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Items tagged with: Bridge

This BlueSky bridge IS exciting. However, due to the ignorance of the "opt-in" brigade, I feel it'll be pretty much dead in the water besides with a select niche crowd.

Just like Threads, having to opt-in on an opt-out protocol is killing the usability of such good integrations.

This is why I keep thinking that Fedi won't get popular. Bad implementations like this, specifically wanted by ignorant users, will go unused.🤦‍♂️🙄

#BlueSky #BridgyFed #BlueSkyBridge #Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Bridge #Mastodon #OptIn #OptOut original posts don't seem to be federating to BlueSky, as of yet...only posts in which i'm mentioning another bridge user...

Maybe there's a kink in the system. I'm sure it'll get straightened out. First steps are always the rockiest.

Edit: Scratch that! This post is on BlueSky! Leaving this up so that it stays up there!🥳🥳🥳

#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon #BlueSkyBridge #BridgyFed #Bridge #ActivityPub #BlueSky

For those unaware, the BlueSky-Fediverse bridge is LIVE and seems to be federating profiles who "opt-in" to BlueSky.

If you want to opt-in, you just have to follow and then if you have a BlueSky account, you can login and find your account by using the format, so mine is

This is SUPER exciting! Bridging open protocols is a super cool thing and I'm so happy to test out this super cool project!

Edit: more info after further investigation. Notifications from BlueSky users only work if they have activated the bridge on their side...this is less than stellar, but hopefully this changes?😳

Also, to find a BlueSky user that HAS opted into the bridge, their Bluesky account will appear in the fediverse as @[handle] For example, on Bluesky is bridged into the fediverse as (sorry for the notification, Ryan. Hope you don't get spammed😬)

#BlueSkyBridge #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Mastodon #Fediverse #Fedi #ActivityPub #Bridge