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Items tagged with: Darktable

#DarkTable people: is there a way to save a mask within a style? Searching seems to indicate 'no'.

I apply the configuration I want to an image, compress the history, and save it as a style.

Then apply the style to the whole image set, overwriting the defaults.

But the mask isn't copied, so only one of the 530+ images has the censored area - none of the others have it, *even though the censor module is set in the style*.

Only way to solve, is to use the history option instead of a style?

I decided to roll the dice, that my CV joint on my car wouldn't blowup, for a run up north out of city lights to see the aurora--& I'm so glad I did! Two shots from northern California: First is from Doyle & the second is from Frenchman Lake. What an amazing display! For a time the aurora covered a 180 degrees from east to west & was overhead & could be seen in the south! I shot these photos with a 15mm f/2.0 30sec ISO400.

#Aurora #California #Lake #Solar #Sky #NightSky #Photography #Darktable

It's alive!

A week ago today, Friday, at the Northern Nevada Railroad in Ely, Nevada, it was a rare--gloriously steamy day due to rain and high humidity.

#Trains #Railway #Steam #BlackAndWhite #Photography #Darktable

So this is the pictograph to the left of the really crisp one seen in my last post. Sadly, this one has not fared well over the centuries. The left side of it has mostly been washed away by water running down the cliff face. I enhanced this one quite a bit so we could see some of the detail. When it was fresh, I think this one would have really been spectacular! It has many more elements to it than the last one I posted.

#Archeology #Desert #Canyon #RockArt #Photography #Darktable

A close crop of an earlier post from a couple of weeks ago. Also, since I'm on my home computer, I slightly enhanced it using a parametric mask in Darktable to reveal a bit more detail.

#RockArt #Canyon #Utah #Desert #Photography #Darktable

I'm not sure who that old coot is photo bombing this cliff dwelling, but I saw him free climb down into the canyon from the mesa top. Silly old guy must have went up the wrong canyon looking for this ruin, climbed out, walked across the mesa, & then climbed down into this, the right canyon with its really cool cultural site. There's rock art decorating the canyon walls, pottery shards, 800-year-old corn cobs, & pressure flakes everywhere!

#Archeology #Ruin #Abandoned #Desert #Canyon #Darktable

#Muster in der #52WochenFotoChallenge von @norberteder

17/52 Natural Patterns
I always find it fascinating what delicate patterns nature offers, here - fitting for the season 😉 - a small tulip that I discovered when I was taking photos in one of those tulip fields where you can pick your own bouquet to take home.

#flower #tulip #pattern #closeup #outside #beauty #nature #photography #darktable #paperg

:nikon: :darktable:

#guettisknippse ist hier kein Kapitän
𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 - Es wird wohl noch ein wenig dauern, bis das Schiff wieder in See sticht.
It will probably be a while before the ship sets sail again.
#blackandwhite #darktable #edit_reedit #photography #silentsunday #flensburg

Ett år i dag! 🎂 Familjen åt tonfisk i tomatsås med pasta, Sonja åt tonfisk. Och tonfisk.
#CatsOfMastodon #Photography #Darktable