Items tagged with: Drones
"Support from the air: #drones open up completely new perspectives for the NRW #police
From 2021, the North Rhine-Westphalian police will initially be equipped with 76 drones in the areas of forensic investigation centres, the crime scene surveying group of the #State #Office of #Criminal #Investigation and the riot police. In a next step, a further 30 drones will be procured for the #traffic #accident #investigation #teams.
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Unterstützung aus der Luft: Drohnen ermöglichen der Polizei NRW ganz neue Perspektiven
Die nordrhein-westfälische Polizei wird ab 2021 mit zunächst 76 Drohnen in den Bereichen der Kriminaltechnischen Untersuchungsstellen, der Tatortvermessungsgruppe des Landeskriminalamtes und der Bereitschaftspolizei
#drones #privacy
Backyard Privacy in the Age of Drones
Police departments and law enforcement agencies are increasingly collecting personal information using drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles.Electronic Frontier Foundation