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Items tagged with: ClimateEmergency

Middle class Americans don't care much about the future inhabitability of the planet but they do love their homes and possessions so this may get their attention. Yes, the #ClimateEmergency is coming for you too.

The New York Times on the collapse of the US home insurance system:

"Across the United States, more frequent extreme weather is starting to cause the home insurance market to buckle, even for those who have paid their premiums dutifully year after year. "

PBS: A wildfire forces out hundreds of residents in Canada’s oil sands hub of Fort McMurray #canada #wildfires #oilsands #climate #climateemergency

Mass die-offs and constant crisis will define the brutality of our future as we attempt and fail to adapt to a completely destabilized climate.

"Hundreds of thousands of fish have died in a reservoir in southern Vietnam's Dong Nai province, with locals and media reports suggesting a brutal heat wave and the lake's management are to blame.

Like much of Southeast Asia—where schools have recently been forced to close early and electricity usage has...


UK government defeated in the High Court again over its inadequate climate plans. #ToryIncompetence #ClimateEmergency

AP: Philippine students are told to stay home as Southeast Asia copes with a sweltering heat wave #heatwave #climate #climatedisaster #climateemergency

Remember that this is a choice — a choice that has been made for us. It doesn’t *have* to be this way.

Did any of us consent to this? Are we consenting to it now?

We can’t opt out. But can we opt in, and force a different choice?


#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Degrowth

Next time you hear Michael O'Leary's guff about sustainable aviation, remember this chart and the fact that Ryanair's CO2 emissions have increased by 23% over the last five years. That their emissions are 57% higher than the next most polluting airline and that they are one of only three of the top ten with rising emissions.

#Aviation #ClimateEmergency

LA Times Editorial: If 10 straight months of record-breaking heat isn’t a climate emergency, what is? #climate #disaster #climateemergency

++ Breaking ++
Scientist Rebellion founding action: UK Crown court jury finds co-founders Mike and Tim **Not Guilty** for their action at the @royalsociety! More on this news tomorrow.
#scienceontrial #ClimateEmergency