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Items tagged with: LLM

Watching #GoogleIO and there are some cool demonstrations of data center cloud computing, but there's also this fog of dystopia surrounding these demos.
The announcements for search are horrifying. Google is full mask off.

Phrases like "search for something, and we'll collect all this data for you" basically equates to:

"We sucked up ALL the data from people who really did the work, and we're going to give you the results of their hard work, but we wont take you to the site that generated the data. You can stay on the search page, and the site's traffic will plummet."

This is shocking.

#tech #technology #ai #google #search #llm #geek #technews #business

#DouglasAdams: „Alles von [den Wirten] Gesagte wird von dem Babelfisch aufgenommen und als telepathische Matrix in das Gehirn des Wirts ausgestoßen. Hat man eines dieser putzigen Tierchen im Ohr, kann man jede Sprache des Universums verstehen. Damit hat der #Babelfisch nicht nur mehr Unheil und Kriege verursacht, als man sich denken kann.“

„#KI“: „Hold my beer!“


A study that confirms what I’ve been suspecting for a while: fine-tuning a #LLM with new knowledge increases its tendency to hallucinate.

If the new knowledge wasn’t provided in the original training set, then the model has to shift its weights from their previous optimal state to a new state that has to accommodate both the previous and new knowledge - and it may not necessarily be optimal.

Without a new validation round against the whole previous cross-validation and test sets, that’s just likely to increase the chances for the model to go off the tangent.

#AI #ML @ai

The language learning model I want is for my smartphone to stop thinking that the ONE time I chose to place an accent over an "a" while using the English language keyboard means that I want it to change plain letters "a" into accented ones forever!


#ai #llm

@deflockcom @hacks4pancakes I don’t know about a #searchEngine that unlists “#AI” / #LLM generated content, but this thread may be tangentially interesting to you:

So developers will stop sharing information on #StackOverflow and future #Copilot and friends will be forever stuck in the past, answering questions about historically relevant frameworks and languages.
#LLM #StuckOverflow

@vfrmedia @kfh For no reason at all I wondered what sort of union resignation email an #LLM would generate given this prompt..

"write a letter to my amazon union representative explaining why i have decided to cancel my union membership after clicking on the qr code prominently displayed in the toilets as instructed by my manager, during my alloted two minute toilet break"

Llama 3 | Open-Source AI Model That Can Run on ANYTHING!

All Your Base Are Belong to LLM

"The output from an LLM is a derivative work of the data used to train the LLM.

If we fail to recognise this, or are unable to uphold this in law, copyright (and copyleft on which it depends) is dead. Copyright will still be used against us by corporations, but its utility to FOSS to preserve freedom is gone."

#FOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #LLM #AI

Meta: "Today, we’re introducing Meta Llama 3, the next generation of our state-of-the-art open source large language model. (...) We’re committed to the continued growth and development of an open AI ecosystem for releasing our models responsibly."

Also Meta: releases #llama3 straight into the bottom 5 of the GenAI openness leaderboard #llm #opensource

Newsflash: Llama3, like Llama2, is at best "open weights" and not in any sense open source.

#LLM Agents can Autonomously #Exploit One-day Vulnerabilities


To show this, we collected a dataset of 15 one-day vulnerabilities that include ones categorized as critical severity in the #CVE description. When given the CVE description, GPT-4 is capable of exploiting 87% of these vulnerabilities compared to 0% for every other model we test (GPT-3.5, open-source LLMs) and open-source vulnerability scanners (ZAP and #Metasploit).

#ai #technology #Software #chatgpt #bug #hack #news #cybersecurity