to America's approach to civil rights if he wins a second term as president, vowing to focus on "anti-white" racism, not on racism against people of color.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump

Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig: "But left obscure in the oral argument in Trump v. United States is that Donald Trump was not executing presidential power in any legally relevant sense when he engaged in the behaviors charged in Jack Smith's indictment. None of the hard questions of presidential immunity are raised by the case. Indeed, the only hard question is why the lawyers have let it seem as if this is a difficult case." #politics #USPol #Trump #SCOTUS