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Items tagged with: Research

Using AI to oversee dynamic fusion machines is a hot area of research. It doesn't mean generative AI like ChatGPT. It's old-school AI, where you train a machine to recognize patterns in complex real-world data then let it make decisions.

#AI #Fusion #Energy #EnergyTransition #Science #Research

Plant scientists at the University of Tennessee wanted to figure out alternatives to mechanical radiation sensors, which have a history of failing at the wrong time.

How about a potato plant that glows fluorescent green when exposed to radiation?

This “could act as a fail-safe if a disaster similar to Fukushima Daiichi were to occur.”
#science #research #health

Content warning: Design-related commercial message

Today's #ai #generated #podcast is #up. #news #current #events #media

Today we #dive into the #world of #banking as #advocates #express #hope but remain wary of# banks' pledge to stop abusive e-transfers.

We'll also discuss the #struggle for #alone time that many #moms face, as #research suggests an #unfair #division of #labor is to #blame.

#Scientists need your help to find #zombie-#infected #cicadas filled with #gut #pudding. Yes, you heard that right.

Currently, all students, teachers and employees of 36 #Dutch educational and research institutions can use #Mastodon and the #Fediverse with 1 click by using their pre-existing institutional account.

🎓 (#edu & #research)
🇳🇱 (#gov)
📺 (#broadcast)
🌐 (public org)

#vocationaleducation #highereducation #research #university #umc #library is an academic server for humanities scholars and practitioners around the world:


It runs on Hometown Mastodon, a special version of Mastodon with additional features.

You can find out more at or contact the admin @hello

#FeaturedServer #Humanities #Academic #Academics #Academia #Research #Researchers #Hometown #HometownMastodon #Mastodon #Fediverse #FreeFediverse

“We must have this national conversation. How are we going to deal with long #COVID?”

Featured post: Medical experts and those suffering from this challenging condition are demanding better—more research and healthier air to breathe.

(Edit: adjusted word choice based on reader feedback 🤠)

#LongCovid #Health #news #politics #USpol #science #healthcare #research #CovidIsNotOver #Austin #Texas