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Items tagged with: abortion

The Supreme Court unanimously rejected the effort by anti-abortion doctors to challenge the FDA approval of mifepristone.

Mifepristone is safe and effective and remains legal in the states that have not banned abortion.

#news #health #abortion

Not going to dignify the current U.S. Supreme Court with a careful legal analysis of today’s #mifepristone decision. But, especially for non-lawyers, it is worth explaining what the opinion does and does not do. It does not prevent future challenges to the FDA’s regulation of the drug; nor does it provide any substantive protection for #abortion access. It does somewhat limit right-wingers from using federal courts to control women’s bodies. 1/ #LawFedi #Standing

#SCOTUS retains full #access to key #AbortionMedication #mifepristone

The #SupremeCourt on Thurs refused to limit access to a widely used #abortion #medication, rejecting a challenge from #antiabortion doctors 2 years after the court’s #conservative majority overturned #RoeVWade on procedural grounds.

#law #ReproductiveRights #FDA #medicine #medical #health #WomensHealth


Supreme Court rejects bid to restrict access to #abortion pill

The court found that anti-abortion doctors who questioned the FDA’s easing of access the pill did not have legal standing to sue. #SCOTUS

#Texas is setting up road blocks to look for women seeking an #abortion outside of Texas.

If we had proper news media in the US Americans would be looking at what's going on in Europe right now.
Europeans voted for their equivalent of the House of Representatives today and the first results show, as predicted, that pro-Putin, climate-change deniers, pro-life, anti-LGBTQ+ fascist parties are closer and closer to take control of Europe.
In Germany voters under 30 went "in droves" to the far right.
Same in France.
In short Europe is becoming a deep Red State and that should worry you.

#vote #elections #europe #abortion #climatechange #democracy #abortion #lgbtq+ #voteblue #biden #maga #trump

Two Texas professors are suing to flunk students who get abortions.

""Mitchell is creating a cottage industry of using the Texas law to help men harass ex-girlfriends."

"Along with their anger about abortion, they grouse about not being allowed to punish students 'for being homosexual or transgender.'"

#Abortion #WomensRights #Feminism #Queer #Transgender #Trans #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT

THIS IS WHY SELF-CARE IS POLITICAL WARFARE because there was never a democracy after all and the job will not be done come November.

it's just that you chose to pretend racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, classism —all the social and political and economic hates and phobias— had nothing to do to with #fascism.

yet here we are.

so prepare yourself to fight Biden & his brand of Democrats even harder for the bare minimum. they'll sell everybody out for a bad #abortion win

For the 3rd episode of our Lab's podcast, I talked with two of the organizers of the weekly cycle of marches past several SCOTUS justices' homes in 2022 about the what, why, and how of those actions, and the intense blowback they got from the right.
#protest #ContentiousPolitics #podcast #SCOTUS #abortion #ReproductiveRights

Most Americans, including those enacting 6-week #abortionbans, don’t actually understand how the timing or dating of pregnancy works. Many women don't know yet they are pregnant at 6 weeks.

Scholars explain how research on what Americans understand about #abortion raises “serious questions about whether Americans without medical training – much like those in our state legislatures – have the necessary knowledge needed to regulate abortion access.”

My Voice, My Choice: For Safe And Accessible #Abortion

"We are asking the European Commission to submit a proposal for financial support to Member States that would be able to perform safe termination of pregnancies for anyone in Europe who still lacks access to safe and legal abortion."

Sign here:

#Tax The Rich

"This initiative calls on the European Commission to establish a European tax on great wealth."

Sign here:

Louisiana’s new bill, once signed, would reclassify two #abortion pills (mifepristone and misoprostol) as Schedule IV controlled substances, like valium, and making it a crime to possess them without a valid in-state prescription.

Surgical and medication abortions are already banned in Louisiana, with few exceptions.

An obstetrician and a law professor explain more about the law and the lack of evidence supporting it:
#news #breakingnews #health

Louisiana legislature approves bill classifying abortion pills as controlled dangerous substances

#abortion #state

The fate of #emergency #abortion care rests with #SupremeCourt. On Wednesday #SCOTUS is hearing arguments over whether the #Biden administration has the power to penalize hospitals such as Memorial Regional that fail to provide abortions in emergency situations — or if the White House is wrongly applying a nearly 40-year-old emergency-care law to justify access to abortions.

#Louisiana passes bill to make #abortion pills a controlled dangerous substance🤦🏻‍♀️

The measure would make possession of the medications without a valid prescription or an order from a medical professional punishable by up to five years in prison, with an exception for pregnant people.

Via Taniel:

BFD in #Missouri: GOP tried to rush a constitutional change to crack down on future ballot initiatives. Anticipated an #abortion rights measure this fall.

But Democrats triggered the longest filibuster in state history to sink it in final days of session.

There is no such thing as the "culture war." What we're actually talking about is white evangelicals trying to cheat at politics rather than accept that Americans long ago rejected their authoritarian and superstitious viewpoints.

This is blindingly obvious on the issue of #abortion and #abortionrights